CSM David Heidke

CSM David Heidke

Dates of Service: no date specified
75% Complete
159 Contacts
Influence Score: 275,399
409 out of 868,039 Veterans
About Discussions


  • CPL Jul 95
  • SGT Jul 95
  • SSG Oct 96
  • SFC Mar 01
  • MSG Mar 05
  • 1SG Mar 08
  • SGM Feb 11
  • CSM Feb 11

Recent Activity  -


Manage supplies to combat theaters as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commander of a Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of 5 companies and 500 soldiers by leading, mentoring, coaching, training and guiding a 400-person team. Advise officers on proper procedures to work with personnel. Administer and approve personnel evaluations.

IT Project Manager with a solid 25 year background in technology, operations, and project management.

Detailed civilian information can be found on LinkedIn


Military Experiences

Dec 2013 - Apr 2016
167th CSSB
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Manage supplies to combat theaters as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commander of a Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of 5 companies and 500 soldiers by leading, mentoring, coaching, training and guiding a 400-person team. Advise officers on proper procedures to work with personnel. Administer and approve personnel evaluations.

• Promoted to the highest enlisted level in the military based on a strong record of success throughout military career.

• Sought after for advanced knowledge of a wide variety of military subjects and provide training based on strong expertise.

• Enhance Battalion performance by training, teaching and mentoring other Non-Commissioned Officers.

• Mentor and choose soldiers for key positions.
Feb 2011 - Dec 2013
413th CSSB
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Manage supplies to combat theaters as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commander of a Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of 5 companies and 500 soldiers by leading, mentoring, coaching, training and guiding a 400-person team. Advise officers on proper procedures to work with personnel. Administer and approve personnel evaluations.

• Promoted to the highest enlisted level in the military based on a strong record of success throughout military career.

• Sought after for advanced knowledge of a wide variety of military subjects and provide training based on strong expertise.

• Enhance Battalion performance by training, teaching and mentoring other Non-Commissioned Officers.

• Mentor and choose soldiers for key positions.
Jan 2010 - Jan 2011
Afghanistan Eng District, South
S3 Operations NCOIC
Supported $1.2 billion construction projects throughout Afghanistan and an operations center for south and west Afghanistan by leading a 35-person joint military/civilian team. Stood up a new engineering district by preparing training plans and equipment and coordinating military, civilian, government and nongovernmental organizations building the Afghanistan infrastructure.

• Enabled full staffing of organization from initial 50% for the Operations Center and 20% for the maneuver unit team by improving recruiting and retention of both military and civilian staff. Improved retention 90%.
-- Hired 12 civilian personnel for the Operation Center by advertising for jobs then selecting and interviewing applicants.
-- Secured 15 military personnel, augmenting the initial 8 person military/civil
Mar 2005 - Jan 2010
2nd BDE
First Sergeant
Ensured effective deployment of officers to Iraq and Afghanistan by evaluating, mentoring and training senior enlisted officers from more than 8 deploying organizations on operations and incident management while leading mentoring and guiding 90 personnel.

• Turned around unit performance after being hand-selected to lead exercise operations by collaborating with senior-level officers, including the commanding General to improve operations and fine tune procedures and making a well-received presentation to 3 Generals

• Doubled number of people who could teach a key tactical operations course by developing and implementing a training program.

• Aligned the training program with higher authority guidance and current Army regulations by leading a 3-person instructor team to rewrite the B


(2 years, 11 months)
Jan 2010 - Oct 2010
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
S3 Operations NCOIC with USACE
May 2009 - Jan 2010
Task Force Lightning, Fort Dix NJ
MDMP/CP OPS Instructor and OC/T
Oct 2006 - Jan 2008
Task Force Edison, Fort Dix NJ
TOC OPS Instructor and OC/T

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Sep 2009 - Jun 2012

Oct 2000 - Oct 2001

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 2006 - Oct 2008

U.S. Army First Sergeants Course

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Boston University

Bachelor's Degree, Management Studies

Personal Information

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter