Posted on Dec 27, 2017
1LT Aviation Officer
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CW3 Kevin Storm
LT, the way that system is now, changing your underwear will create a 30 day delay.
CPT Transportation Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Couldn’t have said it better Chief
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CW4(P) Training Officer
LT, you need to remain promotable throughout the duration of the FED REC process, so, if you will be non-qual before you are promoted, I recommend against the move.
1LT Aviation Officer
1LT (Join to see)
7 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - Sir, here is my reference AR 611-1 (4-3). I am branch quailed but it is my understanding that for personnel management purposes, position codes and MOS designations are still applicable for Officers?

I would think you are correct that my fedrec packet should be ok for a UVP even if my position code changes during the process since I remain branch qualified and in an O3 position... but I cannot find any applicable regs to back that up which is why I am concerned. I appreciate the input!
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
I think you are mistaking position classifications for MOS requirements, although they follow a similar format. For an example, 11A00 5K 5S means that the duty position requires a infantry branch(11), officer (A), with the ASI of Instructor and Ranger/Parachutist. I believe that all the codes are in AR611-21. But position classification and Promotions are not on the same side of things, so it shouldn't be an issue if you are promoting into a Branch Immaterial position and get moved to one in your Branch as long as you meet the promotion requirements.
1LT Aviation Officer
1LT (Join to see)
7 y
Sir, yes I believe you are right now that I read into the regs more. That being said I would think your assessment is correct, as long as I remain promotable it shouldn't matter if I am moved to another O3 position. Thanks for the help!
1LT Aviation Officer
1LT (Join to see)
7 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - I just found this regulation: Reference is AR_135-155, pg, 18, 3-18 (5). Verbiage basically says officer is ineligible for position vacancy promotion if - "was transferred from the assignment or attachment before the promotion was accomplished."

Also, I will be going on -10 orders soon for a deployment... wondering if the change in status will make me ineligible as well "selected for a position vacancy promotion and is ordered to active duty before promotion. "
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CPT Platoon Leader
I see this is a very old post but if anyone stumbles across it with the same question, here is the regulatory answer:
If you are undergoing a unit vacancy promotion, then yes. You are no longer occupying the vacancy to which you are being promoted, so it will not only prevent your promotion, but it would reset your entire scroll.
If you are DA select, then it should not affect your profitability. However, as many have said, changing your skivvies is reason for someone at ngb to cancel your whole career and get promoted for it, so you decide if rollin them bones is worth it for your career.

Also, you posted 2 years ago and I wonder if you're promoted yet....
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