Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
Mrs. Clinton has a proven track record of being out of touch with the people of this country, and also of being someone who despises the military.
While I was in Iraq, I was assigned to a certain unit, whose commander had served under the first President Bush, and who also served under Clinton for about another year. This individual had been in charge of carrying the "football" (the briefcase which allows the President to launch nukes no matter where he is). He also had to give the morning briefing to the President.
His specific statement about Clinton: The most arrogant, bitchy, and generally unpleasant person he'd ever been around. He personally overheard her say something derogatory about the military and military service men and women. The specifics elude me for the moment, but once my Alzheimer's subsides, I'll post more about that.
BTW: The individual (who I still maintain occasional contact with) is a fullbird (at least, he was last time I e-mailed him) Navy Commander. I have no reason to doubt this individual, and I know he would not lie about anything that he'd ever done.
While I was in Iraq, I was assigned to a certain unit, whose commander had served under the first President Bush, and who also served under Clinton for about another year. This individual had been in charge of carrying the "football" (the briefcase which allows the President to launch nukes no matter where he is). He also had to give the morning briefing to the President.
His specific statement about Clinton: The most arrogant, bitchy, and generally unpleasant person he'd ever been around. He personally overheard her say something derogatory about the military and military service men and women. The specifics elude me for the moment, but once my Alzheimer's subsides, I'll post more about that.
BTW: The individual (who I still maintain occasional contact with) is a fullbird (at least, he was last time I e-mailed him) Navy Commander. I have no reason to doubt this individual, and I know he would not lie about anything that he'd ever done.
SPC Charles Brown
Why should she be any different from the past what, 20 years of presidents. The last one who knew anything about military duties and responsibilities was GHW Bush, and his skills were questionable. Prior to him it would have to have been John F. Kennedy and they killed him.
SFC (Join to see)
She won't be any different from the current President. But I disagree with the rest of your premise. I think that Bush senior was ok, his son wasn't as good as he was, but he was a damn sight better than either Bill Clinton or Obama. He made mistakes, and he ran our deficit up, but not like Obama has! Regan was better than every president since him combined. Prior to that, were Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Johnson - none of who were worth anything where the military was concerned. As I wasn't alive when Kennedy was killed, I don't know much about what sort of President he was other than that he helped to really jump start SOF. Out of all the Presidents that served during my lifetime, Regan is the best President I or this country ever had - and by the looks of things, will be the last great President this country will have for a long time - perhaps period. I hope not - I hope I'm wrong. But I see what our current crop of politicians are doing, and I think that this country is about to collapse - politically, socially, morally, and economically. What's really scary, is that as soon as ANY ONE of those four things collapses, the other three will follow within a year, and once all four fall, the country WILL implode on itself.
I will vote for anyone but Hillary (and anyone named Bush). We're a democracy, not a monarchy.
MSG Brad Sand
While you are right we are not a monarchy, you are wrong about us being a democray. We are not and have never been, and I pray we never will be, a democracy. We are Republic, and while it could be argued that this republic has moved from federal to democratic, we are still pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...some of the time.
While you are right we are not a monarchy, you are wrong about us being a democray. We are not and have never been, and I pray we never will be, a democracy. We are Republic, and while it could be argued that this republic has moved from federal to democratic, we are still pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...some of the time.
She would make absolutely the worst president to date! Her and her husband got rid of more military member positions, shut down more bases, and tried to take away our retirements. Why is it that social security, retirments, and other benifits we WORK for always seem to be running out of money, but food stamps, welfare, and medicade seem to have limitless resorses? Vote her in and see what happens! Lol
NO! She is not fit to hold any position in Government, especially that of the office of the POTUS. She has failed miserably as the Secretary of State, namely Benghazi, concealing official correspondence by using her own personal email account and then appointed herself as the sole arbiter of what the public was entitled to see. The problem with that is she is a public servant that was acting on the behalf of we the People who are entitled to know what deals she had made with foreign entities in the name of America. The Clinton Foundation has reportedly taken money from questionable foreign entities that surely comes with some strings attached. If one of us were applying for a security clearance we would surely be denied. The POTUS should be trusted; Hillary cannot be trusted with the baggage that she brings. Her entire career has been riddled with questionable ethic problems, early in her career she was fired from the Water Gate investigation for lying. The leopards spots will not change. We need a POTUS who will strengthen our Military, economy and restore America's reputation on the world stage. That is my humble opinion.
No, we have had enough Clinton's and Bush's in the White house, we could use a good leader male or female but not her. They have had their 8 years already.
If she conducted her presidency as she did her time in the State Department, not. We saw enough of her during Bill's time in office. Going back even further do we forget White Water? A trend of leadership we can do with out.
No, I do not believe she would make a good POTUS. The assertion that it is time for a women to be POTUS may be true. But to vote Hillary Clinton for that reason only is idiotic. The fact remains that she has proven to be non trust worthy, lies and has a tendency to cover up situations gone bad. The argument may be made that this person did this or that person did that. Okay so what, we are talking about her qualities and qualifications right now not anyone else. Quit trying to justify her actions by comparing her to someone else. If she is that good then trumpet her accomplishments. And please do not say it is her turn that is asinine. It is no more her turn then it is Jeb Bush's turn. This country deserves much better. And if all the better we have to offer is Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush we are in a world of hurt.
I knew a MSgt who worked on Air Force One during the Clinton years. He told me at least a few stories of how Hillary treated military. Not such a good picture of how she could potentially treat our armed forces and veterans as president.
how many words would you like in an answer?
one?- Benghazi
two?- not forthcoming
three? another stinking Democrat????
no way can our country handle another extremist liberal, America needs a Leader, not a politician ( I know that isnt exactly accurate), a LEADER who can provide examples to emulate; not another "do as I say, not as I do" liberal type.
one?- Benghazi
two?- not forthcoming
three? another stinking Democrat????
no way can our country handle another extremist liberal, America needs a Leader, not a politician ( I know that isnt exactly accurate), a LEADER who can provide examples to emulate; not another "do as I say, not as I do" liberal type.
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