
Vietnam - The Country

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Sgt Joe LaBranche

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in the lower right hand corner of this site says Vietnam the plz dont post comments unless u were actually there a grunt .........
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what price grunts WW2 and Korea and the Nam .....
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im talking Grunts here .....Army Marine air force no navy no reserves no national guard no abc community no nothing disrespect intended .....thank you all for your service....b...
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ok... so im posting today here on this Vietnam matters and tomorrow is the 80th Anniversary of DDay does not matter about politics nor the abc community nor hurt feelings ...
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hello brothers .....are you a politician or are you an Nam brothers in arms know what is up ....the sacrifice the mud....alone
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just thinking out loud here ......who would volunteer to shoulder a weapon defend our freedom.....during the nam it was the draftees volunteers and hippies ....but now i just dont think the tr...
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it matters not Democrat or Republican .....what matters is America ...
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hello brothers....this memorial day 2024 take a moment , take a pause and remember the fallen ... the Military Dead far away lands .....for freedom ....
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where are my vietnam era verterans ......the year is 2024 ...the time time is now.....pop smoke....our country is at odds ....ruck up .....
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can we get back to the Vietnam Era....when biden was roaming the halls of congress....looking for the bathroom ....
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Aloha everyone. This story is not a true story - except in its theme. It is a collage of anecdotes I picked up from Veterans who wrote letters (remember writing letters and not sending texts and email...
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“By his steadfast determination, devotion to duty, and adherence to the Code of Conduct, Lieutenant Colonel Chapman knowingly brought harsher treatment upon himself,” the citation continues. “Disregar...
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7 May 1954: Vietminh overrun the French at Dien Bien Phu after a 55-day siege.


For details, see:


ILLUSTRATIONS: (1) French paratroopers bat...
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I don't know if I am allowed to post this..let me know. My brother Mike served in Vietnam; Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Bronze star. A wounded warrior who has a giant heart. I got this lette...
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I went up to the VA this morning to get my eyes checked. I sat across from a Vietnam Vet. He had lost his wife two years we talked about grief, loss, and folks we cared about. Since we were b...
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.....did America get it right the nam brothers .....just wondering .....i dont think so....
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......did you go AWOL.....after the nam......
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hello fellow grunts ....i dont know and in dont care about Britain in the Nam ...what i care about is dust off ...medievac ....for our wounded....
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......hows it going my nam brothers ....its been awhile....52years to be exact ...move around keep- busy....keep moving dont mean nothing......
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.....why did vietnam happen....and why did Congress never declare it a war and yet continued to draft and send combat troops overseas .....dont they know lives were interrupted .....dont they care....
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