Posted on Jul 8, 2015
SGT Jeremiah B.
In the 2016 Defense Authorization bill is a provision that would authorize purple hearts for the 6 service members killed in the bombing. Is this in keeping with the intent and spirit of the medal or does it overly expand its application?
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Responses: 3
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SGT Jeremiah B. I believe the Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart got this one right:

The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the President of the United States to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services after April 5, 1917, has been wounded or killed. Specific examples of services which warrant the Purple Heart include any action against an enemy of the United States; any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the United States are or have been engaged; while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party; as a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces; or as the result of an act of any hostile foreign force. After 28 March 1973, it may be awarded as a result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of the Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack. After 28 March 1973, as a result of military operations while serving outside the territory of the United States as part of a peacekeeping force.

The Purple Heart differs from all other decorations in that an individual is not "recommended" for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria. A Purple Heart is awarded for the first wound suffered under conditions indicated above, but for each subsequent award an oak leaf cluster is worn in lieu of another medal. Not more than one award will be made for more than one wound or injury received at the same instant.

A "wound" is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical lesion is not required; however, the wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by a medical officer and records of medical treatment for wounds or injuries received in action must have been made a matter of official record. When contemplating an award of this decoration, the key issue that commanders must take into consideration is the degree to which the enemy caused the injury. The fact that the proposed recipient was participating in direct or indirect combat operations is a necessary prerequisite, but is not sole justification for award. The Purple Heart is not awarded for non-combat injuries.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, I'm thinking so as well. I've heard of purple hearts being awarded for silly things, but it seems that lone wolf domestic terrorism during peacetime might be a bit beyond the intent.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SGT Jeremiah B. I think the key word they are falling back on is "International Terroism" and that was domestic. Just my personal thoughts!
CW2 Ernest Krutzsch
CW2 Ernest Krutzsch
>1 y
He was an enemy of the US, so they qualify, in my opinion
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SSG Izzy Abbass
Interesting. Here's the current guidelines as I understand them:
(1) In any action against an enemy of the United States.

(2) In any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the United States are or have been engaged.

(3) While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

(4) As a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces.

(5) As the result of an act of any hostile foreign force.

(6) After 28 March 1973, as a result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of the Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed Services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack.

(7) After 28 March 1973, as a result of military operations while serving outside the territory of the United States as part of a peacekeeping force.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
>1 y
It doesn't qualify. I read somewhere that this may have to do with the desire to give them to the Fort Hood shooting victims.
CW2 Ernest Krutzsch
CW2 Ernest Krutzsch
>1 y
Oh I was the Counterintelligence Warrant Officer for G2 at 1st ID when this occurred, so I have a vested interest in this topic
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LTC Bink Romanick
I agree with the MOPH this event, though horrific, does not qualify for award of the PH. I also disagreed with the award of the PH to the shooting victims at Fort Hood.
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