Recent Activity -
Extensive experience in the telecommunications and data services industry. My career includes managing the western half of the United States interconnecting wireless, VOIP and LD service providers. My business however, is somewhat different. I invest in real estate and provide rental housing in five states. I love travel and the exotic. Always happy to hear from other like minded investors.
Military Experiences
Feb 1999 - Jun 2001
Directorate of Information Management NCOIC
Provided communications services for units training to mobilize in support of the global war on terrorism such as NIPRnet, SIPRnet, telecom and circuits. Represented the DOIM Commander in the Emergency Response Symposium working with local law enforcement, fire departments, FBI, Park Police, U.S. Marshall Service and other agencies to plan for major disasters and terrorist attacks. Advised the JBLM installation commander on communications vulnerabilities and options to harden infrastructure.
Aug 1996 - Jul 1997
Digital Multifunction Switch Section Chief
Supervised a team of soldiers and ROK civilians in the Digital Multifunction Switch Section providing U.S. Army installations in Area IV of the Republic of Korea with telephone services and international trunking. This was an incredible position that allowed me to supervise both military and ROK civilian personnel and travel extensively in Korea. I even had a switch site at an old closed Marine installation in Pohang that was a ghost town complete with old NCO club, PX, chapel and everything you would find on a military installation to be explored as a ghost town.
Military Credentials
Jun 2012
Cisco Certified Network Professional Service Provider (CCNP-SP)
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees