Posted on Jun 12, 2016
ENS Ansi Officer
50 innocent people were slain when a gunman identified as Omar S. Mateen, a 29-year-old Florida resident and U.S. citizen (who is alleged to support ISIS/ISIL) went on a shooting rampage in Orlando Florida.

Immediately, many liberals and politicians have began shouting this is the fault of guns. Articles already stating that an "assault rifle" was used. Clearly, disregarding the fact that the shooting was a lunatic who supported ISIS.

In my opinion, if guns were "banned" people would only be that much more vulnerable. Those intending to do harm would either find a weapon, or make one. A knife wielding man can take down dozens of people - a suicide bomber, even more.

This event could arguably have been stopped if someone had been open/concealed carrying in the area and taken a shot. Instead, dozens of innocent people lost their lives waiting for Law Enforcement to arrive on scene and put an end to a madman's rampage..

I'd love to hear your thoughts..
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 66
LTC Telecommunications Systems Engineer
Got a better idea. How about ban ISIS!!!!
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
Ban them back into the stone age Major (VEG)
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Sgt Colwell, the civilians are in the target zone, they are not running away, turning in or otherwise pointing out who is ISIS/ISIL, then they are just as guilty.. sadly too much PC about bombing.. in WWII if you were part of a strategic target you may end up being bombed anyways..

This is WAR not of our making, we the United States has been attacked not once, not twice but since 1983 over 15 times, so lets not be soft on those who want to destroy America or its values and replace it with laws that limit womens rights to drive, vote, shop, or wear clothing of their choosing
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Alfred Galloway - You give the terrorists far too much credit, they are not capable of destroying anything but their own neighborhood. The occasional attack by a mentally disturbed person who gives credit to the terrorists is really nothing more than another attack by another mentally disturbed person... we've had one coordinated attack by a terrorist organization that no longer has the ability to launch such an attack. Carpet bombing the Middle east isn't going to make the US more secure, all it will do is sow more seeds of hate and fear.
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
So the Embassy bombings in the 80's, the attack on the USS Cole, the WTC were all, mentally disturbed people? Based on your argument SGT, then we should be the 6'5" big guy and just put your hand on their head and let em swing and miss till they tucker out? really?
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SSG Pete Fleming
I hate it... they waste no time. Instantly they blame the tool used. But if a doctor botches a surgery they don't blame the scalpel. If a hacker steals your identity they don't blame the computer.
SSG Trevor S.
SSG Trevor S.
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - Terrorism often starts in a basis of hate. CNN (at least Wolf Blitzer) seems to be using the term Terrorism though.
Sgt Apprentice Security Policeman
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Ssg Trevor smith that would be a first I am not watching CNN bur what I saw this morning the said the letter t and hate crime
1LT Unit Supply Sgt
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't think they are blaming the gun. They are blaming the fact that anyone can buy a gun, despite being on the FBI watch list. That guy should have had no ability to be able to buy a weapon legally.
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
Medicine and doctors kill 10 times the number of people than firearms
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SSG Warren Swan
Reading this, you make it the liberals fault to believe that, but on the right there will be someone who claims had they been afforded the ability to carry in the club this wouldn't have happened. Labeling everyone and then using absolutes is wrong. There are many liberals who love weapons, carry weapons, and are really good people. The same thing with conservatives. So is it any better that liberals want less access (not taking anything away), or the right (put more weapons in circulation)? No nightclub in the US allows people to carry inside. The alcohol makes that a very dangerous proposition. I also know that celebs protective services could be armed at time, but they're not drinking.
On the nutjobs on both sides, they refuse to meet in the middle where most Americans reside in their views. There could be an easy compromise and dialogue held, but those nutjobs cannot see the greater good unless it's going their way.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
PO3 Service Member - Very true! Here in the province of Alberta, criminals get stolen weapons from the USA.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
CPT L S - Sir, do I need to get Top or the nearest SPCIC to remind you I'm not a "Sir"? I work for a living.....just haven't figured out where yet
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
Agreed SGT, I have many civilian liberal friends who love guns, long and short!
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
i know many libs and democrates that carry and hunt, they are just a minority in their own group. its the group as a whole, do you need an ak 47 to hunt no, do you need a m16 to hunt no, i'm a different type its called coomon sense, 12 ga and 30-06 and my bow, what i shoot i eat, so maybe the govt and nra need to get together have a love fest, and do some real work
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What is your take on Liberals and Politicians using the tragic Florida shooting as momentum to ban guns?
MSG Stan Hutchison
I have been following this since I arose at 0600 hours this morning. I have yet to see any widespread calls from the liberals about banning any firearms. I have seen a lot from those on the right accusing the left of doing so.
SCPO Regie Farr
SCPO Regie Farr
>1 y
Look at the real news and stop searching porn sites.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
SCPO Regie Farr - You have no justification to make such a remark. even in jest.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
My take is one of disgust, ENS (Join to see). Events are spun to support a chosen agenda. The carnage is immaterial if not preferred, since the carnage leads to bolder headlines. The one thing liberals will not talk about is the very thing we should be focused on: Islamic terrorism.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
If this guy had pledged allegiance to Westboro Baptist Church before the shootings, would you be saying the one thing we should be focused on is Christian Terrorism?
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
>1 y
If you want to open a thread about Westboro Baptist Church, please do so. I see from your other comments you also don't believe we should be talking gun control. We agree. What do you think our topic should be?
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SSG Program Control Manager
Edited >1 y ago
First, I'm very liberal and I'm also pro gun. There are also conservatives who are anti gun, so this is not a conservative vs. liberal issue IMO. Democrat and Republican officials from rural areas tend to be pro gun rights while officials from urban areas tend to be anti gun. The Democrat party is far more Urban than the Republican party, so it also tends to be opposed to gun rights. My point is that it's more an issue of demographics than liberal or conservative ideology.

Second, there is no change to gun laws (that might have a snowballs chance in hell of passing) that could have prevented or likely even mitigated this tragedy. My understanding is that the guy was a security guard, was not a felon and was born in the United States. He had a serious issue with gay people, and used his religious beliefs to justify a horrible evil.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM (Join to see) - They agreed that Congress could tax to promote the General Welfare, I didn't see anything in that ruling that prevented congress from enacting laws such as Obamacare to promote the general welfare.
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
Again, and for the last time, "general welfare" is a REASON for congress to act, not cart blanche to do whatever they like. There are 18 things congress has the authority to do. We, as ignorant voters, have allowed them to expand those 18 into infinity. There is nothing that prevents Congress from passing Obama Care, and I never even implied that there was.. The challenge at the supreme court was can congress fine an individual for NOT purchasing a product or service. Even though the Solicitor General said that it was, in fact a a fine; the Supreme Court called it a tax and said congress has the right to pass tax bills. This even after somebody with a third grade education can see the word "penalty" right there in the bill in regards to not having insurance.
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
True. Their only job is to keep in office so they do nothing
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM (Join to see) - I understand that's how most conservatives choose to interpret the constitution... my point isn't that your right or wrong, it's that the debate has been going on for over 200 years, and it's not likely to stop anytime soon. You can denigrate the opposition on this matter all you want... that doesn't change anything.
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Capt Seid Waddell
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SFC Everett Oliver
First of all they don't even realize that taking out 50 unarmed people in a crowded nightclub does not require an AR15. It simply requires the will to do so. But of course the social media is already full of people demanding a ban on Assault weapons so this can't happen again. I read one on FB that claimed to be a former infantryman and he even called the AR an assault weapon. And Bernie is calling for the same.... It's disgusting that we ignore the real problem, We are at war with an ideology. Plain and simple...
ENS Ansi Officer
ENS (Join to see)
>1 y
Well said.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
With a little training someone could have done the same or worse with swords. I say worse because without the sound of gunshots to scare people away, it's likely that more people would have been caught by the mass murderer.
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MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Hey I have an idea... let's make laws against murder....
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SGT Damaso V Santana
You have told it like IT IS. The sick perverted Progressive Vitriolic narrative is all the media Will present, all designed to sway low information citizens and enlist them against our Second Ammendment.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
>1 y
The muslim mf who Killed 50 Americans had twice being investigated BY FBI, would not surprise me he was One being investigated BY homeland security and whose files were closed by high ups.
We best keep eyes open, enemy seems to have been given an open door.
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