Posted on Jan 31, 2014
SSG Richard McMurray
Should retirees salute the flag
I know that current regulations have changed to allow retirees to salute the flag in passing.  My understanding is that it is allowed now, but voluntary.  What does everyone think?  As a retiree should I be saluting the flag in passing?
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Responses: 272
SGT Journeyman Plumber
I'm a veteran, not a retiree, and I salute the flag. I have never bothered to read what the regulations say about veterans saluting, and I personally don't care. In my opinion, I've earned the right, and if anyone feels compelled to tell me different then they can mind their own damned business.
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
By about a year Sgt Adam Jennings! This is an OLD topic.
Sgt Adam Jennings
Sgt Adam Jennings
>1 y
Lol, but it just showed up on my side.
PO1 Rudy Dowdy
PO1 Rudy Dowdy
7 y
I will render a salute. Until I can't raise my hand to do it. Any where any time. I stand for the anthem. Even in my house.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
6 mo
~"Should" We? ~
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1SG Steven Stankovich
Saluting the flag is a sign is respect.  Respect not only for the flag as the symbol of our nation, but also as a sign of respect for those who have fought and died for the flag and what it symbolizes.  I believe that it is the choice of every veteran and retiree to salute the flag they have defended through their service to our nation.  They have earned it. 
SSgt Jay Dee
SSgt Jay Dee
>1 y
To Capt Schwager and SGT Belk: Sir, nothing has changed in the Marine Corps. This is a regulation specific to our branch. I presented the flag to my uncle at my grandfather's funeral to my uncle. It was inside because of the weather. I wasn't covered. Since my grandfather was in the Army, the folded the flag and passed it to me. I didn't salute, just stood at attention, he passed it and saluted. I passed it to my uncle, about faced, and returned to where I was standing. I got asked afterwards why I didn't salute, I explained our regulations. To SGT Belk: again, every service is different, but that is not exactly how we are taught to salute. Most of the hand details are true, but we emphasize the location of the elbow as well. But like the Captain stated, the only time we salute indoors, is when we are covered which only would be when we are carrying a weapon on duty.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
Capt Jeff Schwager I agree with you. I too feel uncomfortable saluting uncovered. It's just a no no for us Marines and Naval personnel. I will always render honor to the Flag and the National Anthem by standing at attention with hand over heart if uncovered or rendering a hand salute if outdoors and covered. SEMPER FI!
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
>1 y
but as SFC Wheeler points out, we do have a legal right to if we want to.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
LCpl Mark Lefler, you are absolutely correct, but MY Marine training won't allow me to deviate from what I was taught by my Drill Instructors. (I can see myself doing 20 push ups after saluting uncovered! with GySgt Wadley yelling at me!)
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CSM Chris McKeown
In my opinion all Americans should salute the American flag, civilians should salute by placing their right hand over their heart. The American flag is for all Americans and represents freedom, it also represents the struggles and lives lost to keep that freedom both military and civilian.<br><br>Every American should be proud of this country and what it stands for!<br>
SGT Bryon Sergent
SGT Bryon Sergent
>1 y
Or at all!
SGT Thomas Lucken
SGT Thomas Lucken
>1 y
Gentlemen, it drives me nuts to and it is hard to bite my tongue!  Especially since I am not afraid to be outspoken about things!  ;-)
LTC Barry Hull
LTC Barry Hull
10 y
Civilians saluting is like a dogs writing a novels. It will never work out right. Leave it be.
SSG Ronald Limbaugh
SSG Ronald Limbaugh
8 y
I agree with CSM McKeown, in that civilians and service members active and veteran) should salute, civilians with hand over heart, SMs with hand salute. However, I also feel that the the rights and freedoms we are/were willing to sacrifice for, grant the right of any citizen the choice of not to salute. Granted, I do get a bit wrapped around the axle when someone blatantly ignores Old Glory, but that is their right. I've seen countless posts involving folks getting irate about US athletes not saluting the flag or during the Anthem. I feel that this outrage is just as disrespectful to our service as the lack of respect shown to the Flag, Anthem or Nation as a whole. Although I might not like the manner in which some citizens express themselves toward our nation, I feel it falls under their First Amendment rights, if they so choose.
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