Posted on Jan 11, 2018
SSG Infantryman
Have you ever seen a soldier the Rams Head Mountaineering device?

I just recently was getting lost in the depths of the internet when I remembered someone at basic training asking the question "Drill Sergeant, How do you get a mountain tab!" I remember him replying something extremely sarcastic before stating that the tab is attached to the unit, like Airborne is attached to the 101st.

Flash back to a couple weeks ago, I was talking about schooling opportunities through ROTC with one of the cadets in my unit and he mentioned Mountain Warfare School. Whenever a conversation about Army schools come up, its usually the same thing being mentioned... Airborne this, Air Assault that... I thought it was pretty interesting that nobody really talks about this school, so I decided to look it up.

I looked through many websites to see if this was real, because at first I didn't think it was. Upon completion of AMWS, NATIONAL GUARD soldiers are authorized (under commanders discretion) to wear the Rams Head device.

Have you ever seen a soldier wear this badge? Do you wear this badge? Feel free to leave a comment below I would love to hear your story about the AMWS Ram's Head!
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Responses: 28
MSG Dan Castaneda
Edited 7 y ago
That badge is not authorized for wear. The cadre/instructors at the Vermont Mountain Warfare School are authorized to wear it while they work for the school house. Once they leave, they must take it off, as it is not recognized by the Army. They are merely authorized by the school command team. Its like wearing a black hat for the Airborne cadre.
I heard that they petitioned the Army for approval a few years back. The process takes a long time. Somewhere along the way and with different interested parties departing their position, the badge lost traction and the petition died.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
7 y
SSG (Join to see) - Your BC can authorize you to wear it while under his command. When you are no longer under his command, you can no longer wear it. It is not an authorized badge like every other badge in the Army today.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
Yes MSG, but in your respective opinion, why would a BC not authorize it. I can’t think of any reason. It shows depth in your command.
CW3 Property Book Officer (Pbo)
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
I also have the rams head device. It is authorized for wear while attached or part of any "Mountain BN" unit. Beyond that, its commanders discretion. Currently, or last I checked, The Mountain Warfare School had fallen under Ft Benning and they were trying to get the Rams head device authorized for wear. The Rams head device is not an easy device to earn, but certainly worth the time spent getting it. It is currently easier to get now, as in the past you had to finnish BOTH phases (winter and summer) prior to being authorized to wear it. Now only one phase is required.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Toughest school I've completed; more physical and intellectually demanding the Air Assault. Our TAG authorized it so I wear it.
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LTC Stephen F.
SFC Personnel  Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
Sound like when I was In NAM some units were authorized boney hats while those in the rear were not. I was in the MPS and when field units came back on post the Bn CSM was all over the guys for wearing them. We all had the boney hats on the side and wore them when CSM wasn't around. His favorite place was the chow line that's where he would strike for all wearing the BOONEY. LOL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
7 y
LTC Stephen F. that’s a negative! Must have come about after I left the Division in March 1997. I have never heard or seen of this badge. Will investigate it some more!
CW3 Property Book Officer (Pbo)
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
There is NO affiliation of the rams head and the 10th mountain division. Its a common misconception. The Army Mountain Warfare school is a separate entity entirely. I was an AI at the school for several years, typically the majority of people that would come through regularly were Cadets (its offered to them like airborne and air assault school), SF teams, Rangers, Infantry units/personnel, some foreign units such as Canadian Royal Mounted Police and other police units. I was there back around 1999-2003, some things may have changed since. Its a great BN, great school. The Cadre accomplishments are through the roof. Definitely in tune with their profession. Highly suggest attending if its available!
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
Edited 7 y ago
I've seen it but I was in the Massachusetts Guard for 6 years and a number of units in the MA Guard are aligned under the 86th IBCT out of Vermont and the Vermont NG runs the Mountain Warfare School.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
Interesting. As far as I read, Vermont is the only state where TAG authorized wear for the device.

Thanks for contributing to the post, Sergeant!
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