Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
MAJ James Woods
Not surprised seeing how the motivation of the Afghan troops and commanders had less to do with loyalty to government and more to do with having a job and hopefully stability and status in society. Meanwhile watched too many US commanders not give a damn as long as they racked up stats to pad the resume. So much taxpayer $ wasted and lives both US and Afghan lost cause there was no consistent exit strategy.
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Maj Roger Wenman
We should never leave anyone behind. Why was our withdrawal better planned?
Maj Roger Wenman
Maj Roger Wenman
3 y
MSG Michael McKenzie You nailed it. Well said.
SPC Edward Drain
SPC Edward Drain
3 y
MSG Michael McKenzie - AND, did they think the Taliban were the ONLY players? The other groups that wanted world recognition for their part in the taking of the country were probably overjoyed by such foolishness on our part to think it was only the Taliban that needed to be reckoned wih.
MSG Michael McKenzie
MSG Michael McKenzie
3 y
SPC Edward Drain What really upsets me, is this Intel was out there. The American people are being lied to, and that's the real disgrace of this whole mess.
SPC Edward Drain
SPC Edward Drain
3 y
MSG Michael McKenzie, Agreed! There is even an explosive video where a senior official claims we knew about the bomber that killed our men, knew when the attack was scheduled to take place, had targeted the individual but was denied the kill shot. We knew that MF'er's NAME!
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Cpl John Mckenrick
feeling frustrated and angry, again a mission unfulfilled, a senses of business unfinished, again
MAJ Ruby Stewart
MAJ Ruby Stewart
3 y
Head up, Marine. If you need to vent, we are all here.
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SrA Eric Belko
Biden and his staff, who were involved with this decision, should resign, IMMEDIATELY?!
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MSG Combat Engineer
Blood is on Biden's hands
SGT John Overby
SGT John Overby
3 y
Bullshit, he is not alone by 20 years.
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1SG Frank Rocha
We were only ever just treating symptoms and never the root cause. The only time we went after anyone of consequence in a true offensive was when we took out bin laden. If our political “leaders” (I use that term very loosely) had the best interest of Afghanistan, The United States, our troops and the success of our mission in mind they would have trusted our military leaders long ago and allowed them to pursue the taliban where they were. But not unlike Vietnam, they seem to have gone (and possibly still going) through an “age of Aquarius” of sorts where lessons learned and subject matter experts are ignored because they think they know better. It’s been reported that our current president ignored all his military leaders and over ruled them with this decision. Some politicians think they can just talk to our enemies and they’ll forget their evil ways somehow and be our good friends. We seem to be caught up in that type of effort right now. An attempt to appease our enemy. That doesn’t solve anything but cause us to move back. And when we hit a wall what then? Then it’s either fight or surrender. At that point there is no option for peace. I hope we can avoid that eventuality.
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PO3 Tim Brown
What a waist of lives, money and equipment. So now these people will come here. Bring unvetted family members.. Before this is over we will be attacked on our own soil by the terrorist the Biden are letting into the country. That cock sucker need to go! Vote Republican if you love American.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
I will never vote republican as long as they are stuck in the 1950's.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
3 y
1SG (Join to see) - I think the failure in the middle east is wholeheartedly bipartisan. We've had republican presidents and democrat presidents. None of them "fixed" anything. The only credit I'll give is to Trump for planning the removal of our troops and yes, even Biden for getting them out even though it was a dumpster fire. That's that, being 'em home and let's focus our attention elsewhere.
CSM Bob Stanek
CSM Bob Stanek
3 y
MAJ (Join to see), I agree with some of what you said but think there was a better way forward.

Biden noted that our mission was not to "nation build". I disagree with that completely. If we are not into nation building, then why do we give billions of dollars to all the 2nd and 3rd world countries all over the world via the state and other cabinet level departments.

Look at it from this prospective, that it took basically less than two generations before West Germany started showing success, almost two for Japan. South Korea took three generations and look where they are at today as a top ten world economic power. France is the exception to the policy as they are now sitting at four generations since world war two and they still haven't figured out economically how to recover. With Afghanistan and Iraq, we are looking at barely one generation if that, but the changes made were starting to take root. Just look at all the younger generation moving on from the past and changes for women and foreign cultures in their homelands.

Keeping Bagram Air Base was, in my opinion, the critical pin that would have kept the country stable and help us move into the future. Now, it has reverted back two years in less that two months. It will become the breeding ground for all kinds of terrorist activity supported by three evil empires (China, Iran and Russia). I hope I'm wrong on this point, but I don't think so.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
3 y
CSM Bob Stanek You're probably not wrong at all!
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PO3 Steve Mulvihill
Tired of this Bullshit! Sending our troops over for nothing! Same crap over and over again. If the politicians are not going to have us win a WAR, stop sending us over for their own personal glory and gain. Set a line and leave them alone. If they cross the line eliminate them. No more American blood shed for some low life politicians that are playing chicken with our lives. Send them to the border and exterminate the drug trafficker's and the sex criminals. Do something for this country instead of enriching people who who are traitors and cowards.
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SFC First Sergeant
I’m glad I’m not there and it isn’t my problem anymore. I wish the best of luck for you still in and have to deal with the failure of policy makers
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CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner
Frankly, I'm pissed to the max! It's another Vietnam! All of the death notifications, memorial ceremonies, funerals, dying and dead Soldiers I have stood over have all been in vain! ANY military member who votes for ANY democrat needs to be "taken behind the woodshed" and receive some "on the spot correction!" Bite-Me Biden and his cabinet, as well as the "stars" sitting in the Pentagon need to be retired immediately! They have signed the death warrants of every Afghani who helped us over the last 20 years! I guess it goes with the whole "kinder, gentler world" B. S.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
3 y
Agreed, but they lack the personal fortitude to do that!
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
I assure you that nobody including you will take me behind any woodshed. I will not vote republican until they can produce a worthy candidate.
SrA Eric Belko
SrA Eric Belko
3 y
Don't disagree with Gomez. He will Block you so you can't respond. What a guy!
CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner
CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner
3 y
After Ovomit, my service dog would have been a better candidate than Killary! The Democrats have hated the military for as long as I can remember! Which is why when I was a young 18-year-old SP4, I registered as a Republican and have only once did I think the presidential candidate failed to meet muster.
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