Posted on Dec 29, 2014
PO1 Michael Fullmer
Obama... no wonder the military hates this knuckle-head. Only recently posting on multiple news site, after turning down a wedding invitation from 2 Army Capt.'s who were getting married at one of the most picturesque golf courses on the big island, and only hours before the wedding the happy couple receives a note telling them that they would have to re-locate the wedding as his highness was intending to play a round at that very same course at that very same time... comments/concerns?
Posted in these groups: Golf logo GolfWedding logo Wedding
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Responses: 46
CPT Aaron Kletzing
I wish people would stop using RP to instigate anger against the President for things like this that are blown out of proportion or taken out of context. It's only a few people but just comes off as unprofessional and we don't want that image of RP.
COL Senior Account Executive
COL (Join to see)
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PO2 Crowder, those of us still in uniform take an oath to obey the orders of the President of the United States. We do so without prejudice. Our loyalty lies with the office itself, not the person. Disrespecting that office is an affront to all those who put their lives on the line to defend it. As for the world being a far more dangerous place in the cold war, I disagree. it is neither safer nor more dangerous, just different. However, we have had forces deployed at war for 13 years now, at a very steep cost in terms of lives, limbs, and post traumatic stress. No one here is lobbying to quell free speech, we are simply asking you to do so in a polite and respectful way that your brothers and sisters in arms deserve. On at least three occasions you have asked other Servicemembers including me whether we are threatening you. No one is threatening you. We are simply asking you conduct yourself as the professional we expect from our fellow Servicemembers.
MAJ Health Services Materiel Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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I appreciate your response Aaron. I have recently found myself questioning the value of RP as it (generally) appears more like a forum ripe for petty bickering and trolling than one geared towards professional development and/or expansion of one's professional network.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
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Thanks for the feedback, MAJ (Join to see) -- we are perpetually working to make the site's experience better for all who engage with it. We'd love to hear from you directly, actually. Are you interested? :)
MAJ Health Services Materiel Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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Sure CPT Aaron Kletzing, it's an honor to participate.
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COL Senior Account Executive
May I remind all that it is against military regulations as well as everyday professionalism to disparage the commander in chief. This article is closest to fact without editorial. Words like knucklehead are disrespectful let alone counter to good order and discipline. Think before you post please.
SSG Human Resources Specialist
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Below is the relevant statute:

Use of the internet to threaten “the person of another” constitutes a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 875 ( interstate communication of threat to injure) If it is communicated interstate, federal jurisdiction is created.

Please see the statute at the following link:

To constitute "a communication containing a threat" under Section 875(c), a communication must be such that a reasonable person (1) would take the statement as a serious expression of an intention to inflict bodily harm (the mens rea), and (2) would perceive such expression as being communicated to effect some change or achieve some goal through intimidation (the actus reus). A message is a "threat" if a reasonable recipient would tend to believe that the originator of the message was serious about his words and intended to effect the violence or other harm forewarned, regardless of the speaker's actual motive for issuing the communication.

Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person with the specific intent that the statement made verbally in writing or by means of an electronic communication device is to be taken as a threat even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out which on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made is so unequivocal unconditional immediate and specific as to convey to the person threatened a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family's safety.

It is not necessary for the victim to actually be placed in fear of imminent serious bodily injury or for the accused to have the capability or the intention to actually carry out the threat. The offense is completed if the accused, by his threat, sought as a desired reaction, to place a person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.
MSgt Flight Chief
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PO2 Crowder, I to am a retired member and I also have negative thoughts about our current President. However, this site is seen by many members that are currently serving who cannot speak freely about the President or any other elected official. Instead of coming out speaking against our current members and all and out being a ******bag. Why don't you actually help mentor these folks. Unless you have something to say that will help these folks progress in their careers and make our Armed Services better, stay off the boards and let the rest of us do what you SHOULD be doing.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
LTC Yinon Weiss This was an image we could capture before he went back deleting all his threads. Still looking for survivors.......
MSG Mitch Dowler
MSG Mitch Dowler
>1 y
Disparagement is a false or malicious statement. Criticism is an unfavorable judgement or analysis and is protected speech in an environ such as this. It is fair to line up the behavior of this president and view it in light of past presidents. Should a round of golf interrupt two scheduled weddings? I think not.
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SSgt Carpenter
Despite what anybody thinks of the president's policies and politics, I highly doubt he has any blame for this. Somebody found it was easier to tell a couple of soldiers to move their wedding than it was to ask his boss to tell the president that the golf course was booked, and ask Mr. President what he wanted to do about it. Somebody who is probably sitting in a hotseat right now. You don't make a decision that the President of the US of A has to apologize for, without getting lit up... Just my take on it.
SPC Satcom Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Well all respect to you SGT J Brainard. You are correct I looked further into it. The couple invited the president hours before this happen to the wedding he declined then this happen I think he only apoligized to save face with the public. Or it could have been someone didn't show him the invite and said he would be to busy but the two captains said they had invited him so it's all words from there. But I hope he was sinsire about the apology.
SSgt Carpenter
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I did look into it a little further, it seems it was the Golf Course manager who made the decision not to tell the Presidents staff that the course was booked. As for sincere apology or not? Who am I to judge?
MSgt Electrical Power Production
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SSgt (Join to see) CW5 (Join to see) SPC (Join to see) Reminds me when I saw a post on Facebook "President lowers flags to half staff for Whitney Houston". I think it was just after Shirley Temple Black passed away. And the rage was they weren't lowered for her but he did for Whitney. Raised a lot of hate and discontent. It's no secret I am a conservative but instead of joining the rage I researched the event. What I found was the state of New Jersey lowered the flag by order of Governor Christy. He ordered it for the death of Whitney because she was from Jersey.

The moral of the story read the story and research before reacting to the headline.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
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EXACTLY!!!! I'm no fan of our current President, and think he's doing a lot of things wrong, but the media and certain right-wingers will use ANY excuse to criticize him, and it's solely because of the (D) after his name.

Politics is tribal, it's not rational.
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President Obama & Army wedding ... your thoughts?
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Well, I saw it on the news, the report is he didn't know of it and was very apologetic. He called them during their vows and it turned out to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to talk with. He was very sincere and genuine in my opinion.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
It is SOP. I had multiple Presidents go to Fort Campbell and they send everybody home and cleared the airfield.Love him or not, it is security protocol. Once that "President salutes with a cup of coffee" thread was allowed to stay, it just keeps getting worse and worse.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
>1 y
SFC Mark Merino, as they SH@%$T rolls down hill fast of the mountain top brother.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Says the 2 retired Army gutter
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MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
He did call and apologize to them. I guess my biggest thing is whomever scheduled the Presidents golf outing could've checked to see if there was any major event it would interrupt. There has to be more than one golf course that is cleared for the President to play on in Hawaii. Other than that...situation sucked it is what it is
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
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Sounds reasonable to me.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
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MSG (Join to see) That was a good answer.
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SFC A.M. Drake
Why would you call the President a knucklehead? Or any President for that matter?
SFC A.M. Drake
SFC A.M. Drake
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I agree even if I am giving -30 points...right is right!
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
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SFC A.M. Drake, I'll gladly give you the points back as you are right. In this forum, Like him or not, professional courtsey and respect should be expected, regardless of our politics.....and I am not a fan of this current administration, not at all. RP is not FB or any other BS Blog site.
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SGT Maintenance Management Assistant
While I won't post my personal opinion on the POTUS, I highly doubt he was made aware of the situation until after the fact. Chances are the arrangements were made by the White House staff and was a failure on the golf course in question to notify the staff of the event and other arrangements could have been made without moving the wedding (most likely the golf course chose the lesser of two evils, telling the couple to move rather than telling the president no). Props to the POTUS for personally calling the couple, however with the media being as it is and stirring the pot, I'm sure someone will be put in the hot seat for this.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
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1SG Mike Case
Unfortunate incident. Just like when a high ranking commander is going to be in an area, there is someone there before him saying things have to be this way and that way and the bottled water must be 44 degrees, slightly chilled and no condensation on the bottle. When the high ranking commander shows up, he makes fun of the bottle of water and had no idea anyone was demanding these things. I can say, without a doubt in my mind, that President Obama was not flying in on Air Force 1 and pointed down and said "Break that wedding up. I want to play golf right there and I will be damn that someone will have a wedding during that time". Some over zealous staff member did it and now it is in the news like he was laughing and did it on purpose. It is obvious that there are people who think it was intentional and nothing anyone else says will make them think otherwise and that is your god given right, but please quit calling it your country. Just like you, we served or are still serving our country and it isn't just yours. If you can't have an adult conversation with another adult, then this is the wrong forum for you. There is nothing wrong with disagreement but name calling should have stopped in middle school.
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SSG John Erny
Check your fire people please. If you have ever worked around the secret service they charge in and do as they please. I think it best we no longer talk about the POTUS on RP. Take it to face book but note here.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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Too much disagreement on what could be construed as mutiny...While I don't agree on censorship, I think we, as professionals need to find a a a middle ground, or just have admin clean up the question. Leaving as is, condones bad behavior...that is my opinion. Be the change.
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
It was only a round of golf versus a milestone in the lives of two service members. When he learned it was a wedding he could have simply done something else.
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