Posted on Mar 25, 2018
How many college credits was your military experience worth?
When I got out of the Army, I went directly into my first semester of college without understanding exactly how many credit hours that I was bringing to the table. I eventually had my military experience evaluated when I started attending KWU in the fall of 2017. As a soldier who served as a 19D and only attended one NCO development school (along with a few misc courses) I was granted 13 credit hours for my experience. Many people think about what career path will give them the best leg up after the military, so what path did you take and how much college credit did you receive for your experience?
7 CH - Cavalry Scout MOS (OSUT)
3 CH - Structured Self-Development Level 1
3 CH - Warrior Leader's Course
7 CH - Cavalry Scout MOS (OSUT)
3 CH - Structured Self-Development Level 1
3 CH - Warrior Leader's Course
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 41
By time I retired I had:
48 credit undergraduate (Lower Level)
15 credits undergraduate (Upper Level)
21 credits (Graduate) ILE + CCC
15 graduate credits came from ILE which I used towards a master's degree with Central Michigan University. MS in Administration. They can also be used with UMUC for a MS in Management.
If you don't know what your military training and education is worth, you can check with VMET "Verification of Military Education & Training"
Joint Service Transcript is another way to find out.
48 credit undergraduate (Lower Level)
15 credits undergraduate (Upper Level)
21 credits (Graduate) ILE + CCC
15 graduate credits came from ILE which I used towards a master's degree with Central Michigan University. MS in Administration. They can also be used with UMUC for a MS in Management.
If you don't know what your military training and education is worth, you can check with VMET "Verification of Military Education & Training"
Joint Service Transcript is another way to find out.
This post-TGPSP evaluation will ask questions specific to each module or track you have completed as well as questions about the overall Transition GPS Program. Some questions are tailored to gauge the knowledge you have gained from specific modules/tracks. There is no negative consequence if you answer incorrectly; this is simply for us to evaluate if the course succeeded in providing the intended information.
LTC Jr Hutto
Great Idea but, as a commissioned officer, didn't you already have a bachelor's degree already? What officer specialty did you have that you could get so many credits (mostly undergrad it looks)? I checked into this sort of stuff in the nineties and fund that just your basic combat arms officer (Armor in my case) was pretty much SOL in these sorts of endeavours. Perhaps times have changed?
MAJ Raúl Rovira
LTC Jr Hutto - Sir, I began as an Armor Officer (19A), then Quartermaster (92B, 92A, 92F, 92D), finally logistics (90A). Most of the credits I earned were through distance learning from the many military on-line programs. One example is Defence Aquisition University (DAU). I chouse to take a lot of self-development classes.
Correct, I have a bachelor's degree. I can still use these credits for another bachelor's degree or associate's degree. College credits was not my intention when taking the courses. It was an unintended result of so many self-development courses.
Correct, I have a bachelor's degree. I can still use these credits for another bachelor's degree or associate's degree. College credits was not my intention when taking the courses. It was an unintended result of so many self-development courses.
Since I got out in 1968 I don’t think this was an option,sadly for me I wasted the benefits given by the GI education bill,(very bad drinking problem) that said I’m glad these opportunities are now open to current Service members.
SSG Norbert Johnson
SGT Phillip, If you have a service connected disability of at least 20% you might be eligible for VA Voc Educational Benefits. Chectk with the VA or a VSO for details. As for your MOS Eval for 1968, I got out on my first discharge in 1971 and was granted 15 Credits for Personnel and 6 credits for Infantryman at a local Jr College
SGT Philip Roncari
SSG Norbert Johnson-Thanks for that information about Educational benefits but I never put in for any disabilities connected to my time in Service and before I screwed up the GI bill did manage to get an Associate degree at Franklin Institute in Boston,again appreciate your response,be well Brother
SSG Norbert Johnson
SGT Philip, There are ways to get College credit for your Military and other experiences via Portfolio assessments, Testing out ACE evaluations, and some evaluate how long you were on the job in specific fields as well as your promotions to the management/Supervisory level. If you are interested, drop me a line. Here is a did you know statement: Did you know that if you were a Foreigner desiring to work in America under a H1B Visa, and had only an earned Associates level education, your work experience is reviewed by a Foreign Credential Evaluation Service. 3 years direct progressive experience = 1 year College equivalency. SO it would appear that if you had 6 years employment experience in a specific field + that Associates, you would have the Equivalence of a Bachelor's degree. And since the evaluation would be for a H1B work Visa, an employer is required to accept the evaluation as a Bachelors degree for employment purposes. That is how many Foreign Workers get to work in America without a degree... only the equivalence. This also places American workers at a disadvantage for the same level job as Foreign Credential Evaluation Services refuse, for the most part, to evaluate US earned credits and work experience.
I highly recommend everyone go to the joint service transcript website ( and look at your military record online.
I found mine to be quite incomplete and uploaded my DD-214s and copies of training certificates as well as Dante's c l e p transcripts.
When I submitted it to a local College I got 39 semester hour credit.
I found mine to be quite incomplete and uploaded my DD-214s and copies of training certificates as well as Dante's c l e p transcripts.
When I submitted it to a local College I got 39 semester hour credit.
SGT Herbert Bollum
SSG Diane R. - this web site is not secure...they apparently don't have the security certification period set as too long for safety.
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