Posted on Apr 5, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
It's no secret, many American gun owners are feeling pressure from the government (local, state, and federal) when it comes to the laws associated with gun ownership and the right to carry openly or concealed.

In a discussion I recently read, someone mentioned that the next war will be against gun-owning American citizens. It was a powerful statement, and one that I'm not sure I can disagree with.

What are your thoughts, everyone? Do you feel this claim has merit? Or do you feel it is more paranoia?
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Responses: 73
SSG John Bacon
Not sure but I have prepared for it.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
At this point, it's just not possible. We have roughly more guns than people, and only a fractional representation of military.

If 25% of the population owns guns (estimate), and on average owns 4+, but there is only 1% military representation, any war on gun owners would be ill advised.
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
>1 y
Don't leave out Kentucky because we were neutral in the "Civil War". We aren't neutral any more and we have a very proficient militia. ( We even rooted out 2 spies so far so we know we have "them" worried ) We're ready and active. SGT Aaron Kennedy: We average over 7 guns per household and the spouses are involved in all range practices. I installed motion detectors and cameras onto my wireless network which has a Meraki Access Point and with the bridges my 2,500 foot of gravel road is well monitored. I can view any camera on my TV. We are READY for whatever comes....
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
>1 y
SP5 Rick Ash , they can shut the access to those cameras down. That is why they took over the internet to have access to our computers because many run off the computers. I have a different system here. I have wired lights that when something goes past them they blink red for a warning and not wired to my computers at all. Plus I have other means that do not count on the computers. Baby monitors for example if you have outside buildings will pick up when anyone is making noise around buildings another way without internet and they pick up quite a bit of footage so you can here just like if the baby makes a noise. Just trying to give a helpful word out there to not count on your controlled computers.
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CPT Pedro Meza
Those that profess that there is a war against gun ownership are driving by fear and ignorance because they do not see the facts, 2016 compared to 1970's when conceal carried was heavily controlled and semi automatic weapons were not to be easily acquired.
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LTC Stephen F.
To be honest, I think there are many people with public platforms in government and the media who would like nothing better than to make the USA a gun-free zone Cpl Anthony Pearson. They are vastly outnumbered by people who don't really care and and those who actually support the 2nd amendment of the US constitution and believe that responsible gun ownership is a constitutional right.
The government folks beating the drum for a gun-free america tend to be part of the group that believes the constitution needs to be reinterpreted with each new generation.
Declaring war by peaceniks is an oxymoron and I do not believe it will actually happen.
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CPT Jack Durish
You would think that the horror of war, especially internecine war, would prevent any such eventuality, but we seem drawn to it like moths to a flame. Sadly, it appears that fear is drawing a plurality of Americans into the web of the tyrants and their agenda to disarm We the People. Thus, it grows increasingly doubtful that the trend will be stopped by the election of Representatives who will draw us back from that disaster. At present, the social conflict is great because the two sides are almost evenly divided. If one were dominant, there would be little discussion. However, if the anti-gun forces win a clear plurality and the pro-gun forces refuse to accept their judgment that we should surrender our right of self-defense, what choice is there other than open rebellion.

Keep in mind that rebellion does not require a majority. The American Revolution was fought within the Colonies by a population pretty evenly divided into thirds: One third Rebel, one third Tory, and one third let me hide in the woods and avoid the whole thing. Some of the fiercest battles of that Revolution were fought, not between Rebels and British regulars, but rather between Rebel and Tory (both sides Colonists). I don't expect we'll see a repeat of that since the anti-gun faction has disarmed themselves. They'll rely on the government to fight the battle for them if it comes to that.

Will the US military take up arms in this conflict? Now there's a question for another discussion...
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LTC Bink Romanick
Cpl Anthony Pearson I don't think that this will happen. I think that some sensible gun legislation is necessary and that the current laws should be enforced.

I truthfully don't see how we can prevent mass shootings by mentally ill individuals by legislating. Conversely I don't think that anyone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase a gun.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
If the no fly list is properly managed and not abused, I could get behind it. Sadly, I really have little faith in our government. Honestly, how easy is it to be added to the no fly list? And we all know mistakes occur, and people can be added accidentally to the list (I heard a TSA agent was on the list). I wonder, once on the list 'by mistake', how hard is it to be removed from the list?
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SSG Sean Knudsen
No I don't believe our government is coming for the firearms in the hands of legal owners that are responsible. Keep in mind that in the 1930s through 40s all senior leaders in Japan feared a gun behind every blade of grass and in that era there were less firearm owners and less citizens than today because of population growth. I know a lot of law enforcement and all say that disarming the law abiding American would be a death sentence to law enforcement agencies both municipal state and federal. When free societies are ridden of firearms, criminals would soon run the leading country in the world.
SSG Sean Knudsen
SSG Sean Knudsen
>1 y
Further, too many of us are willing to only give up our firearms when our hands are cold and our bodies are stiff.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
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CW2 Intelligence Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
I am not going to comment with any "certainty" on whether I believe "the government" is going to come after my guns or not. (What guns? I don't have any guns?...) What I will say is that, as a Soldier, I swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic".

That said, I would sooner stand WITH the People to defend our Constitutional rights, before I would stand AGAINST the People in armed conflict over rights guaranteed us by our Constitution.

Anyone who would deny that the current federal administration, as well as several state legislatures, have made several attempts at gun control (Connecticut "assault weapons" registration, NY "SAFE" Act, Operation Choke Point, BATFE proposed ban on 5.56/.223 ammunition, BATFE unlawful seizure of "80% lowers", etc.) over the past few years, is either woefully ignorant or willfully naĂŻve.

Does that mean that they will begin going door-to-door to take your guns by force? I don't think so. Even the Feds aren't that foolish.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
Great response. Thank you, CW2 (Join to see)
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SGT Mark Sullivan
It's amazing to me, I have watched this play out, and a part of me has to laugh. I'll explain why... My sister posted a picture about a Mother, showing up to her daughters fist fight, with a pistol. Now, my sisters comment was this, "This just shows the "gun culture that we live in." Now, here is the problem in my eyes, ...A mother shows up to daughters fist fight... How in the fuck is that normal? But, the focus is on the fact she brought a pistol, not the fact the mother was at her daughters fist fight. This doesn't show me "Gun Culture" this shows me the problem is with "Thug Culture." And this is how they are going to bring everybody against gun owners, using deceit and misinformation. They will allow the criminals the upper hand, and then all hell is gonna break loose   
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
If you live in a region where "Thug Culture" is prevalent, there is a much greater likelihood that local government fails to differentiate between the thugs and the everyone else when it comes to gun ownership.
SGT Mark Sullivan
SGT Mark Sullivan
>1 y
Given any greater metropolitan area, and you will see Thug Culture. The local government has tried calling it what it is, but the local bleeding hearts say that's racist to call it Thug Culture. Thugs are not a race, anyone can be a Thug
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
In 2015 Jalita Johnson of Omaha NE. bought her boyfriend a Glock and a 50 round magazine. Marcus wheeler couldn't buy it himself because he is a felon. He used it to kill a policewoman working her last shift before going home on maternity leave.
Wheeler died in a shootout with police. Johnson pleaded guilty to buying the gun for a felon. A US District Court Judge sentenced her to 12 months probation. She could have gotten a sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
They're letting the thugs get away with it all.
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SSgt Senior It Security Analyst
I have a hard time believing that a majority of the US military would fire on civilians who are defending their right to keep and bear arms.
SFC Boots Attaway
SFC Boots Attaway
>1 y
SSgt Justyn A., why do you think FEMA bought all of that ammo and why there are so many working for the TSA?
SSgt Senior It Security Analyst
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Boots Attaway Back door gun control... Cut the ammo supply and you effectively neutralize the weapon you'd like to see banned.

That's why ATF was trying to ban 5.56mm Ammo.
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