Vietnam - The Country
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Wellness Hub by Cohen Veterans Network »
Veteran Voices: Retired Air Force Master Sergeant John Stewart writes about his own experiences with mental health after returning from Vietnam and about the work being done to prevent veteran suicide in this op-ed.
Yankee '60s-70s Legend Roy White a US Army Vietnam Era veteran at 2024 Old-Timers Day, discuss Transition from Baseball to Life After.
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Wellness Hub by Cohen Veterans Network »
in the lower right hand corner of this site says Vietnam the plz dont post comments unless u were actually there a grunt .........
hello brothers .....are you a politician or are you an Nam brothers in arms know what is up ....the sacrifice the mud....alone
hello brothers....this memorial day 2024 take a moment , take a pause and remember the fallen ... the Military Dead far away lands .....for freedom ....
where are my vietnam era verterans ......the year is 2024 ...the time time is now.....pop smoke....our country is at odds ....ruck up .....
can we get back to the Vietnam Era....when biden was roaming the halls of congress....looking for the bathroom ....

7 May 1954: Vietminh overrun the French at Dien Bien Phu after a 55-day siege.
For details, see:
ILLUSTRATIONS: (1) French paratroopers bat...
Truth and Myths About The Vietnam War
.....did America get it right the nam brothers .....just wondering .....i dont think so....
hello fellow grunts ....i dont know and in dont care about Britain in the Nam ...what i care about is dust off ...medievac ....for our wounded....
A Bit of Forgotten History
Britain's Weird Vietnam War (Documentary)
......hows it going my nam brothers ....its been awhile....52years to be exact ...move around keep- busy....keep moving dont mean nothing......
.....why did vietnam happen....and why did Congress never declare it a war and yet continued to draft and send combat troops overseas .....dont they know lives were interrupted .....dont they care....
I Love Noodles!
$1 Noodles VS $163 Noodles in Vietnam!! (RECORD BREAKING Bowl!!)