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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jul 19, 2018
SSG Gerhard S.
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Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
For those who chose not serve and stuck around to face the music. I disagree, but respect.

For those that avoided service, but used the rules to do it. I don't like it, but harbor no ill will. "The rules is the rules."

For those that ran, they made a choice and they should live by their choice. I don't like them standing on American soil, breathing American Air, and enjoying American freedom. I forgive, but do not forget. I don't go looking for a pissing contest, but If they bring up the subject, I'm not going to pussyfoot around it. As far as I am concerned, they are not to be trusted.
SGM Robert Winstead
SGM Robert Winstead
2 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - When was President Trump pardoned and who did it?
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - When someone puts very little thought into their comments, I'm more than happy to criticize. There was no substance to your comment just you giving vent to your distaste for President Trump.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
Maj John Bell -
There Ya Are Once Again.
SSG Elbert Thomas
SSG Elbert Thomas
1 mo
Maj John Bell - It was his hurt feelings.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited 6 y ago
I agree with you that I want men and women serving that are joining of their own free will. I do not agree with you that a draft is slavery. I volunteered and knew that I would be going to Vietnam. I never gave any thought to draft dodgers. What bothered me were the scum bags that greeted me at LAX when I returned from Vietnam. They tried to block my way, asked me how many babies had I killed, told me to repent for my sins, etc. I was in uniform flying military standby. One of the hardest things that I have ever done, was not confronting these scum bags.
1SG Mark Rodgers
1SG Mark Rodgers
>1 y
SSgt James Jones - There is a yes and a No in both statements! Can you walk away when drafted? No. The next question is of same thought.. Just think about the parallel!
CPL Joe Brown
CPL Joe Brown
5 mo
I concur about those scumbags, especially when we DEROSE'D back from Vietnam and had to go through Oakland Army base. Hippies and Berkeley dandies throwing tomatoes and eggs on us we went through the gate...I will never forget..or forgive any of those phonies.
SP6 Greg Jetter
SP6 Greg Jetter
4 mo
agree 100% , in 72 the war was ending , i was returning home from basic training in uniform , got harassed the same at the airport. These assholes are now running the government .
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
1SG Mark Rodgers -
...."Can you walk away when drafted? No."
But I'd Suggest He Learn The Canadian National Anthem. (;-)+
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SGT Clifford (Mug) Hall
As a Viet Nam era enlistee I chose to enlist. I didn't run off to Canada. I am admittedly more upset with folks like Kerry & McCain that embellished their own record, profited from it and have become national embarrassments. Lack of information is the biggest enemy. If the reasons were legitimate I have no problems with deferments.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
CSM Thomas Ray -
One Of The Things About "Bone Spurs" Many Are NOT Aware Of Is
"When One HAS Bone Spurs, The Area Can Be Numbed With An Injection
And Massaged Off The Bony Area." ~ BUT It's Been Stated By The 2 Daughters Of The Doctor, Whom DID Trumps Diagnosis, "He Had NO Bone Spurs, Their Father Was Paid By Fred Trump To Report It As Such, To Have His Son Donald, Deferred From Serving,~ On FIVE (5) Different Occasions: ~~ READ As FOLLOWS ~
~~~~~~Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel — the daughters of Dr. Larry Braunstein, who died in 2007 — say their father was one of Fred Trump’s tenants at the time, setting up his podiatry practice in the Trump-owned Edgerton Apartments in Jamaica, Queens. Though they are unsure whether their dad actually examined the then 22-year-old Donald Trump, the sisters say that he often spoke of signing off on the diagnosis that kept Trump out of the war. The doctor also gave them the impression that Trump didn’t actually have bone spurs, but he said otherwise to help keep him out of the draft, they say.

“I know it was a favor,” Braunstein told the New York Times, noting her father’s cordial relationship with Trump’s real estate developer father.

“What he got was access to Fred Trump,” she added. “If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and Trump would take care of it immediately. That was the small favor that he got.”

The sisters say they recall their father’s friend and fellow podiatrist, Dr. Manny Weinstein, was also somehow involved with the bone spur diagnosis. Weinstein died in 1995.~~~~
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
CSM Thomas Ray -
Prior to the election, rumors began to circulate on Facebook that Biden had deferred the draft on a number of occasions during the Vietnam War. The post went viral in part because conservatives saw it as a way to rebut Democratic claims that former President Trump had dodged the draft. Biden, who was born in 1942, could have been drafted into service in the war. 

Although he was the right age, Biden never served because he received a number of deferrals from the draft during his time in college. He first received deferrals while an undergraduate at the University of Delaware, and later during his time in law school at Syracuse University. Biden eventually received a medical exam in 1968, after which he received a "1-Y" classification. 

That classification meant that Biden could not be drafted unless there was a national emergency. In 2008, when Biden was seeking the presidency in the Democratic primary, he released his selective service record to the press. At the time, his records said that he was disqualified from service because of asthma that he suffered from as a teenager. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now For TRUMP~~~~~~~~~~
Although neither Biden or Trump personally served in the military the issue of respect for the military dominated a large chunk of the 2020 presidential campaign. The issue stemmed largely from comments that Trump had reportedly made that many felt were disrespectful to the millitary. In reporting from The Atlantic, Trump said that those who died in the military were "losers" and "suckers."

The Biden campaign used those comments to suggest that Trump didn't have the respect for military service that was necessary to serve as commander in chief. It was just one of many issues that were raised over the course of a long and brutal campaign, and it's unclear if any one issue, including the coronavirus pandemic, proved to be decisive in Trump's ultimate defeat in November. Still, his comments about the military probably didn't help him.
CPL Joe Brown
CPL Joe Brown
5 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I concur about cadet bone spurs...it was a cheap shot below the belt to those of us that had to go.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
CPL Joe Brown -
I Wasn't DRAFTED ~~ I ENLISTED On My 17th Birthday 06/29/1961 ~
~One Of My Best Decision Ever~ Changed My Life For The Better, And Were It NOT For The PAY, It Would Have Been My Career Of Choice. My TOP Pay ~ Overseas In South Korea ~ $173.00 Per MONTH. ~ Even The Counter Help At McDonald's Pays 3 - 4 Times As Much ~~ I've Even Known, The Ranks From E-5 On Down, With Families ~~ On Social Services For Enough To Survive On.~~ Just "Not My Cup Of Tea"...
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