Posted on Jan 21, 2018
Should qualification badges earned from U.S. service schools by U.S. service members be authorized for wear regardless of branch?
In the “era of jointness”, many service members attend schools hosted by their sister services and earn qualification badges/devices for successful completion. Due to individual service regulations, members may not be authorized to wear the hard earned badge on their uniform (e.g. Soldier with Navy Service Warfare device, Marine with Pathfinder badge). Within reason should this practice change?
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
GySgt John O'Donnell, I think so. Some of us already have been "Joint" and as training is largely the same, the hardware is as well. I know the Air Force doesn't allow pins/badges that it's members can't attend or normally not allowed. Y'all's gold Jump wings, no, but the SCUBA Bubble, yes. An Air Force guy with a Ranger tab? Why not. Kind of hit or miss.
I think if you earned it you should get to wear it. If it hurts someone's feelings or makes them fell ordinary or left out, so be it. Great question/proposal, Gunny. I wish we could make it happen.
The Stolen Valor guys are already doing it... Had to go there.
I think if you earned it you should get to wear it. If it hurts someone's feelings or makes them fell ordinary or left out, so be it. Great question/proposal, Gunny. I wish we could make it happen.
The Stolen Valor guys are already doing it... Had to go there.
SMSgt Thor Merich
I have seen many Security Forces officers wearing Ranger tabs. Sadly, its easier for a AF officer to attend Ranger school then enlisted.

Suspended Profile
Absolutely. If you earned it, you should have the right to display it.
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