Posted on Nov 16, 2016
Trump made some big promises when comes to taking care of the Veterans. What are your top 3 priorities he should focus on?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
1. He should focus on hiring the right leader for the VA Secretary slot. This should be someone that is a change agent and preferably with some medical background/experience.
2. He should have the entire compensation structure for senior leaders evaluated to ensure they are based upon patient satisfaction and wellness not abstract data points.
3. He should look to allow more privatized treatment for VA care to ensure speed and reliability as well as quality of care until the VA can right itself.
2. He should have the entire compensation structure for senior leaders evaluated to ensure they are based upon patient satisfaction and wellness not abstract data points.
3. He should look to allow more privatized treatment for VA care to ensure speed and reliability as well as quality of care until the VA can right itself.
Posted 8 y ago
A legitimate investigation into the Clinton's and their Foundation. I want to see the coup de gras. Trump has talked about getting rid of corruption and Clinton has stuck it in our face for 20 years. I didn't vote for Trump. I voted against Clinton. I want her to reap the rewards of years of corruption.
Getting rid of NAFTA. Worst thing to happen to the US economy since the Great Depression.
Fix healthcare. I mean all of it. pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, hospitals...all of it. Insurances companies say they are going broke, yet they just tore down our local hospital and built a super fancy one on top of it. You know why? They are f#ucking rich. Doctors are chumps. The money is running the hospital. Charging 500x what it cost to produce a pill. That is some BS. I would love to see them have to struggle like the rest of us to pay for things. Just because someone needs help don't mean you get to take advantage of them. The system is broke and as much as I hate the government interfering in free trade, these death dealers have to be reigned in. We have to have healthcare.
Being able to help vets, by being able to fire people. There are some great people at the VA and there are some turds. Time to be able to flush the turds down. Then we get some people in there that deserve to be there and want to be there.
Getting rid of NAFTA. Worst thing to happen to the US economy since the Great Depression.
Fix healthcare. I mean all of it. pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, hospitals...all of it. Insurances companies say they are going broke, yet they just tore down our local hospital and built a super fancy one on top of it. You know why? They are f#ucking rich. Doctors are chumps. The money is running the hospital. Charging 500x what it cost to produce a pill. That is some BS. I would love to see them have to struggle like the rest of us to pay for things. Just because someone needs help don't mean you get to take advantage of them. The system is broke and as much as I hate the government interfering in free trade, these death dealers have to be reigned in. We have to have healthcare.
Being able to help vets, by being able to fire people. There are some great people at the VA and there are some turds. Time to be able to flush the turds down. Then we get some people in there that deserve to be there and want to be there.
Posted 8 y ago
fixing the Broken system, better coverage to The Vets... stop the wasted spending ...
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