Recent Activity -
After taking some time off after retiring, I started working Retail for Office Depot, Computer City/CompUSA. Then in 2002 answered the call to work with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as a Security Screener. Then in 2008 took the job of an Instructor for the 35F Tactical Intelligence Analyst Course at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. In 2010 came home to watch my son grow up in highschool and play football.
Military Experiences
Aug 1992 - Aug 1993
Senior Intelligence Analyst, and Systems Analyst (96B30)
Developed and implemented the Yugoslavian Order of Battle database structure using the ASAS/WARRIOR Program workstation, which was later adopted throughout V (US) Corps, UCIRF, and United States Army, Europe. Responsible for the Accountability, Maintenance and served as System Administrator for seven Top Secret SCI and two Collateral ASAS/WARRIOR Program workstations and Peripherals in garrison and during Tactical Field Exercises. Conducted, Supervised and Evaluated User Level Training for ASAS/WARRIOR Program Systems for V (US) Corps Supporting units.
Jun 1991 - Aug 1992
NCOIC Information Management
I was responsible for all aspects of Information Management and Automation within the Battalion that resulted in a Commendable rating of 98.5% during the section's first Command Inspection. Primary advisor to the Battalion Commander, Battalion Staff and Company Commanders for material/training resources that increased the productivity of the unit. Successfully completed the Computer Maintenance Course and conducted organizational level maintenance and repair for 100+ Personal Computers and peripherals in the Battalion Headquarters that saved the battalion over $600.00 per computer repaired.
Nov 1990 - May 1991
Senior Intelligence Analyst (96B30)
As a Non Commissioned Officer in Charge of the 2nd Brigade S2 (Intelligence) Section, organized and supervised the deployment of the Brigade S2 (Intelligence) Section to Southwest Asia for Operation DESERT SHIELD/STORM. Responsible for the Health and Welfare of five soldiers and the daily operations of a Brigade S2 (Intelligence) Section in a combat zone. Established and updated a complete enemy Order of Battle database, which kept the Brigade Commander updated with timely intelligence. Prepared and conducted daily briefings for the Brigade Commander and his staff.
Feb 1990 - Nov 1990
Operations and Dissemination NCOIC (SCIF) (96B30)
Supervised four soldiers in the preparation of Daily Intelligence Reports to be presented to the Division Chief of Staff. Supervised the proper mailing and accountability of classified documents. Performed duties as the primary G2 Operations radio operator during Division Main Command Post field exercises.
(11 years, 6 months)Dec 1990 - May 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Senior Intelligence Analyst & NCOIC Attached to 2nd Bde (Iron), 3rd Armored Division from the G2.
Jul 1987 - Aug 1987
G2, III (US) Corps. NCOIC of the Tactical SCIF. Alpha Co. 303rd Military Intelligence BN.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jun 1984
Leadership Training School 3rd Signal Brigade, Ft. Hood, Tx.
Nov 1974
Iron Horse NCO Academy Ft. Carson, Co.
Sep 1974
Iron Horse Basic Leadership Course Ft. Carson, Co.
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Dec 2009
Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) v 3.1.3 Ft. Huachuca, Az.
ARC MAP Ft. Huachuca, Az.
Jul 2008
TRADOC IET Support Cadre Training (SCTC) Ft. Huachuca, Az.
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees