Posted on Sep 19, 2024
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I retired this year and not really sure what I want to do but teaching has been in my head even before I retired. I have a job - but I don't think I want to keep doing it. I just started but I just really want to get away from anything military and this is a contractor job for a military command. I took it thinking oh the benefits are good but I just don't think it's going to work. I have 14 months on my GI Bill. I have been looking at local colleges about programs and there is one that does an accelerated program if you already have degrees. I already have a bachelor's and two masters. I feel like I just need to do something opposite what I did for 20 years and not around military at all. Just curious anyone else who went into teaching or who felt a little lost when they retired.
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Responses: 38
Cpl Vic Burk
Edited 1 mo ago
(Join to see) Quite by accident I got into teaching eight years after I left the Marines. I taught electronics in Chicago for three years before we moved to Tennessee. After I was here, I was a trainer for the Magnavox factory teaching them how to work on their product. I was operating an electronics repair shop at the same time. Years later I decided to go back into teaching and got a degree in Mathematics with a concentration in math education. I love it but it's not for everyone.
Here's my suggestion, substitute teach for a while and see if it's what you really want to do. Many of my classmates from ETSU started out as math education majors and went to their first assignment and return to the campus and switched to Statical Track or Scientific track and never went back to the classroom. Others switched majors all together and some finished the program never to step foot inside the classroom as a teacher as hard as that is to believe! Teaching today isn't what it was when I was in school fifty plus years ago! Do the sub route first. If you feel it's your calling, go for it! Best of luck to you whatever you decide. Keep us posted!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen COL Randall C. CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Kevin Hughes GySgt Jack Wallace PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Woody Bullard Lt Col Charlie Brown Maj Robert Thornton SFC Bernard Walko CSM Charles Hayden MSG Billy Brumfield SGT Charlie Lee Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth SFC Ralph E Kelley LTC Tom Jones MSgt Dale Johnson Bethina Lee Sgt (Join to see)
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
1 mo
When I grow up, I want to be just like you!
LTC Tom Jones
LTC Tom Jones
1 mo
Excellent advice.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
26 d
MAJ Ken Landgren -
And You'll Be Growing Up WHEN?
That's NOT For Me At All, "I'm A Toy's R US Kid"
MAJ Ken Landgren
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Once I was at a friend's birthday party and I was informed someone was outside stealing the spare tire off my truck. So I went out the back and taught him all about the flying side kicks. It was exhilarating.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
1 mo
Cpl Douglas Chrysler, Good for you. The courts probably wouldn't have given him as good as a punishment as you did.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
30 d
Lol, sorry, it reminded me of some days and nights a a COP. Alot times, Practical Education is the cure.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
I substitute taught prior to finishing college and really liked it. Taught for 33-years, in three different states, retired and went back to substitute teaching a few times. I got out at the right time. The lack of discipline in the classroom, DEI, woke policies, cell phones, and fake grading policies told me "my" time is done. I loved it while I was there 3-12th grades. Education has never been worse, in my opinion.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
1 mo
CMSgt. Marcus Falleaf, A lot of the good teachers are calling it quits because of the way our country has eroded because of the woke liberal atmosphere of the democrat/communist party.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
1 mo
SPC Lyle Montgomery - You ain't just kidding there brother. A lot of my colleagues have left the profession over the last few years.
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