Posted on Feb 20, 2020
SSG Infantryman
I saw this photo of the CJCS at a ceremony commemorating the battle of Iwo Jima. It seems odd to me that white gloves would be worn with the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU). As I understand it the AGSU is being brought in as a strictly service uniform, something for everyday use to allow the blue ASU to revert back to a dress uniform. If a ceremony rises to the level of white gloves wouldn't this also be an indicator that the ASU is a more appropriate uniform? I'd love to hear what the rest of the community has for an opinion on this.
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Responses: 9
CSM Richard StCyr
We wore white gloves with greens on funeral detail in class A's as prescribed in the units Funeral detail SOP. The Pinks and Greens are supposed to be on the same class as the old greens. That said, he is wearing the Class A set up, AR and DA Pam 670-1 , in Para 20-11 authorize the white gloves for wear with the class A version of the uniform or the Mess dress uniform at the commanders discretion. I could not find the new version with the Pinks and Greens specifically mentioned.
However I have confidence in GEN Mileys ability to select and wear what he is supposed to be wearing with what uniform he's in. If not God help us all.
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
5 y
CSM David Heidke - CSM - Why do E9s ALWAYS gotta be right! That being the case, if I remember rights 670-1 also says something about GO's and their innate prerogative to flex uniforms as they desire. As a "Be All I Can Be" Era GI, White gloves where the standard wear when Dress Blues were not available. Well done Sergeant Major.
CSM David Heidke
CSM David Heidke
5 y
MAJ Keira Brennan it’s a heavy burden we are chosen to carry...
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
>1 y
He is a GEN and CoS, he is allowed to wear a uniform as he chooses. Most GEN officers that I see today seem to have no imagination. We may be a long time seeing innovations such as the Ike Jacket, Ridgeway hat, Westy short sleeve fatigues, etc.
Darrell McClendon
Darrell McClendon
>1 y
With the AGSU, it depends on what the regs say. I know with the P&G's, there was an actual regulation that mentioned white gloves to be worn during certain events or conditions.
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SSG Carlos Madden
I agree. Leather gloves should be used with the AGSU and white for ASU.
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CW2 Information Services Technician
In my opinion no but this wont be the first or last time the Army doesnt know how to color coordinate. It took them years after the OCP's were released to approve the coyote brown fleece.
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