Posted on Dec 3, 2013
SSG Dan McIntosh
<p>Here's my question:&nbsp; I have been told by a senior NCO a few years back, something that has stuck with me even until now, but currently I am unsure as to the validity of this information. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The issue pertains only to two areas of the ASU for a DA Photo.</p><p>First: DUI, are they to be worn or not worn on the ASU for a DA Photo?</p><p>Second: Unit Awards, are they to be worn or not worn on the ASU?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I am aware, if you were/are in a unit that receives an award, that that award is a permanent award that you can wear on your ASU.&nbsp; But for a DA Photo, do you wear unit awards that are not permanent?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I have tried to research the RallyPoint Discussions but unable to find one that answered this question.&nbsp; As always, if you are able to provide a regulation, in any form, please post a link to it or direct quote that regulation.</p>
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SGT Writer
Da photo guide
SSG, this could serve as a quick reference guide.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I have no idea where I found this. Maybe, LFTF FB Page.
CSM John Mead
CSM John Mead
>1 y
That diagram tells it all. It should be marked as DA Photos for Dummies.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
Guess some people cannot read
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SGM Matthew Quick
- Infantry Cords, Blue Discs, or Flash
- Leadership Tabs
- French Fourragere
SGT Tony Clifford
SGT Tony Clifford
8 y
You can wear unit awards if they were awarded to your unit while you were in the unit.
SGT Layne Jeffery
SGT Layne Jeffery
>1 y
No Infantry cord that is earned? That sucks.
MSG Senior Geospatial Engineer Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
6 y
Alway airborne units or air assault units no backing
MCPO Jerry Woller
MCPO Jerry Woller
3 y
CPT (Join to see) - There is NOTHING in the regulations that states the button must be removed. Whoever tells it must be is an ignorant liar.
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MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor

SSG McIntosh, hope this helps:

The following Army Regulations govern Official Photographs: AR 640-30 - Photographs for Military Human Resources Records; AR 670-01 - Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia; AR 600-8-22 - Military Awards; DA PAM 25-91- Visual Information Procedures

Effective 1 JUL 2009 Soldiers may wear either the (green) Class A Uniform or the NEW (blue) Army Service Uniform. The green uniform is authorized until the fourth quarter of the year 2014.  Soldiers cannot wear the old dress blues. The Soldier is responsible for ensuring that his or her uniform fits properly, is pressed and that all ribbons/medals/badges/rank are correctly displayed for official military photographs. ** IAW Army regulation, Soldiers, anyone assisting the soldier or D.A. Photo Studio photographers cannot not pin, clip, stuff, or otherwise change or alter the appearance of the uniform to make it fit properly.** Female service members may wear either the skirt or slacks for their photo. Wear Distinctive Unit Insignia (Unit Crests). Unit crests and your unit patch are the only exceptions to the permanent rule. Soldiers who are regimentally affiliated should wear their Regimental Distinctive Insignia. Wear only those unit citations that you have permanent orders for and are listed on your ERB, ORB, or other personnel records. The wearing of one (1) foreign award is authorized. Do not wear French Fourrageres. Do not wear blue Infantry cords or discs. Do not wear green leadership tabs. The photograph is a ¾ length photo; shoes will not show in the photo, but you are required to have something on your feet other than socks

MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
No prob, that's what RP is for right? Helping each other!! Good luck on the board!
CSM John Mead
CSM John Mead
>1 y
They’ve definitely changed the appearance of the photo since I was in. All DA photos were full length, with the soldier standing next to a placard with his/her name, rank, MOS, and date of the photo on it. Properly hemmed trousers were a must. Other than that, all is still pretty much the same. I don’t care much for the current class A uniform, or ASU. Unit patches instill pride and wearing a piece of tin on your blouse’s front seems a poor substitute for one worn on your sleeve. It would seem that higher’s preoccupation over the last two decades has been either with the ASU or ACU. Hasn’t the military got better things to worry about? The Marines have had the same service uniform for decades and it never gets old.
CPL Cord Nipper
CPL Cord Nipper
>1 y
I agree. Although I got out long ago I always thought the old green Class A was a pretty sharp looking uniform.
The new ASU just doesn't compare.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
CSM John Mead ‘Properly hemmed trousers’?

Did you ever wear trousers with a ‘military cut for the hems’?

I recall trousers whose crease did not ‘break’in front and was tapered to cover the socks and part of shoe’s heel in the rear.

Do you?
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