Posted on Nov 13, 2022
#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Corps Veteran Stepheni LeGuin - VA News
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Excellent share Major. I think the Marines makes major changes in most everyone's life who joins them. I know it did for me. I went in at seventeen, a young smarta$$ punk kid who got cut down to size really quick by the drill instructors along with a field grade Article 15 in boot camp followed by ten days on the rock pile (and we did break rock back in those days). I left four years later a new and totally different person. The Marines molded me into the person I have become today.
Cpl Vic Burk
COL Randall C. - I agree 100% Colonel. The Corps taught me so much about being the best I could be and taking pride in myself and helping others that I know I would not be what I am without the military.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
Cpl Vic Burk - Serving in any branch of the service helps to build charicter, no matter how short the enlistment was. I chose Army.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
COL Randall C. One look at my profile page should make it clear the impact the army had on my life . . .
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