Posted on May 31, 2019
Should or could there be nationally a strict civilian gun control law passed?
With the high assault rate by police to the citizen and there right to lie and entrap any person be changed as well?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 364
Posted >1 y ago
Let's put aside your assertions that the police are assaulting citizens or lying and entrapping them. We know from actual records that those things aren't true, but assume they were. How would a strict gun control law prevent any of that? How would a strict gun control law prevent crime? The fact (real fact) is that crime is highest in areas with the strictest gun control laws, and homicides are virtually non-existent in jurisdictions with the least infringements on gun rights. For example, 54% of American counties report no homicides and nearly 50% of all homicides occur in the major metropolitan areas with very strict gun control laws. Indeed, if you ignore gun crimes in the ten largest population centers, the US has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - quote "thread with your misinformation and lies"
I quote exactly the FBI, and other science sites. you shout order ands bully like a middle school tough guy. Like it's Malcolm in the Middle. a quote exactly from the web site of the FBI is neither a lie nor a spam. nor misinformation.
grow up and act like an adult. this is not middle school and not malcolm in the middle. rude insulting bullying is does not stop facts being facts.
deny the FBI just to prove how big you are? really. give us a break, that's just funny. reputation on ralley point+ over the FBI? you gotta be kidding. really? my reputation will suffer at ralley point for quoting the fb website? oh what a hopeless tragic deplorable fate. worse than death, Not.
I quote exactly the FBI, and other science sites. you shout order ands bully like a middle school tough guy. Like it's Malcolm in the Middle. a quote exactly from the web site of the FBI is neither a lie nor a spam. nor misinformation.
grow up and act like an adult. this is not middle school and not malcolm in the middle. rude insulting bullying is does not stop facts being facts.
deny the FBI just to prove how big you are? really. give us a break, that's just funny. reputation on ralley point+ over the FBI? you gotta be kidding. really? my reputation will suffer at ralley point for quoting the fb website? oh what a hopeless tragic deplorable fate. worse than death, Not.
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - quote. "Sorry but it has been proved you CAN" what has been proven who can what. not that i care actually. i do care about my country. and it's constitution, and the union of we the people. so yes i am as desperate as it takes to stand up to denial of truth. my country counts, to me, and i even spend time replying to bullies and self appointed tough guys, to make sure 4 out of 50 states and 7% of the country's population are not included in the FBI's statistics, according to the FBI. and every other website reporting on the FBI's statistics. all cited. so go on insulting, calling names, and spouting out falsifications, fictions, and fabrications. all you want. apparently since that seems to be what you need to show off. oblivious to citations, or fact.
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SPC Richard Zacke - quote "They want new laws taking away our AR's and any other military looking weapon so they have an unarmed population to prey upon: and you know that how> is there a data base i can go to to verify that report, or is it just made up. what's the sample base for that statistic? how were the criminals recruited into your study? or did no one actually ask any convicted criminals or self identified professional criminals. because it just looke like something grabbed out of the air. an alternative fact invented to fit the predetermined story
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
PO2 David Reich - quote; The purpose of the gun laws was to stop violent crime. Instead, what happens is violent criminals got better at obtaining weapons illegally." most murders are not committed by people committing another crime. most murders are committed by people who know each other. almost 30% of murders are committed by family members. killings are crimes of passion and not associated with professional crime.
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - quote the FBI "In 2003, FBI UCR data were compiled from more than 16,000 agencies, representing 93 percent of the population in 46 states and the District of Columbia. ...nationally reporting is not mandated,..'
7% OF THE USA population is not reported on at all. 7% of the USA is not in its reports and 4 states do not report anything ... according to the FBI
7% OF THE USA population is not reported on at all. 7% of the USA is not in its reports and 4 states do not report anything ... according to the FBI
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - quote the FBI " Agencies participate voluntarily and submit their crime data either through a state UCR program or directly to the FBI's UCR Program."
do not insult me because i report the exact facts reported on the FBI's own pages ... that insults every veteran
do not insult me because i report the exact facts reported on the FBI's own pages ... that insults every veteran
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program | Federal Bureau of Investigation
The UCR Program's primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management.
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - it's really insulting to all veterans to insult anyone who disagrees and gives the facts with citation. no need for name calling. facts don't call people names
A1C Isa Kocher
>1 y
data in the FBI databases are entirely voluntary. the FBI website says 4 states provide no data at all, 7% of the population of the usa is not represented. nothing can be done to validate verify or authenticate any FBI data because it's derived voluntarily from states that edit data or from police sources that delete data for various kinds of reasons.
Nature is one of the main science research publications ...quote "the FBI unveiled its official National Use-of-Force Data Collection, which covers dozens of variables including fatal and non-fatal injuries incurred through a variety of police encounters. The database, according to the FBI, aims to inform dialogue by filling the information gap. But data submission is entirely voluntary." [login to see] 1-9
Nature is one of the main science research publications ...quote "the FBI unveiled its official National Use-of-Force Data Collection, which covers dozens of variables including fatal and non-fatal injuries incurred through a variety of police encounters. The database, according to the FBI, aims to inform dialogue by filling the information gap. But data submission is entirely voluntary." [login to see] 1-9
What the data say about police shootings
How do racial biases play into deadly encounters with the police? Researchers wrestle with incomplete data to reach answers.
Posted >1 y ago
Provide statistics to back up your claim. Police officers are not assaulting citizens or lying to entrap anyone.
SFC Barbara Layman
>1 y
SSG Amanda Lockrem - " SG Amanda Lockrem 9 h SFC Barbara Layman
Says Karen "
Who is Karen? I have absolutely NO clue to what you refer. It would be most helpful if you would copy/paste the comment to which you are responding.
Says Karen "
Who is Karen? I have absolutely NO clue to what you refer. It would be most helpful if you would copy/paste the comment to which you are responding.
SFC Barbara Layman
>1 y
SSG Amanda Lockrem - "SSG Amanda Lockrem 9 h
SFC Barbara Layman I disagree with you. It’s not mostly BS. Do you have Facebook by chance? Or just do a simple google search and the injustice is front and center, can’t miss it."
About what?
SFC Barbara Layman I disagree with you. It’s not mostly BS. Do you have Facebook by chance? Or just do a simple google search and the injustice is front and center, can’t miss it."
About what?
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
SSG Amanda Lockrem - Do I read multiple sources of news? Absolutely. Have I worked with law enforcement throughout my career? Yes. Do I trust posts on Facebook (which I find hilarious that you include as a source for "independent news")? Absolutely not. Would I trust your so called "research"? I'm afraid not. No offense, but your confidence in your ability to find anecdotal "evidence" of Police Officers acting poorly is not indicative of an entire organization of people who volunteer to serve the people. Given time, I could find similar examples of organizational member not living up to their core values. Be in the Military, politicians, the media, the medical community, and then some. We all have our bad apples. But one thing resonates to me when it comes to my initial perspective when criticism is directed at Police Officers. They take an oath to protect and serve and that means something. It doesn't make them automatically innocent, but when I make my initial comparison between two people I don't know, but at least knowing one chose to serve the people, I give that Police Office the initial benefit of the doubt until evidence proves otherwise. As someone who also gave an oath multiple times and lived up to it, I owe them that initial respect. However, if and when they unfortunately turn out to be wrong, I lose so much more respect for them when they betray their oath. I would recommend you do the same. I don't know how anyone can live a life constantly distrusting those how volunteer to take on a difficult and challenging job working in many cases around some of the worst of people who care nothing about the people and the would around them. So save your collections of Police Officers acting poorly and how about you set out on a quest to list the collections of Police Officers acting heroically. By the way, I see more of those examples on Facebook, so if that is your go to source, maybe you should consider what Facebook is targeting you for. You do realize they build profiles on you right? When you express an interest in something, you will get inundated with posts centered around that subject.
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