Posted on Jul 30, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
From: ABC News

Fitness Enthusiast John Burk said despite the media's negative portrayal of his online video rant on obesity and healthy living, the public has been singing his praises for his brutal honesty and motivation.

"It's been 95 percent positive and these other news agencies are saying I'm under fire," Burk of Hinesville, Georgia told ABC News. "I have so much overwhelming support for what I said. I see a comment here, a comment there, but mostly I hear 'Thank you for saying that.'

"I've changed thousands of lives daily from people saying that 'This is the blunt-force trauma I needed for me to quit making excuses and lying to myself, and get up and do something.'"

Burk, 31, a former drill sergeant in the United States Army Infantry, said some viewers are portraying his speech as negative, however, he said he posted it on Facebook to encourage people to choose a healthier lifestyle.

"First and foremost, I will not apologize," he said. "I will not retract what I said regardless of what society thinks. There is a difference between anger and passion. That was passion. People are so quick to say 'Oh, he's so angry.'"

Burk uploaded the profanity-laced video on July 5, where it has since received over 3 million views and upwards of 31,000 shares.

In addition, the comments came rolling in — some calling Burk a "mouthy bully" and others saying he's "inspirational."

"What really aggravates me is how society views it that it's perfectly OK to be overweight, as long as you're happy," Burk said. "People keep saying it's not my business and you're right, it's not. I think the blunt truth of it is either making an excuse, or you're going after it. Essentially, that’s what this video was about."

Burk, a father of two, said he feels it's important for adults to adopt positive eating habits for the sake of their children.

"My overall goal, quite honestly, is to start a revolution to stop living so unhealthily," he said. "We can do so much for our lives. For me, it starts with good health and fitness and a good, healthy, mind. The people that work had and go to the gym, they're called obsessed with their body, gym rats, meat heads — but if someone is eating too much or degrading their health and you say one negative thing, you are 'fat shaming.' It’s the hypocrisy that I can't understand.

"Their personality might be beautiful, but your body, in my opinion, is not," Burk added. "Since when did it become beautiful for someone to be obese? It's not. It's unhealthy. People automatically assume that’s fat shaming."

Burk said that he will continue making more videos for Facebook and his site, in hopes to coach viewers on nutrition and basic workout tips.
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Responses: 67
CW3 Stephen Bacon
makes me wanna go to McDonalds.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
9 y
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SSG Scott Burk
Sometimes the truth hurts. Deal with it.
SPC Sean O'Sullivan
SPC Sean O'Sullivan
9 y
and sometimes people are just attention whores, this guy is one of them and he can kiss my entire fat arse.
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
SPC Sean O'Sullivan it's evident in the guy's videos that he has already told you that you can do that.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
9 y
SPC Sean O'Sullivan - yep, and this guy is just an asshole....and if people want to be over's there business...not this guys business.
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SPC (Other / Not listed)
I don't see anything wrong with what he said...sure he could have been a little nicer but he's a (former) drill sergeant, what do you expect?

I find it funny some of the people I see here whining about "soft touch feely Army", and "political correctness" , "basic training is soft these days " and "privates these days"..... are whining about a guy whose telling them their lifestyle is unhealthy and repulsive (which it is). Oh, OHHH, and they have a thousand excuses to make up for it (if the shoe fits wear it). I guess being pc is only good if it affects you?

America is the fattest country...and for a reason. People are too worried about feeling bad for themselves and need a swift kick in their ass. He needs to work on tact but he comes off as an infantry NCO....which is definitely not a politically correct nice touchy feely group of guys. He rips out hearts and rebuilds them which is what DS's do. Fitness motivator? not so much, requires more tact. I tell you what though the hard ass approach definitely works. Point to a guy you knew who was overweight in basic training and didn't come out 15-30+ lbs lighter and I'll buy you a new car.

-Remarks complete-
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SSG Pod Load Technician
I have heard alot worse from Drill SGT's . He just trying to motivate people to get active. Nothing wrong with it. Everyone needs a little kick in the ass from time to time
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
good, good. about time another NCO speaks with leadership characteristics.
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1SG Michael Blount
Well, maybe he went overboard calling them "disgusting" but he's right about saving lives. No point sending Butter Ball to the sandbox if the only thing he can lift is a Big Mac.
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
9 y
But I lift that Big Mac like a champ!! Refined the activity to cut out wasted energy burn and wasted motion! ;-)
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
9 y
Maj Chris Nelson - Trust USAF to have done a time-and-motion study on the subject. Max efficiency and minimized wasted motion are the goals, sir. Few do it better, I'm sure - lol
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
9 y
1SG Michael Blount I learned how to maximize this effect when I was Junior Enlisted in the Army....brought it over to the Air Force side where I have taken it to new levels!! ;-)
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
9 y
Maj Chris Nelson - See? And who said there's not sharing between services?
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
Really don't care what he said. I know back in the day I would have owned him. What he said may be true, but he is an arrogant ass.
PFC Eric Parrish
PFC Eric Parrish
7 y
I don't think he could take me now.
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SMSgt Tony Barnes
As a person who weighs over 300 pounds...I am not offended in the least...and am envious of those people he is helping. My appearance tells people from the start I have trouble with self control. I hate that about me.
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
if you're anywhere near Houston, come see me Tony. i'll be your gym partner and you will become one of "those people". hell, you're already one of those's just buried deep inside you and you have to let that person come back out. open invitation.
SMSgt Tony Barnes
SMSgt Tony Barnes
9 y
Thanks Toby. I'm in Colorado Springs.
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
SMSgt Tony Barnes anytime brother. while bing your gym partner doesn't seem possible, you've got the mentality for it - just focus and dedicate yourself. it's as simple as that. you know you can do it, i know you can do it.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
9 y
Thanks, SMSgt Tony Barnes. Thanks for being so honest with us. Don't be too hard on yourself; and certainly don't beat yourself up. That won't help.
We all have problems with self-control; just in different areas of life.
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SGT Rick Ash
I like him AND his posts. At 6'5" and 190 pounds I am in the same shape as him. But I have not always been in this good of a shape. I was at 256 pounds for several years and my cholesterol and BP were unsatisfactory. Now I work upper body one day then lower body the next and keep rotating. I manage to get an hour of cardio in the gym every day too. So now, all my vital signs are right where my Doc wants them! I now eat 8 small meals a day and it keeps my metabolism in high gear!
SGT Felicia King
SGT Felicia King
9 y
At 6'5" and 190 pounds sounds REALLY skinny. My husband was 6'3" and at a slim muscular build he was 220 pounds. He did have very broad shoulders though, and very muscular backside and legs from catching [baseball]. 
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
that's right brother. you did what it takes and didn't tolerate excuses or laziness. makes ya feel on top of the world doesn't. makes you feel accomplished and happy doesn't it. you took control of your life, your habits and worked your way up. and because of striving to the top in your physical fitness, putting in the time, effort and dedication, it trickled down to every other aspect of your life didn't it. fricking outstanding, admirable and honest! keep it up and get some.
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
SGT Felicia King so you believe it's great and OK to speak condescending words to a man that's done everything it takes to maintain prime physical fitness?
SGT Felicia King
SGT Felicia King
9 y
I didn't say anything condescending to anyone. Just mentioned that he sounded too skinny. But he may have a different body type than my husband.
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
I've seen his site on Facebook. Now he's getting all this publicity. Smart move, even is it does piss off some people.
Cpl Toby Dodd
Cpl Toby Dodd
9 y
yep. he made a splash in a saturated industry and is reaping the benefits of it.
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
CPL(P) (Join to see)
9 y
He's from gruntstyle? Nowhere near as good as rangerup or article15, but just because some are better than others doesn't make it irrelevant.
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SFC Mark Merino
Pretty boys like that get special attention in prison. He's a little too scrawny to be talking as the spokesman for the 'beautiful people.' I had a Drill Sergeant that had muscles in his turds. Get over yourself pretty boy. Regards, Uncle Mark (aka: Fatty Mcfatass)
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
9 y's my thumbs up...i ran out of them for the day.
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