Job Seeker

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SSG Carlos Madden

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This is a group for RallyPoint members who are seeking civilian and private sector employment as they transition out of the military or as veterans in the civilian workforce.

The Discussions held within this group can be used to help other RallyPoint members to learn about best practices for seeking employment, good or bad companies to work for, good or bad industries for veterans and much more.

Use this group as a resource to find the RallyPoint conversations and the members (in the 'People' tab) who will be able to help to give you advice. Similarly, if you have advice to give, then feel free to use this group to mentor those who have questions.
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Best parts of holding this position

There are endless possibilities for you! You are highly trained and valuable in the civilian workforce and the right company and industry will realize that. Challenge yourself to do the outreach and the networking amongst your fellow RallyPoint members to figure out what might be a good next step in your career path and then use this group as a way to try to move towards it.
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Worst parts of holding this position

You are going to have to go through it at least one point in your life, so make the best of it and make it as short and easy as possible with the help of the RallyPoint members and discussions in this group!
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Advice on how to prepare for this position

  • RallyPoint is your greatest resource! Network within the community. By definition, there is someone who has done what you are doing before you who is part of the community. Reach out to that person and ask for advice and support.
  • Post questions to this group or in the 'Employment and Transition' section in Answers when there is something that you are unsure of and you would like to know more about in your job search.
  • Use the RallyPoint Career Corner (on desktop only). We have over 15,000 private sector jobs that are listed and where the emplpoyer is specifically looking to be filled by veterans:

Most recent contributors: Elizabeth Malkin

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How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter