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Responses: 4
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
I have one of them, only mine was built in 1917, great rifle.
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CW3 Harvey K.
Edited >1 y ago
I always wanted a Krag.
My barber, when I was in grade school, had one (among many other guns). I later heard that when the '03 Springfield was issued, the "old salts" wanted to keep their Krags. They swore they were more accurate. It was probably more a case of shooting better with a rifle you're familiar with.
Cpl Scott McCarroll
Cpl Scott McCarroll
>1 y
I don't know, I was in the last platoon to use the M-14 in boot camp when were done they moved to the 16, I grew up hunting in Texas 30:30 Winchester lever action that had the same ring that you saw on the Rifleman's rifle. And a 30:06 Feather Weight bolt action. I also had a 300 Weatherby Magnum. I never shot a score as high as I did in boot camp
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
Cpl Scott McCarroll - I almost missed the M-14. I was issued an M-1 for all my time in the Corps, then joined the Army Reserve just when the M-16 was newly issued. I didn't get to shoot the M-14 until I had a National Match version as a member of the rifle team. Better late than never.
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SGT Matthew S.
I always found the Krag a unique & interesting rifle. Finally got my hands on one last year, but haven't got all the components together yet to load for it and am not willing to spend $35 a box for rounds to plink with... yet.

Great video, thanks for sharing.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Hear you talking Matt, see if you can find a place that sells just the casings, and reload your own. Local gun shop wants $1.50/round. Sort of ridiculous.
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