Posted on Sep 26, 2015
What is the funniest thing you've seen as a Jumpmaster?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 18
I was safety on a C-130 jump at Bragg. A SSG in our ground Troop sitting about middle of the chalk had filled a barf bag with Chicken a la King and stuffed it in his shirt prior to boarding. During the flight, he started making puking sounds and motions, pulled out the bag and pretended to puke into it. He wiped his mouth, reached into his pocket, pulled out a spoon and began eating the contents of the bag. Major chain reaction......had about 10+ real barf bags to pick up when we landed!
CPT Chris Rodrigues
Was that in the 82nd at Fort Bragg in the summer of 1970? That happened while I was there. I heard that there were military justice consequences…
SSG David Stafne
Weeks before deploying to the Sinai for a 6-month MFO Rotation my roommate noted the the Mess Hall Corn Beef Hash looked like Alpo. We bought several cans of both then put the Alpo labels on the cans of Hash; a few beers later we put the Hash labels on the Alpo then packed them in our gear. Somewhere over the Atlantic we opened a can of “Alpo” and dug in, that almost got us a Psyc Eval! As for the “Hash,” when our drunk buddies came banging on our door in the middle of the night looking for food we always had a can of “Hash” for them!
SGT Daniel Rocco Ames
When I was at Bragg we had to jump with the bags, no way could we leave them on the bird.
I was JMing a C-130 tailgate jump back around 1987. We had a brand new 2LT making his cherry jump after graduating jump school. He was wearing one of several white painted steel pot cherry helmets we had made up for such occasions back then, complete with a painted on bullseye target on the top, red cherries and slogan’s such as “steer away” and look out below.” He was just going by me when he slipped and fell on his ass. He was so determined to jump he simply but rapidly scooted the last six feet on his ass and off the end of the tailgate. He’s an O-6 now and reminds me of that story each time we run into one another – he’s rather proud of his cherry jump!
SSG Jeff Binkiewicz
Roger that Chief! Similar story, our recon team was jumping MC5's from a Cassa 212 @ 9500ft. A tall Sgt from one our teams was exiting out the tailgate, forgot about the sloped roof, wacked his head, fell on his ass right at the edge of the tailgate and fell out. Text book exit.
I was static safety on a CH-47 jump, tied into the bird on a monkey harness. I had a young fellow who may or may not have been a cherry, but he was scared out of his gourd. I went through the jump commands, checking him myself because he wasn't moving at all. I said, "Stand by!", and pointed where I wanted him. He didn't move.
I reached up and grabbed his arm and pulled him to where I wanted him. When I let go, he backed up. So I grabbed his arm again and held onto him while doing my final safety checks. When the Green came on, I slapped his leg and yelled, "Go!" He stood there.
So I grabbed his arm with both hands and threw him headfirst out the back. The last I saw on him he was windmilling his arms so fast, I thought he was trying to fly like a bird.
I reached up and grabbed his arm and pulled him to where I wanted him. When I let go, he backed up. So I grabbed his arm again and held onto him while doing my final safety checks. When the Green came on, I slapped his leg and yelled, "Go!" He stood there.
So I grabbed his arm with both hands and threw him headfirst out the back. The last I saw on him he was windmilling his arms so fast, I thought he was trying to fly like a bird.
CSM Charles Hayden
SGM (Join to see) The last time I saw my favorite commander - who had became C of S when I reported a 2 Star, he was awaiting my arrival on his front porch.
I said: in my ‘command voice’, “Stand up!’! BG Thomas DeGraw, (ret’d), slowly arose from his chair and said, ‘I have heard that before”.
BG DeGraw had ? 250 military jumps and 250 civilian jumps.
During. “our” last AT, he wrangled a helo jump w/ Marines on post. Someone finked to the Brigade Commander. As a BN CDR, LTC DeGraw’s behind was grass for the brigade commander!
I said: in my ‘command voice’, “Stand up!’! BG Thomas DeGraw, (ret’d), slowly arose from his chair and said, ‘I have heard that before”.
BG DeGraw had ? 250 military jumps and 250 civilian jumps.
During. “our” last AT, he wrangled a helo jump w/ Marines on post. Someone finked to the Brigade Commander. As a BN CDR, LTC DeGraw’s behind was grass for the brigade commander!
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