Posted on Jun 13, 2016
Is awfulizing the entire Muslim religion responsible for the increase in domestic terrorism in America?
Responses: 46
Blame the victim! Right. The truth is that the vast majority of Americans didn't blame all Muslims, not for the first attack, or the second, or the third... Indeed, I haven't seen any evidence that the majority of Americans are blaming Muslims or Islam, even now that we've had multiple attacks just this year. Still the President and many other Leftists are quick to jump on the bandwagon proclaiming that we are. Then, they ascribe the whole problem to us blaming Muslims and Islam, that by doing so we are radicalizing Muslims. Well, I'm not politically correct. I don't surrender my freedom of speech. The President is not going to win this battle, not with me, not matter how many times he repeats the charge, and I trust that most Americans are with me on this one.
Capt Michael Greene
LTC Marc King - Well, thank you for the consideration, Marc. Thanks for telling me the links didn't work; they worked for me yesterday, so I'll check that out. I suppose I should have said "Men, especially leaders of nations like the Confederacy, believed that slavery was God's will" or something like that. I appreciate hearing the reason why my argument failed. Have a good day and a great week!
Capt Michael Greene
MAJ Carl Ballinger - I would apologize and retract if I called a name in this rather polite argument, but I don't see any of my posts containing insults or names. I do see two personal attacks, "obtuse" and "dishonest," but they are not in my posts.
Capt Michael Greene
MAJ Carl Ballinger - Fair enough, I guess. Thanks for the feedback. Have a good day and a great week!
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - My grandfather left Germany when it was a bad thing to be a Jew AND came to American when it was a bad time to be a German. He tolerated a tremendous amount of hate, bigotry, and discrimination. Difference in his story: 70-years ago we were fighting a nation. Today, we are fighting in ideology... and the "average" American is not able to discern between the two.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
My grandfather did the same, and Joined the US Army 6 months after immigrating in 1939. Thank you for your input.
MSG (Join to see)
my uncles from italy fought ww2 for the us, army and navy, i had family in itally during ww2, a cousin raped by german officers her brothers killed them the german respose they killed all males in the village, its the same fight, the same ideology, just as it was in bosnia and croatia
LTC Paul Labrador
I think it's more in that immigrants of old wanted to assimilate to American culture. Not sure if that's the paradigm nowadays.
Is awfulizing a word?
Interesting take on a religion/political system that has so called holy men calling for the death of Homos.
Playing the victim is classic Islamic behavior. I suspect, we will read a report, or two soon on a Mosque set on fire by one of their own.
It's happened before.
If you are going to follow Muhammad, get to doing so! Or, get another religion/political system.
M. Morris RVT
Interesting take on a religion/political system that has so called holy men calling for the death of Homos.
Playing the victim is classic Islamic behavior. I suspect, we will read a report, or two soon on a Mosque set on fire by one of their own.
It's happened before.
If you are going to follow Muhammad, get to doing so! Or, get another religion/political system.
M. Morris RVT
I agree with you! We should be INCLUDING them in our EFFOTS and Encouraging them to take more of an Active Role in denouncing these Cowardly attacks! I believe the Muslim Community SHOULD and COULD do more in these EFFORTS! We need to Court them with RESPECT and let them know how VITAL they are in helping us Eradicating ISIS and the War on Terror as a Whole! UNITY! UNITY! UNITY! You can Unify anything you are unwilling to Reconcile with! LOVE is the pathway to reconciling with them and to Spread the MESAGE that they MATTER!
Capt Michael Greene
CPT Jack Durish - Oops. When I read your "Who has ever stopped them from denouncing these cowardly attacks? " I thought it meant that you were blaming nice Muslims for not denouncing bad Muslims, so I mentioned that they had. Must be my misunderstanding. Sorry.
SPC Kirk Gilles
But Sir, wasn't the father's initial response that his son had animosity toward homosexuals (He said the son was appalled by seeing two men kiss) and had no ties whatsoever to ISIS et al. That came before the more formal publicist style admission of his son's ideology. Did you see it differently? I am not attacking you Sir, but that was the sequence I saw presented.
Another curious statement today was the current wife. She said "they" had gone to Disney World to case it for attacks. She said he had planned an attack there. So she knew. She is not being held accountable for her responsibility and complicity. She did not come forward. Was that to be implied as loyalty to husband or promotion of his cause?
Another curious statement today was the current wife. She said "they" had gone to Disney World to case it for attacks. She said he had planned an attack there. So she knew. She is not being held accountable for her responsibility and complicity. She did not come forward. Was that to be implied as loyalty to husband or promotion of his cause?
First off using an image of a woman disrespecting our flag is messed up and shows her lack of respect for it. You can look the US code for the flag and see she is wrong. Comparing radical Muslims to any other group is also wrong. Violent people come in all forms and races. But only one does it in the name of their religion, and even has names for it. You never hear of Jews or Christians or Atheist or Hindus or Wiccans or any other group blowing themselves up in the name of their GOD. Islamist extremist don't attack the armed police or armed military or gun shows. They are both cowards and seeking to cause the greatest amount of fear and terror (hence the name terrorist). We should apply some logic to this. Let's get a grip with protecting our nation and worry about someone's tender feelings later.
Perhaps, but is it not possible that radical jihadists and propaganda are actually responsible for the radicalization of young Americans.
If you tell someone that they are not (insert group name here) enough. and they aspire to be the best of (insert group name here), you shame them into taking on that behavior or activity in order to be the best of the group they aspire to be in.
The way ISIS and other jihadi pitch it you can't be a good Muslim and assimilate western tolerances, but I've served with Muslims who practiced their faith and are good role models for others, regardless of belief.
It has been my experience that the majority of people know the difference between a person practicing their faith and a zelot. Or maybe its just that I tend to be around older Soldiers and professional folks that have learned to value everyone's contribution .
If you tell someone that they are not (insert group name here) enough. and they aspire to be the best of (insert group name here), you shame them into taking on that behavior or activity in order to be the best of the group they aspire to be in.
The way ISIS and other jihadi pitch it you can't be a good Muslim and assimilate western tolerances, but I've served with Muslims who practiced their faith and are good role models for others, regardless of belief.
It has been my experience that the majority of people know the difference between a person practicing their faith and a zelot. Or maybe its just that I tend to be around older Soldiers and professional folks that have learned to value everyone's contribution .
I blame the radical Muslims for not living under the societal and legal auspices of this country. If they hate America so much, they should leave America.
Well this nation has been against faiths which were inextricably linked to government SPC Rory J. Mattheisen since its founding. That is why the idea of a state church which was common in Europe was rejected. Mormonism was rejected because it's adherents beliefs implied they wanted control of the government. Remember Mitt Romney's run for POTUS?
Islam is only fulfilled in a theocratic state according to the Koran. Islam can only be freely practiced when Islam is the State faith so that the courts and government officials while rule on cases and make law in accordance with Koranic precepts.
As far as applying the treatment you are referring to ask the Japanese Americans who were rated much worse than the Muslims have been in this nation.
By and large Muslims are not treated any worse than any other group in this nation. I have Pakistani, Afghani, and Iranian neighbors who I have good relations with.
Islam is only fulfilled in a theocratic state according to the Koran. Islam can only be freely practiced when Islam is the State faith so that the courts and government officials while rule on cases and make law in accordance with Koranic precepts.
As far as applying the treatment you are referring to ask the Japanese Americans who were rated much worse than the Muslims have been in this nation.
By and large Muslims are not treated any worse than any other group in this nation. I have Pakistani, Afghani, and Iranian neighbors who I have good relations with.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
LTC Stephen F. Wonderful statement, but there is o answer to the question I asked.
Previous generations treated other people worse, so why should today's generation treat foreigners any different? Terrible defense
Muslims are not treated worse... You must only live on RP and on your street. I know Muslims who wouldn't admit their religion in public for money right now, they just say I don't discuss politics or religion in public.
Previous generations treated other people worse, so why should today's generation treat foreigners any different? Terrible defense
Muslims are not treated worse... You must only live on RP and on your street. I know Muslims who wouldn't admit their religion in public for money right now, they just say I don't discuss politics or religion in public.
LTC Stephen F.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - First Muslim-inspired terrorism is not really domestic terrorism but inspired by foreign groups - al Qaeda, al Shahab, Boko Horam, ISIS and other Wahhabi doctrine groups.
Granted some mosque leaders in this nation inspire terrorists - some have been kicked out [Blind Sheik] and others prosecuted. That is the exception to the rule.
The Muslim religion in its end state is incompatible with the US Constitution since according to the Koran a Theocracy is required for Islam to be practiced as it meant to be. Saudi Arabia is an example of a Sunni theocracy and Iran is an example of a Shia theocracy. THAT IS A DIRECT RESPONSE TO YOUR QUESTION. "Is awfulizing the entire Muslim religion responsible for the increase in domestic terrorism in America?" That is a restatement of my middle section in my response.
You obviously were not participating in yesterday's discussion of homegrown terrorism discussion "Nowadays we have radical environmentalists, Aryan brotherhood, fringe Mormon groups; white supremacy, new black panther, radical Wahhabi doctrine Muslims and others who have taken on the role of domestic terrorists.
Timothy McVeigh was the domestic terrorist who used a truck bomb against the Mullah building in Oklahoma City.
In the 1980s we had Act Up who are generally all dead.
In the 1960s we had the Weathermen, the Black Panthers, the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), etc.
In the US civil war we had domestic terrorists operating freely in Missouri and Kansas before and during the actual conflict.
To set the record straight the Hells Angles and other outlaw motorcycle groups were WWII veterans initially who were fed up with the situation in the USA after they demobilized so they banded together. Several of those groups used version od their military insignia - such as aircraft makings in the Hells Angels case."
Granted some mosque leaders in this nation inspire terrorists - some have been kicked out [Blind Sheik] and others prosecuted. That is the exception to the rule.
The Muslim religion in its end state is incompatible with the US Constitution since according to the Koran a Theocracy is required for Islam to be practiced as it meant to be. Saudi Arabia is an example of a Sunni theocracy and Iran is an example of a Shia theocracy. THAT IS A DIRECT RESPONSE TO YOUR QUESTION. "Is awfulizing the entire Muslim religion responsible for the increase in domestic terrorism in America?" That is a restatement of my middle section in my response.
You obviously were not participating in yesterday's discussion of homegrown terrorism discussion "Nowadays we have radical environmentalists, Aryan brotherhood, fringe Mormon groups; white supremacy, new black panther, radical Wahhabi doctrine Muslims and others who have taken on the role of domestic terrorists.
Timothy McVeigh was the domestic terrorist who used a truck bomb against the Mullah building in Oklahoma City.
In the 1980s we had Act Up who are generally all dead.
In the 1960s we had the Weathermen, the Black Panthers, the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), etc.
In the US civil war we had domestic terrorists operating freely in Missouri and Kansas before and during the actual conflict.
To set the record straight the Hells Angles and other outlaw motorcycle groups were WWII veterans initially who were fed up with the situation in the USA after they demobilized so they banded together. Several of those groups used version od their military insignia - such as aircraft makings in the Hells Angels case."

Who Are America's 'Homegrown Terrorists'? | RallyPoint Who Are America's 'Homegrown Terrorists? A FEB 2016 interview with CNN's Peter Bergen, author of "American States of Jihad."
Radical ideas and behaviors can grow and prosper in an isolated community living under its own norms and laws instead of those of the greater society in which it is located. Islam is not in many ways compatible with common life and culture in the US. It is difficult at best for a Muslim to assimilate into the US the way other minority and immigrant groups did over the last 200 years. This lack of assimilation makes them suspect in the minds of many people. It also forces them into exclusive communities. The challenge for Muslims is finding a way to be faithful to the religion of Islam while assimilating into a culture that does not support the world view of their religion. They must find a way to live in peace with the Infidel and that's difficult.
The consequences of continued non-assimilation in the US and Western Europe could be disastrous for Muslims. If the terrorism continues there will be a point where Americans will not tolerate it any longer. We believe that the discrimination and persecution heaped on Jews in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th Century are beyond the realm of possibility in the US. I believe an angered and self-righteous populace coupled with a pandering ruling class could result in wholesale imprisonment or deportation of Muslims.
The consequences of continued non-assimilation in the US and Western Europe could be disastrous for Muslims. If the terrorism continues there will be a point where Americans will not tolerate it any longer. We believe that the discrimination and persecution heaped on Jews in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th Century are beyond the realm of possibility in the US. I believe an angered and self-righteous populace coupled with a pandering ruling class could result in wholesale imprisonment or deportation of Muslims.
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