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Responses: 11
Maj John Bell
Edited 5 y ago
The best way to destroy our nation's faith in the military as an institution is for it to become politicized. I have not seen an actual quote by any Flag Officer, former or active, that hints at the necessity or desirability of a coup. But, any Flag officer, former or active, who even hints at a coup should be called back to active duty, busted to lowest whale turd at the bottom of the ocean, and given room and board in Leavenworth for life.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Please show me the list of flag officers who have called for a coup--and a call for impeachment doesn't meet the requirement to call for a coup.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Please re-read my comment.

I state very clearly... 2ND SENTENCE

" I have not seen an actual quote by any Flag Officer, former or active, that hints at the necessity or desirability of a coup."
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Maj John Bell - I saw that, and then you went ahead and said that any flag officer that did should be punished.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Correct. And I stand by what I said. Any flag officer that calls for a coup should be punished.

When and where did I say a call for impeachment by a flag officer should be punished?

The sentence goes as follows: "But, any Flag officer, former or active, who even hints at a coup should be called back to active duty, busted to lowest whale turd at the bottom of the ocean, and given room and board in Leavenworth for life." Please note that the word impeachment is not present in that sentence, nor is "calls for impeachment" at any point implied.

There is a provision for impeachment in the Constitution.
There is no provision for a coup in the Constitution.
"Impeachment" DOES NOT EQUAL "coup."
"Call for impeachment" DOES NOT EQUAL "call for coup."

I do think it bad form for flag officers to comment on partisan politics. I believe that it poses a real threat to America's faith in the military. Personal opinion: When it comes to partisan politics, Flag officers should put on a jersey and get in the game after retirement, or they should shut up.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Retire and jump in the swamp.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
What a complete bullshit article. McRaven absolutely never says or implies anything about a coup. He also doesnt do any of the other bs that this author claims inthe article. I suggest reading McRavens actual oped, that is linked to inthe article, then compare what McRaven actually wrote to what this authorclaims he wrote, and the differrences will be clear.
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