Recent Activity -
I founded Double R Consulting 3 years ago after retiring from my 4th systems integrator in 28 years. The difference is,,,,I now get 89% of the profit instead of 20% commission. The other 11% is comm and travel cost plus clients luncheons. I kept five clients and you would know them all by name. Most I have had for 25 years. I have an office on my farm and if I am not on the road that is where I am
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Military Experiences
Jul 1973 - Nov 1979
Student for 43 weeks in 24K20, Korea, Camp Howard 1/44 DSP Radar Tracker specialist. Back to RSA after 1 year, Instructor Then Frankfurt, Germany where they grabbed me to work as a Forensic Chemist at CID HQ for 30 months To Ft. Bliss (Tobin Wells) at 1/7 ADA.This is where I ETS,d.
(1 year, 8 months)Nov 1974 - Jun 1976

Was grabbed at 21st Repo Depo to work with CID, not in 24K20. Plainclothes, Undercover as a 31D. I had Europe and Asia as my territory. Handled evidence at USACEUR. Had my wife and son there immediately and we lived on the economy. Bought a new van from Chrysler Military Sales and hit every country on the mainland on weekends. Drank different beer.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Nov 1974 - May 1975
New Scotland Yard
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Nov 1974 - Jun 1977
CID Chemist
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees