Posted on Jul 2, 2024

Has anyone used a Vet Center for mental health? What was your experience like?
Verified Member
I am trying to decide if I can trust going to a Vet Center.
Posted 9 mo ago
Responses: 23
Posted 9 mo ago
Each vet center is very individual as are the therapists that work there. Give it a try
SPC Donna Partain
8 mo
Yes, and their atmosphere changes appx. every 3 years. Many of them can provide video dr visits as well. The VA has been good to me for years and I always recommend them.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
I Just Made A Reply Referencing My Experiences ~~ In Short "USE CAUTION";
I Came Close To Becoming A Member Of The Funny Farm, Due To Their Multiple Errors Over Several Years, Before Discovering "The Actual Problem Was The Medications."..
I Came Close To Becoming A Member Of The Funny Farm, Due To Their Multiple Errors Over Several Years, Before Discovering "The Actual Problem Was The Medications."..
Posted 9 mo ago
Additionally, the nearest Vet Center to me is a 1 hour therapist made it a point to come to me in my town for my appointments. My therapist personally drove 2 hours for my 1 hour appointments
SPC Donna Partain
8 mo
Your town must have a VA outpost to allow that. I don't think the VA just drives to every town-that needs to be clear. People, don't assume that your VA doctor is going to make house calls because that is NOT federal policy.
MSG (Join to see)
8 mo
SPC Donna Partain it's not VA, it's Veterans Center. They work in tandem but are separate entities
Posted 9 mo ago
I have used a Vet Center for mental health. My experience was/is top notch. My therapist is a retired Army Reserve Psychologist.
And, the best part, is that while they do work tandem with the VA, the medical records the Vet Center keeps on you can't be accessed by anyone unless you allow or is court ordered.
And, the best part, is that while they do work tandem with the VA, the medical records the Vet Center keeps on you can't be accessed by anyone unless you allow or is court ordered.
SPC Donna Partain
8 mo
My VA mental health experience fell way short! Every 3-6 months I would get a new doctor and instead of them reading notes left for them, I would have to relive trauma over and over anover and over and.... to explain it over and over again to each new doctor-so after almost 10 years of dealing with them, I stopped going to mental health because the New Orleans VA mental health deprtment obviously had no regard for vets or they would not have put me and other sodiers through that! That is the worst (and maybe the only) problem that I have with my VA. I need metal health badly but becuase of their shoddy incompitence and constant employee turnover I refuse to use them.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
3 - 6 Months ~~ That OFTEN? ~
My Experiences Were Almost Identical To Yours ~~ I Should Have Tape Recorded What I Had To Repeat To Each Doctor ~ It Was As Though They Lined Up, And Then Came Through A Revolving Door. They THOUGHT I Was Insane, While I KNEW They're NUTS.
My Experiences Were Almost Identical To Yours ~~ I Should Have Tape Recorded What I Had To Repeat To Each Doctor ~ It Was As Though They Lined Up, And Then Came Through A Revolving Door. They THOUGHT I Was Insane, While I KNEW They're NUTS.
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