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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
If the Democratic Party deserved its name, it would respond democratically by stopping and rethinking. It would push an agenda the public actually wants. But party operatives instead say they must rush the radical agenda even faster — get it done this summer — because it’ll be impossible in an election year or in the next Congress after they’ve lost. Think about that. Democrats know the public hates what they’re doing, so they slam their feet on the accelerator before voters can stop them.
I thought that paragraph summed it up pretty well SGT (Join to see)
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
LOL!! I see the GOP minions are again blaming others of doing what they do!! What party let it's idiot cause the death of 600,000+ Americans and fell to their knees every time the loser uttered those 30,500+ lies. So somebody tell these fools that this is supposed to be a military topic site. But I will be damned if I let fascist supporting insurrectionists lie! I support the constitution and those who tried and failed to overthrow it are traitors. And FYI, the loser supported nearly everything adolph did from union bashing, voter restrictions, destroying the free press, and it goes on! So deal with it.
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SPC Robert Conway
Actually, every single agenda item.that Democrats are undertaking enjoys vast public support, including Republicans.

If the elected officials in Congress actually listened to people's concerns, instead of trying to stoke fear to hold power, we would be much better off.
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel The sky is blue, water is qet. :)
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
>1 y
A1C Mike Allen polling data.
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
1 y
SFC Randy Hellenbrand oddly, calling names and unsupported slander don't really impress me.
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