Posted on Sep 15, 2015
Why are so many people "Dissatisfied" with the Performance of President Obama?
I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 147
Barack Obama, not so secret servant of the Muslim Brotherhood -
Barack Obama, not so secret servant of the Muslim Brotherhood
By John Velisek USN (Ret), staff writer In 1953 during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, the Muslim Brotherhood began infiltrating the federal government. It is a scheme which has accelerated ra…
SCPO Carl Wayne Boss
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA - Yeh man... but we aren't supposed to be worried about all the refugees that O'Bama's bringing over here... because they're mostly women and children... Riiiggghhhttt!
You do know he is a Muslim set out to hurt our country. I sure didn't expect to see a supporter on here
Obama treats our Constitution like toilet paper and he has totally demoralized what if left of the military. He does not seek any advice from Congress and acts like a dictator. Putin is much brighter and embarrasses Obama almost daily. He needs to go now!
SGT Rick Ash
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA - Thank You so much and please, have a Blessed Evening. God has given us such a beautiful fall day. Go out and Evangelize! This is what The Father and The Son want us to do.
Thanks Again,
Thanks Again,
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
How the Paris Attacks Increase the Threat to America via clarionproject
I believe that a large portion of this 'dissatisfaction' is blatantly racist in nature, regardless of what the perpetrators say. They are simply repeating a lot of the 'hatemongering' being spewed out by 'so-called' Fox News and many, many members of the Republican Party in the U.S. Congress.
Obviously you are living in a different United States than most of Americans..... Let me name just a few things he has done.
1. Attempting make a nuclear treaty with a terrorist nation
2. Set back race relations about 100 years
3. First President to have our credit rating drop because he allowed us to default on loan payments
3. Increased terrorist attacks and attempts in this country
4. Disregards the Constitution
5. Has made the Military weaker
6. Forced health care on US which is not better off with most insurance costs increasing, parents medical insurance has doubled since last year.
7. Unknown why he has not been impeached and forced out of office. Nixon did far less and did the honorable thing and resiqned
8. He has no Honor.
1. Attempting make a nuclear treaty with a terrorist nation
2. Set back race relations about 100 years
3. First President to have our credit rating drop because he allowed us to default on loan payments
3. Increased terrorist attacks and attempts in this country
4. Disregards the Constitution
5. Has made the Military weaker
6. Forced health care on US which is not better off with most insurance costs increasing, parents medical insurance has doubled since last year.
7. Unknown why he has not been impeached and forced out of office. Nixon did far less and did the honorable thing and resiqned
8. He has no Honor.
Well, lets start with the complete failure of the VA and his lack of real action to correct it. Oh he has got on his soap box as he does with so many issues, but the fact of the matter is very little if anything has changed and what has changed has not improved anything. Rearranging the deck chairs is not reform.
How anyone who has ever worn a uniform can in any way support Mr Obama other than your oath to defend our nation is beyond me. He very clearly has no love for those who have served.
How anyone who has ever worn a uniform can in any way support Mr Obama other than your oath to defend our nation is beyond me. He very clearly has no love for those who have served.
CPO William Hughes
Just the fact that you want to pin years and years of mismanagement at the VA on Obama makes your argument invalid!
SPC Andrew Griffin
While I disagreed with much of the Presidents positions when he came into office, I did have fairly high hopes that he would be about hope and change, but he has done nothing to fulfill those promises. While it is no surprise that a politician was not honest, I am disappointed that so many seem to ignore it with this administration.
My biggest disappointment was where he and his team knowingly lied to the American people about Benghazi. I was concerned about not sending support, telling the people there to stand down, and not seeming to have cared about the lack of security before hand, but I was willing to listen to the reasoning...there were no answers as of yet...BUT then they came out and lied. Repeatably lied and they knew the truth from the very beginning.
Some other things that have been troubling, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the collapse of any Middle East policy, the rise of ISIS, and all of this being capped off with the Iran deal. I think he was under qualified when he took office, but he has either allowed incompetent or dishonest people around him make him look incompetent or dishonest, or he is incompetent or dishonest?
The place he was most suited to make real improvements, are some of the place I see him having the most negative effects? There is more division in our Nation now than there was when he took office? America and the World are less safe because of his actions and (lack of) policies.
While I disagreed with much of the Presidents positions when he came into office, I did have fairly high hopes that he would be about hope and change, but he has done nothing to fulfill those promises. While it is no surprise that a politician was not honest, I am disappointed that so many seem to ignore it with this administration.
My biggest disappointment was where he and his team knowingly lied to the American people about Benghazi. I was concerned about not sending support, telling the people there to stand down, and not seeming to have cared about the lack of security before hand, but I was willing to listen to the reasoning...there were no answers as of yet...BUT then they came out and lied. Repeatably lied and they knew the truth from the very beginning.
Some other things that have been troubling, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the collapse of any Middle East policy, the rise of ISIS, and all of this being capped off with the Iran deal. I think he was under qualified when he took office, but he has either allowed incompetent or dishonest people around him make him look incompetent or dishonest, or he is incompetent or dishonest?
The place he was most suited to make real improvements, are some of the place I see him having the most negative effects? There is more division in our Nation now than there was when he took office? America and the World are less safe because of his actions and (lack of) policies.
Benghazi, Iran Nuke Deal, IRS targeting conservatives, Fast and Furious, Muslim colonists being brought in, $18 TRILLION in debt, race relations worse than any time in my life, police officers being gunned down while clock boy gets invited to the White House... I could keep going...
CPO William Hughes
" Muslim colonists"? Really? How long did you have to watch Fox 'news' for that one?
CPL Kevin Carns
Hey Chief Hughes, gfy. You don't know jack shit about me. Go ahead toss the race/bigot card out. Its pretty obvious you want to. For the record, I was married to a Lebanese Kurd and opened my home to an Iraqi family on an Al Qeada hit list. If you dont think bringing in thousands of military age muslim men is a bad idea, theres no having an open and honest discussion. Ask Europe how its working out for them...
If we look compare how each president has been treated during their time in office, we would find all were disliked by a lot of people. Reagan is looked at by both parties as a great president, yet someone tried to kill him. After 9/11 all the rules changed. We as a nation will figure this out through our electoral process; it may take a couple election cycles. The Dem congress and Bush tried to save the economy. Funny both parties had total power and abused it and the people voted out the control congress. We will figure it out.
Teddy Roosevelt tried to get healthcare passed and other after. Social security was going to destroy the country, we are still here. Uneducated, Poverty and Inequality have nothing to do with race or any other category. Opportunity is the only thing that separates one from another.
Teddy Roosevelt tried to get healthcare passed and other after. Social security was going to destroy the country, we are still here. Uneducated, Poverty and Inequality have nothing to do with race or any other category. Opportunity is the only thing that separates one from another.
I believe this man, has done practically everything within his power from day 1 to embarrass and belittle this country. Subversion of the constitution, apologize to our enemies fro what we did to them, openly funded & armed our enemies, and made us the laughing stock of the world. He has been (operative word) caught spying on our friends & allies, traded our enemies for a traitor. He has done more to belittle and hurt our military than any president in my life time. He cares more for the lives & rights of foreigners than those within this country. He has, through executive action, created such a hostile environment through his immigration policies & set race relations back at least 2 generations. Don't even get me started on his actions/attitudes regarding the killing of cops... He is all for gun control, when he can get a sound bite in, but, you don't hear him mention anything, about Chicago, which is now the murder capital of the country, with numbers skyrocketing every day. I could go on, but...
Capt Walter Miller
Sgt Richard Buckner - Are you so smart? Your racist rant is as sure as the sun rise.
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