Posted on Mar 25, 2016
How do you spot a fake, stolen valor case, on RallyPoint?
First, I would like to thank MSG James Crowell, aka, Jane Crowell, for providing the content in which I will be using. It is a great example of what should throw up red flags as to being a fake and a case of Stolen Valor. Just as a courtesy MSG James Crowell was contacted and failed to correct the situation and then edited comments on posts but not before screen shots were made.
First looking at this profile I found these
1. Promotion to SSG with three years of service. Went from SPC to SGT in less than a year.
2. Was a E7 without going to ALC. In that time era you had to have attended your school before getting promoted. She wouldn't have been an E7 without it.
3. The G-2 NCOIC is a SGM and not a E7. Even at a Battalion level the OPS NCOIC is an E8.
4. Promoted to E8 with only 13 months as a E7. Also stated in a post that she was also a 1SG.
After seeing this I went into her posts. Many are not true or exaggerated at best and the grammar is incorrect in just about every post. These came
1. Stated that she was in a TOC that was hit by friendly fire. She stated she was on a "Pick77", should be a PRC77, when her TOC was hit with 12 500lbs GSU and opened up with their 30mm cannons. I can't find what a GSU is but I guess she means bombs. 7 out of 60 "Walked away." That would be the single worst friendly fire incident in the Gulf War. No mention of this anywhere after looking online. If they dropped that many 500lb bombs on anything there wouldn't be anything left.
2. When questioned about the TOC she stated that she was with the 18th “Air Born Core” and they fell under the French. The A-10s were under the control of a French FAC who was in another country. Well
3. Uses S/Sgt instead of SSG. If you were a SSG I think you would know the proper way of writing it. She uses the AF abbreviation instead of the Army.
4. Claims a Purple Heart. I guess from the Gulf War Friendly Fire.
5. Claims that her PT time for a two mile was 13:05 for two miles. Also that she had to do 69 pushups and 75 sit ups. Those are the male standards and they are still a bit off. But still stated she got a 290. But also stated that she had a 475 out of 500 in 1979. I am not sure what they did back then.
6. Claims to be in four different combat zones from 1979 to 2001. She already claimed the Gulf War, Panama with the 82nd and Somalia but she would have to have been in Kosovo or maybe Grenada. That is really odd to get all of those in like that.
7. Deployed to Somalia in 1985 as a “Fact Checker” were she was out in the local market watching $150,000,000 of food being sold on the black market. I don’t think that country even has that much food in the whole country.
8. Claims to have worked as a J-2 OPS for a “Core” at Fort Huachuca. The only issue is that there isn’t a Corps there.
9. Claims 183 jumps in her 21-year career. That is about 9 jumps a year. But she was in the 101st ABN. They don't Jump and then she has 4 deployments to combat zones. I just don't see that being possible.
Now looking at these what do you think? Are there some red flags in there.
If you look at the last two photos you will see what it looks like when you are caught.
First, I would like to thank MSG James Crowell, aka, Jane Crowell, for providing the content in which I will be using. It is a great example of what should throw up red flags as to being a fake and a case of Stolen Valor. Just as a courtesy MSG James Crowell was contacted and failed to correct the situation and then edited comments on posts but not before screen shots were made.
First looking at this profile I found these
1. Promotion to SSG with three years of service. Went from SPC to SGT in less than a year.
2. Was a E7 without going to ALC. In that time era you had to have attended your school before getting promoted. She wouldn't have been an E7 without it.
3. The G-2 NCOIC is a SGM and not a E7. Even at a Battalion level the OPS NCOIC is an E8.
4. Promoted to E8 with only 13 months as a E7. Also stated in a post that she was also a 1SG.
After seeing this I went into her posts. Many are not true or exaggerated at best and the grammar is incorrect in just about every post. These came
1. Stated that she was in a TOC that was hit by friendly fire. She stated she was on a "Pick77", should be a PRC77, when her TOC was hit with 12 500lbs GSU and opened up with their 30mm cannons. I can't find what a GSU is but I guess she means bombs. 7 out of 60 "Walked away." That would be the single worst friendly fire incident in the Gulf War. No mention of this anywhere after looking online. If they dropped that many 500lb bombs on anything there wouldn't be anything left.
2. When questioned about the TOC she stated that she was with the 18th “Air Born Core” and they fell under the French. The A-10s were under the control of a French FAC who was in another country. Well
3. Uses S/Sgt instead of SSG. If you were a SSG I think you would know the proper way of writing it. She uses the AF abbreviation instead of the Army.
4. Claims a Purple Heart. I guess from the Gulf War Friendly Fire.
5. Claims that her PT time for a two mile was 13:05 for two miles. Also that she had to do 69 pushups and 75 sit ups. Those are the male standards and they are still a bit off. But still stated she got a 290. But also stated that she had a 475 out of 500 in 1979. I am not sure what they did back then.
6. Claims to be in four different combat zones from 1979 to 2001. She already claimed the Gulf War, Panama with the 82nd and Somalia but she would have to have been in Kosovo or maybe Grenada. That is really odd to get all of those in like that.
7. Deployed to Somalia in 1985 as a “Fact Checker” were she was out in the local market watching $150,000,000 of food being sold on the black market. I don’t think that country even has that much food in the whole country.
8. Claims to have worked as a J-2 OPS for a “Core” at Fort Huachuca. The only issue is that there isn’t a Corps there.
9. Claims 183 jumps in her 21-year career. That is about 9 jumps a year. But she was in the 101st ABN. They don't Jump and then she has 4 deployments to combat zones. I just don't see that being possible.
Now looking at these what do you think? Are there some red flags in there.
If you look at the last two photos you will see what it looks like when you are caught.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 107
CPT (Join to see) I'd like to suggest you reconsider your position on leaving her profile up. If RP allows stolen valor profiles, then how can we criticize anyone else? This thread will fade over time, and many new members won't realize the fraud. I don't necessarily view or check closely the profiles of people I respond to on RP. So if RP allows known liars to continue as members, IMO. That undercuts the integrity of the membership. RP should delete known fakers/embellishers forever. We have to maintain some standards of truthfulness.
SN Chetkeila Greene
I am new to RP but it would seem that we still have to look out for one another. If someone is a pretender we should out them. On the other hand RP does ask for a lot of information. If it's not being verified, then what's the point.
SSgt Randall Morrow
Completely AGREE. Being in the Military all Veterans have are our HONOR, INTEGRITY, and COURAGE. To see someone that uses the military to boost their EGO and the LIES it should make ANY VETERAN pissed.
MSgt Herman Ortiz
Who cares. As long as they do not collect any Military benefits. Monetary or otherwise.
CPT Earl George
Not exactly stolen valor, but interesting story. I commanded a BCT company at Ft Knox 76-77. I had a Drill Sergeant bring me a trainee one evening who wanted out of the Army. He claimed he was a fraud. I asked for proof. He reached into his pocked and pulled out a valid Air Force, Navy, and Army ID card. Same picture on all three. He went bye bye the next day.
SGT Alan Simmons
CPT Chris McGowan - You better believe it! The only reason I shared that is I've seen too many of the "younger crowd" go after older vets for wearing insignia on their hats, jackets, and the like. It reminds me of the "if you're not of this war, you ain't sh---!" attitude I've seen at the American Legion and the VFW from certain other veterans I've come across.
I am not saying there are not cases of stolen valor out there; there are. And I do believe we have an obligation to call the them out. But I'm not going to go destroy someone because they have a ribbon out of order on a decal ribbon rack on the back of their car (and yes, I've seen that done!).
I am not saying there are not cases of stolen valor out there; there are. And I do believe we have an obligation to call the them out. But I'm not going to go destroy someone because they have a ribbon out of order on a decal ribbon rack on the back of their car (and yes, I've seen that done!).
CPL Sam Yellowbird
After over 50 years since I was in all i ever wear is a hat and maybe a miniature vietnam service medal.. i don't associate with the legion or VFW or any other service group as the reception I got when returning was not good. I did meet with the local Legion commander recently and when he asked me to join I told him I was not wlecome then so what has changed now and he did not have an answer. I do still work with returning young guys to help them transition to civilian life. Yes I have seen a lot of stolen valor and some of the worst are the guys who embellish their experience in the military.
CPT (Join to see) , Sir you are not entirely correct. If x12 500 lb bombs landed on the TOC site, there would be something left...............12 huge craters.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SP5 David Dowdy - In 1970 in Nam we called people like him a "Chairborne Ranger"
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