Posted on Jul 30, 2015
"A drill sergeant posted a video calling overweight people 'repulsive and disgusting'. He says he’s saving lives."
Fitness Motivator's Controversial Rant About Fat People
Fitness Motivator's Controversial Rant About 'Disgusting' Overweight People John Burk—an Internet fitness instructor, motivational speake and former Army vet...
From: ABC News
Fitness Enthusiast John Burk said despite the media's negative portrayal of his online video rant on obesity and healthy living, the public has been singing his praises for his brutal honesty and motivation.
"It's been 95 percent positive and these other news agencies are saying I'm under fire," Burk of Hinesville, Georgia told ABC News. "I have so much overwhelming support for what I said. I see a comment here, a comment there, but mostly I hear 'Thank you for saying that.'
"I've changed thousands of lives daily from people saying that 'This is the blunt-force trauma I needed for me to quit making excuses and lying to myself, and get up and do something.'"
Burk, 31, a former drill sergeant in the United States Army Infantry, said some viewers are portraying his speech as negative, however, he said he posted it on Facebook to encourage people to choose a healthier lifestyle.
"First and foremost, I will not apologize," he said. "I will not retract what I said regardless of what society thinks. There is a difference between anger and passion. That was passion. People are so quick to say 'Oh, he's so angry.'"
Burk uploaded the profanity-laced video on July 5, where it has since received over 3 million views and upwards of 31,000 shares.
In addition, the comments came rolling in — some calling Burk a "mouthy bully" and others saying he's "inspirational."
"What really aggravates me is how society views it that it's perfectly OK to be overweight, as long as you're happy," Burk said. "People keep saying it's not my business and you're right, it's not. I think the blunt truth of it is either making an excuse, or you're going after it. Essentially, that’s what this video was about."
Burk, a father of two, said he feels it's important for adults to adopt positive eating habits for the sake of their children.
"My overall goal, quite honestly, is to start a revolution to stop living so unhealthily," he said. "We can do so much for our lives. For me, it starts with good health and fitness and a good, healthy, mind. The people that work had and go to the gym, they're called obsessed with their body, gym rats, meat heads — but if someone is eating too much or degrading their health and you say one negative thing, you are 'fat shaming.' It’s the hypocrisy that I can't understand.
"Their personality might be beautiful, but your body, in my opinion, is not," Burk added. "Since when did it become beautiful for someone to be obese? It's not. It's unhealthy. People automatically assume that’s fat shaming."
Burk said that he will continue making more videos for Facebook and his site, in hopes to coach viewers on nutrition and basic workout tips.
Fitness Enthusiast John Burk said despite the media's negative portrayal of his online video rant on obesity and healthy living, the public has been singing his praises for his brutal honesty and motivation.
"It's been 95 percent positive and these other news agencies are saying I'm under fire," Burk of Hinesville, Georgia told ABC News. "I have so much overwhelming support for what I said. I see a comment here, a comment there, but mostly I hear 'Thank you for saying that.'
"I've changed thousands of lives daily from people saying that 'This is the blunt-force trauma I needed for me to quit making excuses and lying to myself, and get up and do something.'"
Burk, 31, a former drill sergeant in the United States Army Infantry, said some viewers are portraying his speech as negative, however, he said he posted it on Facebook to encourage people to choose a healthier lifestyle.
"First and foremost, I will not apologize," he said. "I will not retract what I said regardless of what society thinks. There is a difference between anger and passion. That was passion. People are so quick to say 'Oh, he's so angry.'"
Burk uploaded the profanity-laced video on July 5, where it has since received over 3 million views and upwards of 31,000 shares.
In addition, the comments came rolling in — some calling Burk a "mouthy bully" and others saying he's "inspirational."
"What really aggravates me is how society views it that it's perfectly OK to be overweight, as long as you're happy," Burk said. "People keep saying it's not my business and you're right, it's not. I think the blunt truth of it is either making an excuse, or you're going after it. Essentially, that’s what this video was about."
Burk, a father of two, said he feels it's important for adults to adopt positive eating habits for the sake of their children.
"My overall goal, quite honestly, is to start a revolution to stop living so unhealthily," he said. "We can do so much for our lives. For me, it starts with good health and fitness and a good, healthy, mind. The people that work had and go to the gym, they're called obsessed with their body, gym rats, meat heads — but if someone is eating too much or degrading their health and you say one negative thing, you are 'fat shaming.' It’s the hypocrisy that I can't understand.
"Their personality might be beautiful, but your body, in my opinion, is not," Burk added. "Since when did it become beautiful for someone to be obese? It's not. It's unhealthy. People automatically assume that’s fat shaming."
Burk said that he will continue making more videos for Facebook and his site, in hopes to coach viewers on nutrition and basic workout tips.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 66
I agree with Burk, if you don't have a medical issue it pretty much is on you being lazy. I also don't think this is bullying, he's just giving info in a no bullsh!t way.
Sgt Kelli Mays
SSgt (Join to see) - there are some people who get arthritis and cannot exercise...there are some females who go through menopause and it screws them up so baldly especially their metabolism ....there are some people who have had accidents or some kind and mess up their knees or other things...there are many reasons why people cannot exercise...and it is NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY...and even if people didn't have a legitimate MEDICAL reason...there is no reason to be so condescending and furthermore if you and this guy and others like you prefer to exercise and be all muscular then great, but if there are people who are perfectly CONTENT in there lives and HAPPY and don't care to exercise for whatever reason...DOESN'T give you and others the right to be so CONDESCENDING and down right assholes....
Sgt Kelli Mays
there are some people who get arthritis and cannot exercise...there are some females who go through menopause and it screws them up so baldly especially their metabolism ....there are some people who have had accidents or some kind and mess up their knees or other things...there are many reasons why people cannot exercise...and it is NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY...and even if people didn't have a legitimate MEDICAL reason...there is no reason to be so condescending and furthermore if you and this guy and others like you prefer to exercise and be all muscular then great, but if there are people who are perfectly CONTENT in there lives and HAPPY and don't care to exercise for whatever reason...DOESN'T give you and others the right to be so CONDESCENDING and down right assholes....
PV2 (Join to see)
Sgt Kelli Mays - I'm going to call bullshit on that one. I am going to be 47 next week and considered perimenopausal, I have arthritis in my knees and lower back from years of being so heavy. Some days my joints flare so bad, when I get out of bed I walk like an old lady, but I still get up and get moving and do Kickboxing, Muay Thai 4 times a week because I'm not going back to where I was before at 400lbs.
SSgt (Join to see)
Sgt Kelli Mays - I certainly did not mean to sound condescending but I will touch on a couple of your points. I did mention some folks have medical issues and I also mentioned that it is not about looking the part but playing the part. I don't think everyone should be all "muscular". I am aware that some folks are content with not exercising but if you are in the armed forces where it is part of your job requirement then maybe those folks should reconsider their profession. It doesn't have to be for everyone but everyone in must be willing to do their part. If you are able, since you chose to join, you must be willing. Again it IS part of the job, not an option.
As an ex-obese person, I'm 100% with what he is saying. I'm -50% with the way he is saying it. You don't have to talk this way to send a message.
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PV2 (Join to see)
Sgt Kelli Mays - I've had people be like that towards me. I didn't like it but it woke me up.
CMSgt (Join to see)
PO3 Steven Sherrill - SGT(P) (Join to see) PV2 (Join to see)
I have a ton of funny workout tanks!! They make me laugh and motivate me. Plus as I do the main part of my workout in a busy fitness area (Bayshore Blvd, Tampa), it makes folks smile when they are passing me. I feel like I am giving back to the tortured fitness community. Haha
I have a ton of funny workout tanks!! They make me laugh and motivate me. Plus as I do the main part of my workout in a busy fitness area (Bayshore Blvd, Tampa), it makes folks smile when they are passing me. I feel like I am giving back to the tortured fitness community. Haha
CW3 (Join to see)
PV2 (Join to see) There's a big difference between being blunt/direct and being an unnecessarily abrasive asshole. This drill sergeant is being an unnecessarily abrasive asshole and basing someone's worth as a person on their weight.
PV2 (Join to see)
CW3 (Join to see) - I can see what you are saying. A person's worth is not based on their weight at all. That to me is the same as saying a person's worth is based on their race which is total bs. I do know however, had I not had my wakeup call about my weight, I would be either dead or on my way to the grave by now as I was dangerously overweight. I recognize my own sensitivities and triggers to this as well. I also own up to the fact that I put myself in that position. While maybe not being as abrasive as this guy, I don't think we should be sugar coating weight stuff either.
Being an asshole with good intentions doesn't mean you're less of an asshole. Weight is a combination of a number of factors, only some of which are diet and exercise. Genetics, medical conditions and food available/affordable all play into it as well. I know way too many people that have worked really hard to control their weight but can't get down to "fit and trim" (or even normal) without going far, far beyond what is reasonable...maintaining it would be impossible.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT(P) (Join to see) - I don't know about the shortest, but he definitely made a good go at the title.
A1C (Join to see)
He did say that in his video. He may have only did a quick mention but he did mention it. Yeah people have many reasons they can't stay healthy but for those that just don't feel like checking their food sources and activity, this is addressed to them. I don't think he was being an ass about it like many of you do. Profanity and a rough way of talking don't make him a bully. I think we enable unhealthy lives a bit too much either way.
A1C (Join to see)
I wouldn't say he was being an asshole. Use of profanity and a rough way of speaking don't equal bullying or asshole. He did quickly mention those with health issues are an exception. But his video wasnt about people with health issues, it was about those that don't address their poor eating habits and lack of activity. If you want to be lazy, but don't want to be fat, that is too bad. Pick one because you can't have both. You can have a little of both but results will be slow.
We enable unhealthy lifestyles A LOT. it's sad and needs to stop. theres a difference in shaming unhealthy habits and body shaming. His words are taken out of context by people that insist he's saying fat people are disgusting. no their habits and laziness are. I think a lot of people just focused on his passionate tone and foul language, and disregarded his message.
We enable unhealthy lifestyles A LOT. it's sad and needs to stop. theres a difference in shaming unhealthy habits and body shaming. His words are taken out of context by people that insist he's saying fat people are disgusting. no their habits and laziness are. I think a lot of people just focused on his passionate tone and foul language, and disregarded his message.
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