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Responses: 3
CSM Charles Hayden
Edited >1 y ago
SFC (Join to see) The included statement:

“”” But more notably, this AI technology is rooted in plagiarism.””, says it all!

Interesting reticle nevertheless.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
Good evening Chuck. You zeroed in on the right context about AI.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
It seems evident that the author of this article doesn't understand basic computing let alone AI. AI is not based on data sets. Indeed, it uses information that it "learns" and reacts to. Some reactions are successful, most are not. It builds its own data set much has humans remember choices and their results, and makes better choices as its storehouse of experience grows (much like humans). And yes, that means that, like humans, two different AIs can reach different conclusions from the same experiences just as humans do.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Great comments and context. I everything hinges on what your definition of what learning is. I believe what the author, Andrew Heinzman, is saying is that most people attribute learning to thinking, that is to hypothesize a solution to a problem based on critical thinking. Is that your understanding of learning?

Heinzman goes on to describe the AI of today as generating random actions and observing/recording to enlarge its data base. As the data base approaches infinity, I can see how some can see this as learning also. I tend to think of intelligence as critical thinking that can independently solve problems. I have to learn more about AI before I decide.
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Sound like "garbage in, garbage out" has matured. Still leaves us with the problem of who generates the "garbage in".
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
I believe you are correct.
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