Posted on Aug 7, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
The following was *supposedly* posted by a member of the United States Army. What do you think about his message?
Posted in these groups: 1ed105b8 Russia979a8ca4 Ukraine4de5ecdb ConflictUnited states army logo Army
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Responses: 559
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Political statements aren't to be made in uniform.

If you want to make a statement, do so. But don't be a fucking coward and hide your face. Seriously.

I don't care what your views are. I really don't. You're entitled to Free Speech. You're allowed to Protest. But be grown up enough to live with the consequences of your actions.

You know that you're not allowed to make political statements in uniform, or you wouldn't hide your face. Therefore you're a goddamn coward, and I don't want you wearing my uniform.
PO1 David Kingsley
PO1 David Kingsley
3 mo
Capt Mark Miller - fortunately for me, I was already out of service for Decades before that anti Military Fascist was Elected.
Why call him a Fascist? During WWII Every Soldier, Sailor, and Marine Fought against Hitler, and Mussolini the Leaders of Fascism. This made Every Single Soldier, Sailor and Marine, an Anti-Fascist or "ANTI-FA"

What is your opinion of yourself, when your boss calls you a "Sucker and Loser?"

As a Captain, I'd assume that you had Training in the proper handling of Classified Documents? the Executive Order 13526 which was last updated in Dec 09 (during President Obama's Administration) was then supported by US Codes "18 USC § 783(b), 18 USC § 793(e), 18 USC § 952, 18 USC § 1924, 18 USC § 798, and the Espionage Act of 1917." None of which Including a Procedure for Declassifying Any Documents just by Thinking About it.
Because of President' Nixon's desire to give Copies of the Tapes he made of Meetings in his office, and concerns that he wouldn't include those he deemed embarrassing to him, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act of 1978, Declaring Every Document (Except those dealing with personal issues like his health) as the Property of the People of the United States, and that they would be Kept under the supervision of the National Archives (with the Caveat that Any President could Request copies of Any Document created during their Administration for Display in their Presidential Library. Yes even classified documents, which would be reviewed and declassified as deemed necessary)
As a Captain, How Many People do you think would be Allowed to take Classified Documents outside of their Designated Secure Locations, and not Get Arrested?
PO1 David Kingsley
PO1 David Kingsley
3 mo
GySgt David Weihausen - I just realized that my response should not have been directed towards you, and I'm sorry if it seemed as if I thought you were the one denying the effectiveness of vaccines
MSG J G. Sandy Phillips
MSG J G. Sandy Phillips
3 mo
I fully agree with Sgt Kennedy. As a careerist, and a Citizen, I took an interest in politics. I voted (still do) in all elections. When I was near the end of my career, up in Alaska, I attended (in civilian clothes) a party caucus. I was selected to go as a rep to the next level, but when it was discovered I was a soldier, it was pointed out to me that the Hatch Act prevented me from going ahead. I could then and now understand the point of the act. When we put a sign on our lawn or a sticker on our car, we are expressing ourselves as individuals. When we do things in Uniform, we are no longer individuals, but we are spokespersons for our service - and political messages have no place there.
SP6 Richard Kellar
SP6 Richard Kellar
3 mo
He signed on to be a servant of the constitution. Not just when he likes it!
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Capt Seid Waddell
He needs to find another line of work.
PVT Civilian Driver
PVT (Join to see)
>1 y
PFC Edward Krinsky - people always forget
PFC Edward Krinsky
PFC Edward Krinsky
>1 y
It’s only when they kicked in the teeth, do they remember…..
PO1 Don Uhrig
PO1 Don Uhrig
3 mo
He? Could be a she. How about "Army member".
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
4 d
Does not matter what sex bottom line he/she needs to go.
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1SG 1st Sergeant
If this was really a Soldier, I say if you don't want to fight then get out- I'm guessing this person joined for the college money. I see it far to often, want military to fund their college without any obligation of self
Brad Miller
Brad Miller
4 mo
My sister, back in the early '80's.
Then she married a wufe-beater instread ...
CW5 Roger Jacobs
CW5 Roger Jacobs
3 mo
Is that uniform still authorized? Seems like someone got out an old uniform to make a political point.
SSG Norbert Johnson
SSG Norbert Johnson
3 mo
I agree with 1SG
SSG George Englert
SSG George Englert
2 mo
The subject post was made 9 years ago, a year after Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Since then Russia's invasion of Eastern and Northern eastern Ukraine in 2022 escalated the conflict, so the subject post hasn't aged well. Hopefully, the US and our NATO allies are not about to make the same don't mistakes our great-grandparents and grandparents made in Europe 9 decades ago.
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