Recent Activity -
I grew up in south Louisiana, and went into the U.S. Air Force near the end of Desert Storm. I served four years in the Air Force. After leaving the Air Force, I was briefly employed at a casino. My next adventure was a 5 year tenure as a state game warden. I've been employed as a state trooper since 2001. I am married with two daughters.
Military Experiences
Jan 1994 - Aug 1996
Airborne Radar Tech
Inflight repairs, maintenance, and operation of the E-3 Sentry radar system.
Aug 1993 - Jan 1994
Airborne Radar Operator
Inflight maintenance of AWACS surveillance radar system.
Nov 1992 - Aug 1993
Electronics Trainee
Electronics Training
Oct 1992 - Nov 1992
Aircrew Trainee
Enlisted Aircrew Undergraduate Course
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1993 - Oct 1993
Air Force Survival School
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information