Posted on Nov 28, 2015
LTC Stephen F.
The Thanksgiving holiday is over but much of the nation is focusing on the various sales days. There is nothing inherently wrong in the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Saturday through Monday sales events.
I am thankful that our nation has dedicated a day for national thanksgiving and even more thankful that Christmas is honored in the hearts and minds of so many in this nation.
I try to honor Christ throughout the year. I also try to rejoice with those who rejoice while we are giving and receiving gifts, decorating their houses, and sending cards and letters to loved ones near and far. I mourn with those who mourn the first Christmas without a loved one.
How are you preparing for Christmas?
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 10
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 5 y ago
I try to honor Christ all year long. My wife also does and she enjoying decorating the house in festive ways. In our house we have begun to decorate the house for Christmas as soon as Thanksgiving day is over. In fact before we went to bed on thanksgiving day I noticed some decorations had already begun to appear. I enjoy listening to Christmas carols and some of teh more modern versions of them as well.
I remember when I did not know the Lord and was focused on gifts alone and had a feeling of emptiness that was not filled until I accepted what Christ had done for me and each and every other believer so long ago. I am thankful that Christ has been my Lord and savior for almost three decades now. I pray that God blesses each of you my friends.
FYI SSG William JonesMaj William W. 'Bill' Price SP5 Jeannie Carle Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Sgt Albert Castro CW5 John M. MSG Andrew White SCPO Morris Ramsey SGT (Join to see) PO1 Robert George ] SP5 Mark Kuzinski SP5 Robert Ruck CPL Cadrew Strickland SPC Matthew Lamb SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth SSG Michael Noll SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
>1 y
A friend an I were discussing Church and our views (I'm Christian and he's Catholic) on why people attend. He said, "you attend Church mainly to praise an honor God"? I said,"no"! He was stunned! I told him, I praise and honor an pray to God every day, and to read His Word Daily. I attend Church for two reasons: to have fellowship and again to glorify and praise my Lord! I'm not one to open my Bible on Sunday and than to keep it closed till next Sunday. Every day is a gift, as all of us are aware. Thanks Stephen, for your words, because they made me remember this old conversation from the past! God Bless
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
LTC Stephen F. I have a little drive from California to Colorado to meet with my parents and brother on Christmas Day and then back to California! I hope you have a Merry Christmas Stephen with your family and God!
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
>1 y
I envy you Mikel. You still have your parents with you! Really wonderful! Hold them close! God Bless
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LTC Bink Romanick
I'm hooping to be home for Christmas, I'm still in rehab after my amputation.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
LTC Bink Romanick, GOD bless you. HOW I pray for you.
I pray, very fervently, that you will be at home with your loved ones
on Christmas.
Thank You for Your Service and Your Sacrifices.
Very Sincerely, Margaret
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Bink Romanick, Sir I hope you are home too. I also hope your rehab is coming along. Keith
CPT Military Police
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Bink Romanick  I hope you're home too.
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
>1 y
Bink: My prayer for you is with God. Find Peace in the Spirit my brother.
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