Recent Activity -
Military career started as a Cannon Crewman in the CT Army National Guard. I was First Army Soldier of the Year in 1992; NCO of the Year in 1993. Transferred to USAR, completed and graduated from Drill Sergeant School, 4 deployments - 2 each to Iraq and Afghanistan. Read, write and speak passable Arabic, Dari and French.
CPA, licensed to practice in NY, CT; 15 years' private practice.
CPA, licensed to practice in NY, CT; 15 years' private practice.
Military Experiences
Ended in Sep 2015
Dec 2013 - Nov 2014
Interim CSM
Senior Enlisted Advisor to Battalion Commander with emphases on Drill Sergeant recruiting, production and training. Motivate Drill Sergeant Candidates in their preparations for and graduation from Drill Sergeant School and encourage current Drill Sergeants to enhance their careers through NCOES qualification(s).
Mar 2011 - Dec 2013
First Sergeant
Turns out I have hidden recruiting talents. Took a unit in freefall and turned it into a fire-breathing bunch of Drill Sergeants. That's where I found the power of Paragraph Four of the Drill Sergeant Creed "I will lead by example, never requiring a Soldier to perform a task I would not do myself." Words to live and lead by.
Aug 1999 - Mar 2010
First Sergeant
Service time included deployment to Iraq (OIF III), co-located with B/1/3, USMC, then op-con'd to Recon. AOR included Battle of Fallujah (NOV 04 - JAN 05), then to the Zaidon with 2d and 3d Recon
(3 years, 1 month)Dec 2009 - May 2010

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1997 - Jun 1998
MOS 12-B
Jan 1990 - Apr 1990
MOS 13-B, Ft Sill, OK
May 2014
Project Mangement Professional (PMP)
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2012 - 2014
Northern Virginia Community College
Associate Degree, Certificate in National Security Studies
1979 - 1980
New York Univeristy Leonard N. School of Business
Personal Information