Posted on Nov 6, 2019
SPC Infantryman
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Responses: 2
SFC Retention Operations Nco
You will receive a P3 profile that says recommend mar2. From that point, the entire process should take about a month.
You take the profile to your career counselor and you will sign a counseling statement, and type a memo concerning your ability to do your MOS. Then, your commander well type a memo concerning your ability to do your job and remain Deployable. Then the Battalion Commander will type a memo stating that he agrees or disagrees. You should pick at least three jobs that you are physically qualified for. This process should take no more than two weeks.
Within two weeks HRC will return with a determination. It will be remain in your MOS, give you a new MOS and a training date, or referred to Med board.
When you receive a new MOS, they will change your MOS effective immediately and give you an ASI 4A meaning not qualified in the MOS. The ASI will he removed after your AIT date. Your AIT will usually be within 60 days of the decision, so expect to move immediately. Your training will always be in a TDY enroute status, unless the school is 20 weeks long, then it's a PCS to the school. Because it's TDY enroute you will clear and attend on the way to your next duty station.
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
How fast have you seen HRC’s response once the packet hit their desk? Also, I’m an 11B on MAR2 because I’m missing like 45% of my cartilage in my left knee. I choose 35M as my first choice and 35F as my second. What is the likelihood of me getting either of those? Do people usually get what they ask for if it’s an understrength MOSSFC (Join to see)
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
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SGT (Join to see) the processing time for a MAR2 is 14 days. If you meet the prerequisites for the MOS there’s a good chance you’ll get it as long as there are class seats. For 35F that’s a TS and for 35M that’s a TS and 107 DLAB. If you don’t meet the prerequisites for the MOSs you request, HRC will just kick back your MAR2
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
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My retention NCO read that an interim TS will suffice. I have already done the whole e-Qip process to the TS to upgrade from my secret. Should that be enough? And damn I got a 95 on my DLAB so I guess 35M is out of the question SFC (Join to see)
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) it takes months to get an interim TS granted by CCIF. Unless your ERB says Interim TS on the day that HRC looks at it, your MAR2 will be returned without action, or else they will just pick something else for you.
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