Posted on Mar 10, 2021
What will President Joe Biden do about the Peace Deal brokered by the Trump Administration in its final year?
London/Afghanistan: President Joe Biden is under pressure to decide whether to abide by an Afghanistan peace deal reached in Donald Trump’s final year aimed at bringing the 2,500 troops left in the country home after almost two decades of war.
The challenge is pulling it off without leaving the Taliban poised to retake power. The Taliban is constantly challenging the Afghan administration to abrogate the deal, so it can retake control of the country.
The challenge is pulling it off without leaving the Taliban poised to retake power. The Taliban is constantly challenging the Afghan administration to abrogate the deal, so it can retake control of the country.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 16
Challenge? Here's the challenge. Are we finally prepared to accept the weight of history? Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. We accomplished our mission and not only defeated our enemies there, but also walked away with honor. Anyone who thinks we can stay and build a nation on the bones of empire builders is a fool...
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
People fail to realize Afghanistan is composed of competing tribes who have never viewed themselves as one People. There is no way to change that. That is why Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.
CPT Jack Durish
SGT Charlie Lee - Actually, not the same. Vietnam was/is a civilized nation. The competing tribes had squared themselves away (distributed themselves) and coexisting peacefully until the French, and later the Japanese stirred the pot. The Vietnamese then organized as the Viet Minh and defeated the French. Later, Ho showed up with Soviet backing and led an ideological revolt first dominating the North and then invading the South. After defeating them, the US left. (Yes, We defeated them and their leaders admitted it.) We should have left a trigger force on the DMZ as we did in Korea and South Vietnam would have remained free and independent. Sadly, the Democrats took control of Congress and reneged on our deal to support the South.
Great question. I have to wonder too about WHY Trump didn't get hardly any recognition for the peace deals. After all, Obama got the Nobel prize merely for getting elected. I'm not saying Trump should get the Nobel prize; but only that the media sure skipped over any real recognition.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SSG Bill McCoy - Putting us on the brink of civil war and causing the death of 500,000+. The only thing Donnie did was line his pocket and I wish I could command the firing squad the day he is found guilty of insurrections and treason.
SSG Bill McCoy
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - Civil war? Trump? Interesting view/opinion, albeit absurd, but no more so than anticipation of convicting him and a firing squad. C'mon, even Obama was as hatefully viewed by conservatives. The hatred exhibited against Trump is as embarrassing as it was destructive to the U.S.
CW4 Dave Rose
SFC Randy Hellenbrand Trump's net worth dropped by almost $1B during his time in office.
SSG (Join to see)
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - Anyone that thinks that capitol riot was Trump's fault is just delusional. And NO, those covid deaths are not on Trump's hands. You giving China a free pass shows where your bias is. What about all the other countries that ended up worse? Do you think the people blame their president/prime minister? NOPE. Heck, the Chinese don't even blame their president.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs,Col (Join to see),Lt Col Charlie Brown,MSG Felipe De Leon Brown,1SG Fred "SARGE" Bucci,SMSgt David A Asbury,SMSgt Dr. G. A. Thomas,SCPO Morris Ramsey,CW5 Michael Caldwell,CW5 Michael Athey CW5 (RET),Maj William W. 'Bill' Price,MAJ Bill Maynard,Maj Marty Hogan,CPT Christopher Coker,CPT Hannibal Bray,PO1 William "Chip" Nagel,SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth,SP5 Mark Kuzinski,CW5 Jack Cardwell,CPT Jack Durish
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
1SG Fred "SARGE" Bucci, so you believe that President Biden will break the deal with the Taliban allowing the Taliban to retake control of Afghanistan?
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