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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Sep 26, 2022
CPT Alex Gallo
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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
She will be missed.
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Amn Dale Preisach
Pitifully, a greater and greater percentage of families can't afford to eat together at any given time. The concept of older Americans and younger Americans to the word " Family" has changed.
Almost none attend a service of any Faith.
Almost none get involved in community.
Almost none have the same ideals as their Parent(s) . The fact that there is more to fix as it comes to someone's possibility of Service in the Armed Forces is also coupled with 2+ generations of younger citizens not wanting to defend such a " Horrible Country".
Family,, Country... Deity,,,??? Only " Bonuses" can get any volunteers for the Services. That is those that have good enough records to not warrant a " waiting Period" or having to smooth over a record in order to be recruited.
The Service is a great Barometer of what is going on in the adjoining Society. That is, compare levels of what is acceptable to a recruiter from successive generations of volunteers in the standards needed to be met to go to basic training then what is expected of them in their fitness report standards.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
2 y
SGT Mary G. when we are happy, politicians, and Car salesmen can get whatever they want .
When times were lean, our grandfathers and their parents had a belief of " we make our own way."
Today, that belief is as far from the norm as it could possibly be.
More and more successive generations seem to look to Politicians for answers. The only problem there is, the politicians are usually the ones gumming up the works.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 y
Amn Dale Preisach - Yes, indeed. Big difference and good description of it.
PO3 Justin Bowen
PO3 Justin Bowen
2 y
"Almost none attend a service of any Faith."
And? The problem with that is...what? Have you looked at what's being taught in churches?

"Almost none get involved in community."
That's not even remotely true. Just as people of prior generations volunteered less than their parents and grandparents when they were younger because of economic and familial demands, people from today's younger generations volunteer less than their parents and grandparents because of - and more increasingly so now than for previous generations - economic and familial demands.

You know who has a lot of time to volunteer? Retired people - who, by defintion, don't work (care to guess which generations are retiring or retired?). You know whose housing costs as a percentage of income has risen far faster than their parents' and grandparents' costs, necessitating more work to make ends meet? Millennials and Gen Z (ratio by in 1960s: 2.6; 1970s: 2.0; 1980s: 2.8; 1990s: 2.6; 2000s: 2.8; 2010s: 3.6; 2017: 3.6).

"Almost none have the same ideals as their Parent(s)"
Uh, that's awesome! Look at the demographics of who people are voting for. Older generations are FAR more likely to vote for people who talk about grabbing women by their genitals, executing LGBTQ people, viewing migrants fleeing violence, poverty, climate change, and oppression as less than human, and so on. Younger people who refuse to pretend that their parents and grandparents aren't horrible people should be celebrated. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. The percent of children estranged from their parents has skyrocketed over the past couple decades. When the estrangement is due to parents having horrible views, not only should we not criticize them for doing so, we should celebrate them.

"The fact that there is more to fix as it comes to someone's possibility of Service in the Armed Forces is also coupled with 2+ generations of younger citizens not wanting to defend such a " Horrible Country"."

I fully support everyone who chooses not to defend this country given what it's turning into. The true patriots aren't the ones who blindly wave a flag as they spew jingoistic garbage. The true patriots are the people who see the problems that this country has, call them out, and fight to fix those problems without working to perpetuate the system that has helped keep those problems around.

On a very specific note, why any woman would choose to fight for a country that wants to treat women as nothing more than walking breeding machines (even when they're 10-year old rape victims) is almost beyond me (bonuses upwards of $75k are awfully tempting for people who come from disadvantaged families and may be the only immediate way out of their situation). Kudos for the young people who are resisting the propaganda and forgoing what really is a good economic opportunity for many.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
1 y
PO3 Justin Bowen all i can say to that is, a boomer's slogan. Don't trust anyone over 30.
We do have problems. But if we are sooo horrible, then why are people from around the World doing everything they can- Legal and Otherwise- to get here ? Because we may have problems, but we are the least screwed up country in the World. You think todays boomers are out of touch? Maybe, but they were once like you. Anti establishment. Today those same boomers , who once railed against the system, much like today's generations and for the same reasons , are the establishment. 50 years of Liberal policies. And look at the condition of America. Democrat run cities are now overdrawn and have homeless sh!ting on the sidewalks, shooting up drugs, littering, at record rates, people robbing stores anywhere from a drug store to Tiffany style stores. And the robbers aren't boomers. Are they!!! Your generation, one that is just arriving on the scene, is just as horrible as you deem the Boomers to be. Just look st Maui. Fires went untended and no sirens were sounded. The water was not used for putting out, battling the fires because the person in charge thought i rude to use it for such a purpose. Hint; he is part of your group.
You rail sgainst the older generations. Yet your generation is no better.
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SGT Mary G.
A quote from an interesting interview. She was telling how she and her 15 year old sister snuck out of the palace during the celebration to join it.

“[We] then walked miles through the streets. I remember lines of unknown people linking arms and walking down Whitehall, all of us just swept along on the tide of happiness and relief. I think it was one of the most memorable days of my life."
SSG Byron Howard Sr
SSG Byron Howard Sr
2 y
Very cool
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