Posted on Oct 29, 2015
SSG Carlos Madden
An Army NCO created a 'one stop shop' app to help US service members in South Korea. Has anyone heard of this and used it?
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Responses: 9
SSG Ron Douglass
I'm too old for that. When u was there, it was 1985.
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
I was there in 77-78. I lived in the ville so I wish I had this technology back then. But, we did fine, such a great culture. It WAS an unaccompanied tour but my wife had a passport and a visa so she got there in 6 days after me. Gave me time to have a 4 room hut built with a thatched roof. It made our Korean land lady famous in the village. They had never seen a round-eyed blonde woman and 4 year old boy with long blond curls halfway down his back. I paid her (even though she would get the huts when I left) a can of coffee every month. I got 5 other guys to bring their wives over so we had a little American Village IN the Village.
SFC Richard Haugh
SFC Richard Haugh
9 y
I too was living in the ville back in 1984-85 and the best technology we had then was Ondol heating systems to heat our floors up during those cold a$$ winters (when we were not living in the field)! hahaha
SSG Willis Baker
SSG Willis Baker
9 y
I wish we had the internet in '85-'86. I was out at CSCT3 in apartments. I would have saved a lot of money on phones calls back to Ft. Hood.
SFC Boots Attaway
SFC Boots Attaway
9 y
I was there in 79/80 at Cp Hovey and 82/83 at Pan Mun Jom then Cp Greaves my last 3 months. I would have loved to have the internet back then. Hell I wish I had a computer back then to store my pictures on. Then I would not have lost them all. :(
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TSgt Anthony Ellis
No I have not heard about this app. But it sounds like it very useful from the comments that I've read.
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SGT Dental Specialist
Currently use it. It's a great app. Can call on post taxis and deliver food to your barracks ordering online from the px. Great info from the 8th army and current events. It has helped me out countless times.
SSG Carlos Madden
SSG Carlos Madden
9 y
How many of your friends use it? I'm curious about this story and how it works. The article says the soldier taught himself programming though Google and YouTube.
SGT Dental Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Carlos Madden - Oh I see. Currently don't work with a lot of soldiers due to being a small clinic here. but I've seen 4 Soldiers using it.
SFC Founder
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Missed out on using it during my tour of Korea (2013-14/Yongsan Garrison).
SGT Dental Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - Yes hehe I was hungry and a private told me to download the app. And ended up ordering food. Since then I've been using the app.
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