Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
More of the same old lies from an anti-American Progressive who lacks the ethics, honor and integrity to be Commander in Chief -- just like the current poser, squatting in the White House.
And we would definitely have less freedom, because the Progressive Agenda, which Killary represents, is a Socialist one that is by definition incompatible and at odds with the basic tenets of our Constitution.
And we would definitely have less freedom, because the Progressive Agenda, which Killary represents, is a Socialist one that is by definition incompatible and at odds with the basic tenets of our Constitution.
Capt Jeff S.
They moved the post. If you had been just a little bit proactive, you would have found it in the five seconds it took me to find the redirect.

The Obama Death List: A Staggering Account of Suspicious Deaths and 'Working Theories' ~...
The number of deaths connected to the Obama White House is nothing short of mind-boggling. *** (Nachumlist) Deaths connected to the Obama White House Mama Lois"Anderson:79, and her 52 year old da...

Suspended Profile
Thank you for posting that list, that's the best laugh I've had all week! Obama killed both his own grandmother and Tom Clancy. LOL!
Capt Jeff S.
That list wasn't even the article I initially linked. Here is a more complete list that looks more like the original article and not what they said was in archive.
As for Tom Clancy and his grandmother, it doesn't say the Obama killed them. It merely links their suspicious deaths to him. When people keep dropping like flies and the circumstances around their deaths are suspicious, one can only conclude that the odds he is innocent are probably lower than that of all the planets being in alignment -- which has not happened once in the history of our Solar System.
As for Tom Clancy and his grandmother, it doesn't say the Obama killed them. It merely links their suspicious deaths to him. When people keep dropping like flies and the circumstances around their deaths are suspicious, one can only conclude that the odds he is innocent are probably lower than that of all the planets being in alignment -- which has not happened once in the history of our Solar System.

OBAMA’S DEAD POOL LIST: Are These Deaths “Coincidental” Or Death By Association
ViaNachumlist: Obama's 'Dead Pool' ... These findings are based on fact, you decide if it's coincidence, or death by association. Deaths connected to the Obama: Mama Lois"Anderson:79, and...
Capt Jeff S.
There, there. Did saying that help you raise your self-esteem? Hell, I don't know if he killed his grandmother and/or Tom Clancy.
It's not any one death that strikes one as odd, but the sum of which requires too much explanation and benefit of the doubt to swallow. He's guilty of something. People that aren't guilty don't hide information, drag their feet on investigation, and put out false narratives. Figure the odds that Breitbart dies before he can release information he dug up on Obama, and then on top of that his coroner dies before he can release the results of his autopsy. Only a Kool-Aid drinking Progressive wouldn't see any problem with this.
And of course, there's the deaths at Benghazi and the Administration had no idea that the attack was a pre-planned terrorist attack. Hey, it only happened on 9-11, they brought RPG's to the demonstration, the Libyan guards they hired were snapping pics with their cell phones just prior to the attack... And after much teeth pulling, we come to find out the Administration was even sent emails telling them a terrorist attack was being planned. If they can't put that much together and you believe it was all due to some obscure Internet video that nobody knew nothing about, then more power to you. Hope it's your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid that they served up.
The fact that you whine like a bunch of hyenas tells me you're not so sure of yourselves. It's a lot easier to make fun of someone else than to accept the cold hard truth that you were duped by empty promises of Hope and Change. When you learn to think for yourselves, we can further this discussion. Until then, have at it. Personal attacks are what people resort to when they have run out of intelligent things to say. It's the Liberal's FPF.
It's not any one death that strikes one as odd, but the sum of which requires too much explanation and benefit of the doubt to swallow. He's guilty of something. People that aren't guilty don't hide information, drag their feet on investigation, and put out false narratives. Figure the odds that Breitbart dies before he can release information he dug up on Obama, and then on top of that his coroner dies before he can release the results of his autopsy. Only a Kool-Aid drinking Progressive wouldn't see any problem with this.
And of course, there's the deaths at Benghazi and the Administration had no idea that the attack was a pre-planned terrorist attack. Hey, it only happened on 9-11, they brought RPG's to the demonstration, the Libyan guards they hired were snapping pics with their cell phones just prior to the attack... And after much teeth pulling, we come to find out the Administration was even sent emails telling them a terrorist attack was being planned. If they can't put that much together and you believe it was all due to some obscure Internet video that nobody knew nothing about, then more power to you. Hope it's your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid that they served up.
The fact that you whine like a bunch of hyenas tells me you're not so sure of yourselves. It's a lot easier to make fun of someone else than to accept the cold hard truth that you were duped by empty promises of Hope and Change. When you learn to think for yourselves, we can further this discussion. Until then, have at it. Personal attacks are what people resort to when they have run out of intelligent things to say. It's the Liberal's FPF.
I respect every single person's opinion about politics.
To answer your question, I honest to God have no idea and I wonder how so many other Americans seem to know so much about politicians.
If these people are so bad, why are they in such glorified positions of authority?
More of a rhetorical question I suppose. I just know I'd trust any one of the people on this site (minus the few civilians) more than I would any politician, commercial or propaganda.
It seems pretty clear to me that none of us know what the hell is going on anymore. It feels like it's all a matter of choosing the lesser of evils.
To answer your question, I honest to God have no idea and I wonder how so many other Americans seem to know so much about politicians.
If these people are so bad, why are they in such glorified positions of authority?
More of a rhetorical question I suppose. I just know I'd trust any one of the people on this site (minus the few civilians) more than I would any politician, commercial or propaganda.
It seems pretty clear to me that none of us know what the hell is going on anymore. It feels like it's all a matter of choosing the lesser of evils.
Cpl Brett Wagner
SSG V. Michelle Woods I only asked because you said you trust everyone on RP except a few civilians & I thought only active duty, retired, & veterans could join so I thought maybe you considered us the civilians. I did not mean to offend you & hope I did not. If I did I apologize.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
Oh not at all, I was worried for offending you lol!
But no unfortunately, there are a few civilians on here :(
But no unfortunately, there are a few civilians on here :(
Cpl Ray Fernandez
SSG V. Michelle Woods, I look at politicians by past actions and decisions that they make. Like there was a recording recently released on the former Secretary of State where she joked about negotiating a deal for a child rapist where he only served a year in jail. her tenure as Secretary of State where more was made of the distance she traveled than any meaningful accomplishments or problems resolved. Her comments on Benghazi stating what difference does it make. Her accomplishments as a Senator seem to be similarly lacking. So that's how I base my opinions on politicians. Past history is what I use if I'm willing to invest the effort to promote someone to a higher position.
I am certain that the United States will suffer under a Hillary Clinton Administration on two counts: Ideologically and Practically.
Ms Clinton represents a political ideology that has failed in every instance where it has been attempted: Socialism. Don't waste your time arguing. She has branded herself a socialist in every word and deed of her public life and socialism has failed or is failing everywhere in the world. We simply can't afford it given the current state of the economy as well as unrest in the world.
In more practical terms, we need only look to Ms Clinton's performance as an attorney, First Lady, and Secretary of State to see failure piled on failure. Yes, of course, the First Lady has no formal duties, but her husband placed her in positions of responsibility during his Administration and the result was Travelgate (wherein Ms Clinton's "management style" led to crony capitalism and erupted in a major scandal) and Hillarygate (wherein Ms Clinton excluded healthcare providers from her nation wide effort to craft a new public health policy). As Secretary of State, evidence builds every day that she is responsible for the debacle at Benghazi and may be responsible for the deaths of our ambassador there and his defenders.
Lastly, there are health issues. We should not place a person in the most stressful job in the world when they are unlikely to survive it.
If you are anxious to elect a woman as President, allow me to recommend Condoleeza Rice...
Ms Clinton represents a political ideology that has failed in every instance where it has been attempted: Socialism. Don't waste your time arguing. She has branded herself a socialist in every word and deed of her public life and socialism has failed or is failing everywhere in the world. We simply can't afford it given the current state of the economy as well as unrest in the world.
In more practical terms, we need only look to Ms Clinton's performance as an attorney, First Lady, and Secretary of State to see failure piled on failure. Yes, of course, the First Lady has no formal duties, but her husband placed her in positions of responsibility during his Administration and the result was Travelgate (wherein Ms Clinton's "management style" led to crony capitalism and erupted in a major scandal) and Hillarygate (wherein Ms Clinton excluded healthcare providers from her nation wide effort to craft a new public health policy). As Secretary of State, evidence builds every day that she is responsible for the debacle at Benghazi and may be responsible for the deaths of our ambassador there and his defenders.
Lastly, there are health issues. We should not place a person in the most stressful job in the world when they are unlikely to survive it.
If you are anxious to elect a woman as President, allow me to recommend Condoleeza Rice...
SMSgt Dan Powell
I agree with you aboaut Condoleeza Rice, however I think she is like Colin Powell, too smart to have anything to do with the process you have to go through to get nominated.
SSgt (Join to see)
John Keough - Liberals should never talk about talking points to anyone. The fact you deny it is all the more proof that you are. I believe in what I profound and profess. I am not ashamed of it. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck. It is a duck.
And moreover I am 58 years old and I am sure that I have seen democrats in action before. Take Jimmy Carter. Many democrats (and I am being solicitous) make it hard on the military. Drastic cuts and well-knowing that Republicans chafe at that.
And moreover I am 58 years old and I am sure that I have seen democrats in action before. Take Jimmy Carter. Many democrats (and I am being solicitous) make it hard on the military. Drastic cuts and well-knowing that Republicans chafe at that.
MSgt Scott Gaston
If you thought "Transparency, but hide" of the OBAMA Fiascoes was bad, just imagine that on steroids as Hillary was along for the ride for 3/4ths of it...but then "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE"...out for a stroll (with Mortars, RPGs, and Machine Guns) and decide to go kill some Americans...REALLY? Four Dead Americans Later?! It was a video? What was it Mrs. Bill?
Capt Jeff S.
Col (Join to see) - Sir, you may want to take a look at the pattern of responses coming from Navy Officers... 3/7 of them voted "Yes." Click on the image to see the entire image:
Capt Jeff S.
Judging by the pattern, the smartest people seem to be the Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force enlisted... and Reservists, none of which thought Hillary would make a fine President. When you add the above components' officers into the mix, support for Hillary goes up to 3%. Still not too bad.
A place where we pray that no Bush or Clinton offspring decide to run for public office.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton...
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton...
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
O'Shit! Good catch there Cpl Brett Wagner, I owe you one. Oh that is too f--king funny! The Kennedys must all be rolling over in their graves! LMAO!
And I spelled his name wrong to boot! Now you know what I mean when I say I'm a lousy drinker. That was after only 1 Angry Orchard.
Guess that shows my tell on respecting the rank vs. the person - see:
And I spelled his name wrong to boot! Now you know what I mean when I say I'm a lousy drinker. That was after only 1 Angry Orchard.
Guess that shows my tell on respecting the rank vs. the person - see:
Best Candidate? Anybody who will actually uphold their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.
Col (Join to see)
Yes, and unfortunately the actions of the bad outweigh the integrity of the respected ones!
SSG Gerhard S.
I feel I am on safe ground when I say this does not describe Mrs. Clinton, nor anybody the GOP is likely to nominate.
I hope we can do something and start getting rid of these career politicians.
SSG Gerhard S.
I say One term in a row! No pension, no retiree health care, no seniority. If a politician is in office and wants to run for a different office he/she has to resign so we aren't paying them to run for office! And Pay should be the Median US income (about 51K right now).
Since Hillary wants the proverbial glass ceiling to be broken for the Presidency, how about Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Nikki Haley, or Shelley Capito?
Cpl Chris Rice
Well when I elect a President I prefer they stay in office the entire term so that is why I would rule out Gov. Palin, I have only seen sound bites of the others, so I would listen.
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