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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Oct 22, 2014
RallyPoint Team
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Responses: 249
LTC Chief Of Concepts Evaluation
I'd be interested to know where the numbers 15,500 transgender service members and that 90% are male to female come from. This is likely just more of the "we believe x% of the population are transgender, and therefore that means that there are y number of transgenders in the service" rhetoric.

I find it hard to believe that 15,500 people can change their gender without the military knowing about it considering medical exams, urinalysis tests, deployment conditions, and other situations where gender may be rather evident to others around you.
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
I don't think it's so much of a should've/could've type situation but how you could make accommodations... Regardless of how PC you want to make this, some or most females might not enjoy showering with another male whether she sees herself as a FEMALE or NOT. And TRUST when I say I have a female bff who looks beautiful when dressed in drag. You wouldn't be able to tell. And I make every show I can for support. (Because I know I'll be called a bigot or something. *rolling eyes*)
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), you crack me up!
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I try!!! MAJ (Join to see) I just speak truth. Lol
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CPT Rn Care Coordinator
All I can say is wow, I am so impressed with the open responses on here. My first thought was.... this is going to be too disruptive to order, thinking of the stir that sometimes (less now) comes with caring for transgender individuals, because doctors are not always used to it, how it affects lab values, medications, preventive care, people's preconceptions and fears, etc. Also, which PT standards, barracks, etc? My mind has been blown at all of the positive and accepting responses. Thanks for sharing your tolerance.
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MSgt Michelle Mondia
MASH already covered this debate for us. Things like this and homosexuality are no longer considered mental illnesses...amoung other conditions like menapause. "We are family" so to speak.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
Yeah never got Klinger home
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
9 y
Klinger for the record was looking for a way out, and dated women.
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SFC Collin McMillion
I have read all the responses to this, and in my opinion, very few have any true basis for being posted. If one is physically and mentally capable of serving our country, let them. With all the professionals we have in the military, ie. Dr, social workers, counselors, chaplins, etc, if they find no reason for one not to serve, who am I to say different? All I expect is if the need arises for me to cover your back and you to cover mine, DO IT, if you can't or won't then pray I don't survive!!!!
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SFC Mark Merino
Why is there such fierce debate over such a miniscule percentage of the population? Miniscule. The military has always been the sociological pioneer for change and human rights. The rights of one must be the rights for all or none of us are worthy of rights. We are talking about simple differences in biology, anatomy, and luck of the draw....not deviant behavior. I served in the military when homosexuals were shunned and thrown out....then it was "don't ask don't tell"....Now, there are no restrictions for service. In 20 years, the tables have turned 100%. Now that I am out and can speak my mind, I can say that minds are just blown over such a drastic change. Old school military still serving have been told that homosexuals were not allowed, then tolerated, and then finally accepted without question. Like it or not, they changed the rules on EVERYBODY. It is now the individuals responsibility to either accept new policies and continue to serve or to say "this isn't what I believe in" and get out. Your dedication and service to your country, despite your beliefs and politics, is not in question. You are all my family. For those of you so quick to bash each other for not sharing the same opinions, just remember that things were not always just one way.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
>1 y
Pda meme
Because we must ensure that minorities have a voice in the world...even if its at the expense of the majority, didn't you know?

I don't care about sexual preferences as long as the PDA is kept to a minimal. I don't need to see fondling, gropping, or similiar activities in public. Let's keep it G rated please.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I am kind of shocked the military has even embraced a transgender...mostly because they don't want to be called a man nor a woman.  Many head doctors see this as a mental disorder...men and women smarter than me are saying this, how do you argue with this. I believe the DSM diagnosis is: Gender Identity Disorder.
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
i dont believe that to to be true when applied to transgender. you have to do better than that. in any case being transgender doesnt have anything with their ability to do the job
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PO1 John Y.
The gay-lesbian, radical liberal agenda is to skew our perception of what has been a long understanding of right and wrong. Who am I to say what is right or wrong? Someone whose life has to depend on the person next to me in a high-stress crisis. If you are willing to bend/break the laws of nature (and in my belief, God) then how does any other law, rule, or regulation apply to you. A transgender person doesn't seem to see the rules apply to them, in my opinion. I can't trust someone like that. Now, someone or several of you will write me off as ignorant, I don't care. You got the genitalia you were given, use for the purpose it was intended or not. If you can't you don't belong in my military.
PO1 John Y.
PO1 John Y.
10 y
You are saying transgender, homosexuality, and other related "differences" are "normal, acceptable" characteristics of a person like their skin color, choice of faith, belief system. I am saying they are not at all like that. One argument of sexual preference is that homosexuals and transgender people were born that way, they can't help be that way. If that is the case (then it isn't a "preference"), my point is, it's a deformity or abnormality like down syndrome, certain mental illnesses, and the like. Therefore, a homosexual's way of thinking is not normal and their rationale doesn't typically adhere to rules, laws, regulations, etc. So, if they don't feel the rules apply to them and must be changed to their view, I cannot trust them to follow the same regulations I do/did in the military let alone in the civilian world. They make up 3-5% of the population. Why do the rest of us have to cater to their world view, especially when a majority of the population sees their "lifestyle" as wrong and perverted?
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
10 y
i dont see how you can compare gay or transgenders with down syndrome what you or i consider to be normal or not as far as im concerned they shouldnt be judged differently than anyone else. if someone has a physical or mental disability that disallows them from serving thats one thing i dont consider gay or transgenders to be disabled. who are we to say that what homosexuals think isnt normal? even if you actually believe this what about being gay or transgender that would mentally or physically keep them from doing their job?
Sgt S.P. Woodke
Sgt S.P. Woodke
10 y
Sorry Kevin - I've got three GREAT close Brothers (figurative best buds) all of them live that lifestyle and Every one of them wishes they didn't Have to live that way...they don't think its normal either...BTW they too live in the Baltimore area...
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
10 y
sgt woodke even if they live the lifestyle and wish they didnt have to live that way still doesnt hinder their ability to do the job and as far as im concerned shouldnt keep them from serving in the military. all im saying wether you are straight, gay or transgender we should all be judged by our character and our ability to do the job
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SGT Steve Oakes
This should not be an issue. As long as they can, and do meet the standards and do not sexually harass anyone why should they not serve? I believe that all this comes from people thinking that LGBTG are somehow sick, and/or immoral. Or that they will rape their preferred partners if the person is not willing.
Heteralsexual people rape and we let them serve until they are caught doing it. Also, supposedly normal people do all kinds of shit that I find sick and/or immoral and they are allowed to serve. Abortion purely for convenience, racial, and/or religious prejudice, excessive drinking, use of illegal drugs,or abuse of prescription ones. I could go on but the point is made. If the only thing I have to worry about is a guy asking me out, and he accepts my answer of "no" then I'm OK. If the girl I have my eye on used to be a guy and they are open and honest about it fine. If the guy next to me in the fox hole used to be a girl and they can meet the physical standards to be in that fox hole what is the problem? None I say.
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
10 y
Very well said SGT Oakes!! :)
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MSgt Joseph Haynes
Edited 10 y ago
Personally, I am sick and tired of seeing the discrimination flag waved so much. I don't care what race, color, gender or sexual orientation you are. Standards are standards and they must be equally enforced regardless of who (or what) the person is. If you violate standards, then the punishment must be equitable across board. With that being said, opportunities should also be equitable for all who are in uniform and should be based on merits and abilities. I wanted to join the ranks of Pararescue, but I have an arm injury that resulted in an elbow deformity. I still served honorably as a medic and did time in the field. I never even considered waving the discrimination flag about that. Equal rights equals equal responsibility; to do the job, do what's right and to uphold the standards to which each service member agreed to uphold when they signed up. As far as the to women officers on the dance floor, it doesn't matter if they are lesbian or straight. Why does that have to come into play? Standards are standards. The choice is simple, either uphold the standards or get out.
Capt Michael Acree
Capt Michael Acree
10 y
Keep in mind that standards are at times discriminatory and by nature of our oath to the constitution have to be addressed.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
10 y
Both the MSgt and the Capt are 100% correct.

Historically the real problem has been the setting of appropriate standards which were capable of simple and objective measurement.

It has ALWAYS been easier to set a simple and objective measurement ("'x' pushups in 'y' minutes" for example) than it has been to determine if there was any rational connection between being able to "meet the standard" and the ability to "get the job done". [Does anyone want to make a guess how many 'pushups' per day a MBT gunner does in a 'normal combat' day? Does anyone want to make a guess how many miles an average Infantry Rifleman runs per day in a 'normal combat' day?
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
10 y
msgt haynes i couldnt agree more this is what ive been trying to say here all along but get voted down for it
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Cpl Brett Wagner
What about pedophiles? A study just came out saying you are born a pedophile and you just cannot help it. Show we allow pedophiles to serve and practice their love too? How about bestiality? Homicidal people? Where do we draw the line? I think the military should be made up of serial killers they are the experts at killing anyway.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
10 y
COL Ted Mc - I thought the point was to allow transgender to service out in the open like gays can now. I can remember a time when gays were banned, then don't ask don't tell so the way the military and society look at things change. My question, rhetorical, was when is the line drawn for "you". I am sure we have had every type of person serve at sometime or other. Sociopaths, psychopaths, scat lovers, those who practice bestiality etc. That is why those things are, or were, addressed in the UCMJ. BTW has Article 125 been removed so that service members are no longer in violation of that article?
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
10 y
Cpl Brett Wagner - You say "I thought the point was to allow transgender to service out in the open like gays can now." and you are correct.

There isn't anything about "paying for the conversion" involved and there isn't anything prohibiting the military from requiring that "the conversion" have been completed prior to entering the military (sort of like hernia surgery).

As far as where the line is drawn for me personally, the line on who is allowed into the military and under what conditions is drawn by the government. I neither have to approve or participate in the recreational/religious activities of anyone else and they don't have to approve or participate in mine. The ACTUAL question is whether the activities themselves adversely impact on performance. [By analogy, drinking a beer now and them isn't a problem - coming to work drunk as a skunk is.]

As far as Article 125 of the UCMJ is concerned, it has not been removed, but the definition of "unnatural carnal copulation" has been revised. Technically getting a BJ is still grounds for court martial and (theoretically) being executed. In fact, the military isn't likely to go that far. HOWEVER, to be on the safe side, only have sex with your legally married (opposite gender) spouse in complete compliance with all biblical admonitions. To be COMPLETELY safe, don't enjoy it.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
10 y
SFC William Mask You got it brother. You are welcome at the Wagner family compound anytime especially WTSHTF
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
10 y
COL Ted Mc - With all due respect sir I am so happy I never had to serve under an officer who sees things the way you do.

SFC William Mask - I agree with you if some guy wants to visit Rabbi I. Kutchapeckeroff and does so his DNA still tests as a male. If some woman decides to have an Addadicktome she will always have the DNA of a female.

I seriously cannot wait to wake up from this very f-d up dream I am having.
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