LTC Bink Romanick

LTC Bink Romanick

Dates of Service: Feb 1966 - Jul 2000
76% Complete
298 Contacts
Influence Score: 359,611
342 out of 866,660 Veterans
About Discussions


  • CPL Sep 69
  • SGT Oct 69
  • SSG Apr 73
  • 2LT Aug 74
  • 1LT Aug 76
  • CPT Sep 78
  • MAJ Apr 89
  • LTC Sep 96
Commissioning Source:  -

Recent Activity  -


I had 34 yrs service in combat arms. Most of my experience was at the battalion level and some at higher headquarters. My experience was in armor and mechanized units and in a Maintenance Bn as an EM. I have a pretty extensive military and civilian education. My career was a typical full time NG officers career path. I have been retired for 15 years and miss it every day. Stay on the tank! I have been active in community service since retirement. I have served in the local volunteer fire department. I have been a Forest Fire Warden. I've coached youth hockey and served on the township recreation committee. I have been active in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I've tried to give back, because this country has given me so much. I've studied terrorism and insurgency since the 70s and do terrorism analysis and defense analysis.

Military Experiences

Dec 1990 - Jul 1998
Budget Officer/ Comptroller
Serves as primary staff officer for resource management (such as, funds, manpower, and so forth). Plans, develops, justifies, analyzes and executes programs/budgets. Advises on matters pertaining to programing/budgeting, finance and accounting, cost analysis, management practices, and review and analysis.
Jan 1982 - Nov 1990
S1 (Full Time Unit Supervisor)
Also served as XO Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers. Establishing, managing, and enforcing the staff planning time line (per the commander's guidance). Conducting staff training. Ensuring staff work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available. Ensuring the staff integrates and coordinates its activities internally. Informing the commander, Executive Officer, other primary staff officers, and Battalions about new missions, instructions, and developments. Ensuring the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs. Integrating risk management across the staff throughout the operations process. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, Battalion commanders, and subordinate units. Exercising coordinating staff responsibility for the sp
Oct 1980 - Dec 1981
Company Commander
Also full time Battalion Supervisor. Commanded the HHC of a Mechanized Infantry Bn. Responsible for the administration, feeding, training of HHC troops, logistical support of the Bn Hqs. Performed as Hqs Comdt.
Sep 1978 - Sep 1980
Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2) (Full time Training Officer)
Provides the commander with all-source intelligence assessments and estimates at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels dealing with enemy capabilities, intentions, vulnerabilities, effects of terrain and weather on operations, and predicts enemy courses of action. Directs tasking of intelligence collection assets; produces threat estimates to support doctrine, training; and combat developments; ensures proper dissemination of intelligence information and products; manages interrogation operations of enemy prisoners of war and line crossers; interprets imagery from overhead and other systems; directs counterintelligence and operational security operations.


(7 months)
Sep 2001 - Feb 2002
9/11 Recovery NYC
Supported recovery operations following the 9/11 attack
Sep 1983
North Jersey Floods
Humanitarian assistance for widespread floods

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Nov 1994 - May 1996

Army Comptroller Course (Ext)

Jan 1981 - Jul 1983

US Army Command & General Staff Course - RC

Feb 1981 - Jun 1983

USMC Command And Staff College (Ext)

Apr 1976 - Oct 1977

Armor Officer Advance Course (RC)

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 2006

Radiological Monitor

Mar 1997 - May 1997

Professional Military Comptroller Course

1979 - 1980

Naval War College-International Relations Module

Apr 1976 - Jun 1976

Motor Officer Course



Master Military Emergency Management Specialist SGAUS

May 2010

Certified Homeland Security Professional


Radiological Emergency Response Operations


CERT Instructor

Foreign Language Skills


German (2/2)


Spanish (2+/2+)


Russian (1+/1)

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

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Stock photo geopolitics word cloud shape concept 222513778 Geopolitics / International RelationsHistorymasonF3af5240 Military HistoryTanks logo Tanksterrorism analysisunited states coast guard auxiliary