Recent Activity -
After reporting to active duty in '77, I served on FORRESTAL twice, PSD NRMC Jax, FL and the Edward Mcdonnell before separating Nov '87. Re-enlisted in the USNR (Active) Mar '89 going TEMAC or ADSW from Oct '89-May '90, In May '90 I re-enlisted back into the USN (active) until my final separation in May '97 from PSD NSGA Winter Harbor, ME.
Notary Public - ME, Dedimus Justice - ME (lifetime appt. by Gov.) - Been in Law Enforcement since '98. Substitute teacher 97-01 (K-12), Reiki Master/Teacher.
Notary Public - ME, Dedimus Justice - ME (lifetime appt. by Gov.) - Been in Law Enforcement since '98. Substitute teacher 97-01 (K-12), Reiki Master/Teacher.
Military Experiences
Feb 1995 - May 1997
Jul 1993 - Feb 1995
Personnel Office LPO
Currently being stood down for decommissioning. Joined just prior to leaving extended yard period at Newport News VA. Worked on re-opening the personnel office spaces, and initial sea trials. In charge of the personnel accounting office.
Jun 1994 - Oct 1994
Acting Personnel Officer
TAD from USS ENTERPRISE due to scheduled NATO/North Atlantic exercises and no senior PN. As 1 of 5 PN1's and the leading PO I was tasked with joining the ship for that period. Supervised an office of 3 junior PN's and 1 YNSN. Also worked closely with ships Command Career Counselor.
Jun 1991 - Jul 1993
Personnel Officer
Responsible for running ships personnel office , standing officer of the deck-inport, member of various boards, also assisted ships IDC. Member of ships self-defense force.
(3 years, 1 month)Aug 1994 - Oct 1994
North Atlantic
Mount Whitney - TAD from Enterprise. Assigned as temporary supervisor of personnel office on flag ship for Commander 3rd Fleet.
Jun 1991 - Dec 1991
NATO - SNFL 2-91
Part of NATO ASW task group made up of 9 nations. Participated in exchange program with periods on ships from Germany, Norway and Canada.
Jun 1986 - Aug 1986
Sep 1986 - Dec 1986
Military Credentials
Jul 2016
Dedimus Justice (State of Maine)
Foreign Language Skills
English, Bad English & Sarcasm
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information