Posted on Jul 21, 2024
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Monday Mornings "Cup O' Joe" with Warriors for Life (WFL) Presented by Victory for Veterans Inc. is on tap!!!

Make sure to 'Drop In' every Monday Morning for a "Cup O' Joe" with Volunteer and Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio with Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV)! Check out the dates and times below and connect on Zoom!

Invite a friend, tell a friend, and get connected with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, Military Families/Spouses, and Caretakers every Monday Morning for the "Cup O' Joe" with Derrick and Friends.

Every Monday Morning: "Cup O' Joe"

It will be a Great Morning Everyone and will welcome you all to Warriors for Life (WFL) "Coffee Break!".

Have a great Monday Morning to start off each new week with a cup of coffee in hand for Derrick's "Coffee Break!" Great way to start each week! It's all about hanging out and having a great conversation with everyone!

Hope to see you there!

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online "Cup O' Joe" Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV)! – Every Monday morning at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET

Join Zoom Meeting at - [login to see] 4


Copying and pasting the following link into the address bar of your web browser: [login to see] 4


Go to this link: - and scroll down to Monday Mornings — “Cup O' Joe!” with Derrick & Friends — Host Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio — click on the RED button “Join Now Via Zoom"

Thank you,

Derrick Iozzio,
Army Veteran, Mental Health Peer Specialist (MHPS), Catch 22 Peer Support Founder, & Volunteer Facilitator, Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life!” - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Edited 2 mo ago
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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Grab your coffee and dial in!
Sgt John H.
Sgt John H.
2 mo
Have a Blessed day, Charlie
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited 2 mo ago
Joe's out. The big Q now is who are the Democrats going to run? They literally have NOBODY worth voting for. Moochelle Obama? Isn't three terms of Obama in the Oval Office enough? Everyone with a clue knows Joe didn't make any decisions in his Administration. He was still working for his old boss, and did whatever the DNC leadership told him to do. He signed EO's for Nancy Pelosi and didn't even know what he was signing. It's a shame the country didn't pull together and expose the Democrats' corrupt schemes and mail-in ballot fraud that got Biden installed. We let the Democrats get away with two sham impeachments, and the FBI to get away with staging violence on J6 and engaging in partisan politics and election interference.

The Democrats can't win based on the merit of their ideas. so they cheat and rig elections to stay in power. But people are waking up to the Party of Wokeness and realizing that they're nothing but a bunch of lying, thieving, incompetents. Heck, they couldn't even pull off an assassination right and all they can do is make excuses for the incompetents they appoint to lead the various federal agencies. Nobody is ever held accountable for their corruption and screw-ups.

Why has Mayorkas not be fired? Millions of unvetted illegals are in this country thanks to the Democrats' feckless policies and they want to put them on Social Security? ??!! They try to hide behind DEI to justify their actions and it's just pathetic. Watching the Secret Service respond to the Trump assassination attempt was like watching Reno 911. Biden was always meant to be the fall guy. They'll blame him for their bad policy. He was nothing but a puppet anyway and he answered to his staff, who had to give him cue cards and cheat sheets, lead him by the hand and tell him what to say. Everyone but the DNC leaders knew Biden wasn't capable of handling the job but that didn't stop them from pumping sunshine about his ability to focus and his... "leadership?" It was obvious in 2020 he wasn't up to task and they ran him anyway.

Do we really need Obama running the show for a fourth term? The Democratic platform SUCKS and three years of having the DNC run this country by proxy using puppet Biden to implement their bad policies has been a disaster on both the domestic economic and foreign policy fronts. This country is suffering from hyperinflation and is on the verge of becoming unable to pay the interest on its national debt. We are on the brink of insolvency. America's reputation and international standing have suffered major blows. Our enemies were quick to perceive Biden wasn't up to task and perceiving his weakness, they seized the opportunity to initiate conflicts. Our allies have lost faith in our ability to lead and are looking elsewhere for alliances. They are weaning themselves off the USD and weighing getting rid of the USD as the world reserve currency. That will only make matters worse for us as the cost of energy will increase when we have to convert our worthless dollars to other currencies to buy oil on the global market. Biden is going to get blamed for all the Democrats' bad policy and History will remember him as far worse than Obama. It's ironic that Biden reversed Trump's policies [that were working!] and took the country back to Obama's failed policies. And when the SHTF, just as with Obama, the previous Administration and especially its leader was blamed for everything their Administration messed up, and nobody in the Administration was ever held accountable for their screw-ups.

Don't feel sorry for Joe. He lied about his influence peddling, money laundering, and tax evasion. He knew what he was getting into when he became a willing accomplice to the election fraud that allowed him to usurp his way into the White House. He was chosen to run because he was corrupt, which made him easy to manipulate and control. As for his so-called "leadership" that the Democrats are gushing about [now that they practically have gotten rid of him], the ONLY decision Biden ever made in his Administration is what flavor ice cream he would get as a reward for getting through a press brief without getting off script or having a mental lapse. SMH. Watch as he gets blamed for the Left's bad policies. Biden was chosen to be both wrecking ball and fall guy. He is getting exactly what he deserves.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
2 mo
How about Swalwell? It might be fun hearing him growl out his excuses.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
2 mo
CPL Douglas Chrysler - How long did it take for Congress to kick Swalwell off the House Intelligence Committee and revoke his clearance? If he had been held to UCMJ standards, he would have been booted out of Congress, pending investigation into his misconduct and negligence in safeguarding classified data.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
2 mo
CPL Douglas Chrysler - My point was that it didn't happen immediately. He remained in that position for a while before McCarthy took action. The Democrats were pressuring McCarthy to keep Swalwell in the committee.
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