Recent Activity -
Vietnam 1968 started 6/84 mobile artilarey unit green line specialist spent 1 mo, army hospital sent to Tokyo for six mo,s then to the good old USA ft.lee va, left the army had a hard time while being out went back in after being out for 3mo,s was sent to 555 military police co ft dix New Jersey stayed three yr,s left the army to make a long story short after 50 yrs of short falls I kind of found my inner peace it gets me by.
Military Experiences
Jan 1970 - Jan 1973
Patrol Supervisor
As a potrol supervisor my duty’s included inspection of all of all patrol officers making sure side arm was clean uniform was 100% up to par asinged portol area review end of day reports assessment of there work as well as backing them up when needed. Ft. Dix was a basic training post very big and very busy post.
Apr 1967 - Jun 1968
Green line prep man
Setting up wire,mines,tin cans on a rope with stones in them, sitting in a hand dug hole with my true love the M60 and waiting for death to come
(6 years, 5 months)May 1967 - Sep 1973
Central highlands
Green line prep man,cook,stockcade guard,military police man.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jul 1967 - Oct 1967
Aburadne proving grounds
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information