Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
SGT Shina Collins
So I keep watching the trip count go up—1k; 3k;5; now I think we’re at six thousand we’re sending back in to secure things. The problem I have with this is over the past decade, training has shifted from wartime and fighter ready to critical race theory, lgbtq acceptance and dealing with repeal of DADT. I never gave two shits about what the person to my left/right did in his or her free time; so long as they had priorities straight when shit came down to it. I don’t care what your skin Color is or what you want to be called, but do your damn job when it matters most. Now, we have to twiddle our thumbs and wonder if people in the military even know what that job is!
CW3 Assistant Professor
CW3 (Join to see)
3 y
Now only if everyone was similarly disposed toward their fellow servicemembers. Readiness and soldier care are not mutually exclusive.
CW3 Debra Irby
CW3 Debra Irby
3 y
It seems our top brass has turned into politicians. Where are the leaders? The ones that will actually take responsibility for their actions. Service before self. Seems like there is a lot of finger pointing. Yet no resignations. I agree with Sgt Collins, people in the military don't care if your purple as long as you do your job, though there are always those small exceptions.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
3 y
SGT Shina Collins - our higher up's preference for fast results in regards to the reconstruction (even when they knew that they couldn't be sustained) was crammed down the throat of Afghanistan as these goals grated against the reality that was going on. This created a massive disconnect with war effort and reconstruction effort.

In hind sight is very easy to see how this house of cards collapsed so quickly. We attempted to root out corruption while at the same time injected billions of dollars to get the economy going which in fact amplified the corruption. This impacted our ability to improve or create a legitimate centralized form of governance as it meant many times empowering corrupt or predatory individuals because they produced fast results. We then directed considerable reconstruction funds through this corrupt Afghan government. With rampant waste, fraud and abuse we then tried to create this façade of democracy in holding elections. The end result - instead of eroding support for the Taliban and building faith in the Afghan government our efforts did the exact opposite. Betting many Afghans believe this is how our government works in American and to be honest their understanding wouldn't be that far off - inept leaders pushing policies regardless of the end results while getting rich doing it. This is were our military leadership failed - they lied in saying things were improving when in fact there weren't. They should have pushed backed against the demands for quick results but like many have stated "making rank" and appeasing our inept political leadership outweighed the future of millions of Afghans.
While Afghans see a return of the Taliban - Lloyd Austin gets promoted to Secretary of Defense and resides comfortably in his $3 million dollar mansion as such it appears a private who loses a rifle suffers far greater consequences than a general who loses a war.
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Lt Col J Maloney
Just can’t wrap my head around how it happened, given 20 years of resources including troops, contractors, training, tools, equipment and Trillions of dollars. Speechless~
CPT Edward Barr
CPT Edward Barr
3 y
SGT John Overby - Don't be so quick to make such an arrogant and derogatory statement about Col. Maloney's post. I am quite sure he is not referring to having literal confusion over the logistics and corruption. I suspect he is referring to how we, as the American people, have rolled over so willingly; and let our Government go this far with its own corruption and blind eyes.
Biden is not responsible. We, the American people, are responsible; for continuing to elect a self perpetuating, corrupt system.
SGT John Overby
SGT John Overby
3 y
Being an armchair soldier now, I think I could at least see the corruption and he is an LTC.
CH (MAJ) Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant
CH (MAJ) Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant
3 y
I cannot say that this surprised me when it happened. However, that did not alleviate my sadness and sense of helplessness.
CW3 Debra Irby
CW3 Debra Irby
3 y
Sgt Overby, I think you are being a little arrogant with your statement and missing the Colonel's point. I think what most of us can't wrap our heads around is there was no plan and the "top" didn't care.
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SGT (Other / Not listed)
This is so heavy. Gives me anxiety actually. All those soldiers that died. All those families that lost loved ones, people that will never be the same again seems like it’s all in vain
SPC Leslie Hanson
SPC Leslie Hanson
3 y
Yes. That’s what I feel. Anxiety. I’ve been struggling to name this. I feel physically ill.
SPC Jennifer Brown
SPC Jennifer Brown
3 y
Me too.
CW3 Debra Irby
CW3 Debra Irby
3 y
I was in college during the fall of Saigon. I joined the military during the Iran crisis. This feels different. What am I going to say to the families of friends I lost. I too feel ill and in total disbelief. Prayers to everyone that served. Its going to be a hard road ahead.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
LTC John Shaw
LTC John Shaw
3 y
"Brevity is the soul of wit" - spoken by Polonius, in act 2, scene 2 of Hamlet. Not 'wit' as in humor but in conveying many feelings with few words.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
LTC John Shaw Sometimes I have my moments sir, most I don’t. :)
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SGT Jesse Vidal
Just opens up a door you can't close. I never thought I'd see the day we would go through this again. Another defeat. Wars fought from the White House. So many lives lost. 20 years lost in 24 hours. Just makes me so so angry.
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Sgt Mark Tallant
Joe Biden is weak. The minute the Taliban took the 1st city we should have reversed our exit. President Trump made it very clear to the Taliban that should they take any of the cities they did, we would reverse our exit and bring them extreme pain. Biden lacked the guts to take the moral stand necessary. Both Bush and Obama promised Afghanistan that America would not abandon them. The Taliban knew Biden was too weak to stand and fight. Shameful, embarrassing and dangerous display for China, Russia and N Korea to see. The outcome is pathetic. Biden will go down in history as the weakest and worst President of all time. I'm to old to re-enlist but I would tomorrow if America reversed its position.
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Marciano Galarza
Words aren’t enough to fully express how I feel…. It’s just sad that so many of my military brethren died in Afghanistan and for what? Billions of dollars spent in this country and all so that the enemy can take it all in a WEEK!
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
It's really an amazing feat for a ragtag group .But yes,the humiliation is gonna leave a scar. It's almost like a deal was struck and enough time was given to get in position. Eh?
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Sgt Jim Belanus
Had feelings this would happen when we went in there. Afghanistan has done this over the centuries. The Russians didn't fair any better than we did
SGT Jeff Nolan
SGT Jeff Nolan
3 y
Damn true, and the Russians killed not like us, afraid to kill anybody, because of some schmuck, said we could not kill whom we wanted to.
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Maj Marty Hogan
Sadness. Sacrifices on both sides, blood spilled needlessly, empty promises, failed expectations. Other parts of the world do not hold our ideals. Why do we insist they should and why do we intervene? The equipment loss alone simply possess me off amd if was a service member it would come out of our pay. So...
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ Maj Marty Hogan for weighing in with an excellent response.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
3 y
yes, the politicians made the mess, send in the military then don't let them do their job and here We are again !
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
After much thought and reflection through yesterday and tonight I AM STILL PISSED. Not that we pulled out but that we pulled out so fast without any sense of purpose other than get the hell out. I am pissed that many of my friends and colleagues died on that God forsaken piece of land and for what? I haven't lost or forgotten anything that I will ever have to go back for! But then I just came to the conclusion that I can carry a grudge and be a bitter pissed off old man or I can accept the fact that I went over there when I was called to, did my job by keeping the fight on their soil and not ours and my family was safe from harm and I came home only to go do it again.. Would I change anything now? NOPE...I answered my nations call and did my duty and would have done it anywhere and anytime I was called and for that I am proud. However, I will say this, Biden did it the wrong way...instead of a phased redeployment and leaving them hanging he ripped the bandaid off and it is causing more infection and now he has to go back in with increasing number of troops to secure some sites. Could have been done better but he inherited this from Trump/Obama/Bush and all of them had the opportunity to end it and they didn't. Just need to let it go and move on.

Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MSgt Stephen Council 1SG Steven Imerman SMSgt Lawrence McCarter PO1 H Gene Lawrence COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
3 y
Well said.
CPT Greg Adams
CPT Greg Adams
3 y
I wish you every success at letting it go and moving on. If you find it difficult reach out for assistance. I lived an angry and bitter 20 years before I did. See, I didn't think the War and it's aftermath affected me, son of lifer and career member of the military myself. I was tough. Til I was on my knees.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
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